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Friday 7 February 2020

My bottom lines on the China epidemic

[Jon Rappoport David]: Judging from the history of epidemics that turned out to be duds—West Nile, bird flu, SARS, Swine Flu, and so on—and judging from my research on these frauds—I see no reason to jump the gun and say, “This one is different.”

Every time one of these threatening clouds passes across the sun, all sorts of people in both the mainstream and alternative press make dire predictions, ranging from “this looks like a global pandemic,” to “the virus is a bio-weapon and will kill millions,” to the ever-popular, “this is THE BIG ONE.”

And then, when the dust clears, and the dud is exposed, amnesia about having made those predictions sets in.

Now we have a variety of people claiming they know the Chinese coronavirus is a bio-weapon, for several different reasons. I have no cause to rail against these people. As far back as 1988, I documented astonishingly lax conditions in supposedly secure bio-research labs, and the distinct probability of all sorts of germs escaping. I devoted many pages in my book, AIDS INC., to a history of bio-war research, grotesque animal experiments, and incompetent safety precautions in labs. I have written about US companies and government-connected organizations sending bio-war materials to Saddam Hussein in the 1980s.

Proving that this Chinese coronavirus is a bio-weapon is a different matter. If, as proposed, there are peculiarities in the genetic sequence of the virus, and it has therefore been tinkered with by humans…well, perhaps that is correct....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...