Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 18 February 2020

End Of March 2020 and other things (2019-nCoV bioengineered agenda; Atlantis etc)

No, we're not closing down the blog at the end of this month! That's the good news, as we've had a relatively helpful response to our announcement we're shutting 'The Light of Truth Chronicles down on 28.2.20.

Instead, we're going to go on a month to month basis ... which means we're holding off the  'termination button' until 31.3.20 ... and going to see if there is a continued improvement in visitors.

It's been a wonderful response from you guys, our visitors, to somehow counter the negative effects of the Google A.I algorithms which are effectively trying to make us disappear on the internet.

We're still very much here and hopefully will still be here after 31.3.20.

Please make sure you bookmark us; add us to your favourite's list. And get your friends, colleagues and family to do the same thing!

Many thanks everyone for your awesome support!! We did warn back in late 2018 that 2020 was going to be bad! We warned it would be worse than anything there was in 2019. So far 2020 is BAD.

With the Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Endemic that is far WORSE than the media is reporting. There is a huge cover up, and we deduce that the idea is to affect as many people as they can worldwide; then announce there is a vaccine for the 2019-nCoV ... then after all the fearmongering, they expect people to leap to get the vaccine. OR, and more likely, they will make it compulsory, with some kind of ID system ... so everyone has to be vaccinated against it!! 

That's our reckoning, as it's a manufactured bio-weapon ... which has been deliberately spread by a high percentage of 5 MILLION Chinese who went worldwide at Chinese New Year. It's part of the Sick and psychopathic plans of the Sabbatian-Frankist death cult (Satanistic Global Elite) to severely reduce the world population and gain control of the movement of those who remain. Sad. Scary. But a probable next stepping stone.

We had the bad fires in Australia. Many of which deliberately started by agencies of the Sabbatian-Frankist death cult (Satanistic Global Elite) to then enable their media to declare it as clear evidence of Climate Change. Then the freak storms that followed the fires. Either manufactured weather systems, or as a result of all the smoke that went into the atmosphere.

We've got freak storms now in the UK. Truly horrendous rainfall. Again manufactured weather systems or caused by all the smoke from Australia. It is NOT climate change as many are quoting in the UK media.

Earthquakes. Volcanic eruptions. Other freak weather systems all across the world. Part of an intentional agenda by the Sabbatian-Frankist death cult (Satanistic Global Elite) to 'prove' man-made climate change. Gullible and brainwashed sheepie humans are falling for it all.

We just say it's the wheel coming back round again. Mankind's civilisations always get to this point. and end up being destroyed. Atlantis was devastated several times. Its cities were SMART CITIES. This is the goal of the Sabbatian-Frankist death cult (Satanistic Global Elite) AGAIN. The ultra technological cities of Atlantis were an equivalent 5G grid with A.I ... the reality we are heading to. And will sadly get to ...

The world brain created then ... is what we are in NOW!!! So few understand what this FAKE reality is ... its within a highly advanced quantum computer server ... our thoughts and consciousness trapped in this reality ... they sold the climate change lie in Atlantis and we all flocked into the wonderful new reality (Here) they got us to interface with ... 

It's on its way round again. Mark our words!!