Uh Oh. It's another Lone Nut Killer Conspiracy.Watch your BS Meter veer into the Danger Zone as the Government-Media Cartel cranks up the volume on the Spin-Lie Machine about the Virginia Tech killings. ABC News reports that "Cho Seung-Hui, 23, the Virginia Tech student who police believe is responsible for killing 33 people yesterday, was 'a loner, and we're having difficulty finding information about him,' said university spokesman Larry Hincker."(
Yes, you can bet it's Hui, as in "Hooey," all right.Not only that, but more recently they claim the shooter had "Jealous Boyfriend Syndrome" (JBS). (
Let's see how long before they change that particular story. "Limited hangout," after all is, well, limited...And so it goes that "Cho Seung-Hui" makes his way to the Lone Nut Mind Control Killer/ Patsy Pantheon, along with Lee Harvey Oswald (JFK Conspiracy),Osama bin Laden (9/11 Conspiracy), Dylan Klebold & Eric Harris (Columbine Conspiracy), Thomas Hamilton (Dunblane Conspiracy), Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma City Bombing Conspiracy), etcetera and so on.
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