This virtual reality; this virtual holographic reality ... all parts are contained within everything. As in the nature of a true hologram, all parts of the whole are recorded in perfect replica in all parts of the hologram. Fragments of a hologram have a perfect replica of the entire hologram within it; if you know where to look.
Magic can therefore never die; the loser's history can never be forgotten; the light can never die; separation can never be accomplished. Not so long as there are fragments of consciousness like I who can find the entire virtual reality mapped within myself; within the sacred spaces created by stone circles and ancient places.
With those replicas of the entire hologram available to all; the light will never die. The darkness will never microcip us all and turn us all in to robots of the machine.
There will always be those it can never reach.
The age of darkness will cease and the new age of light will arrive. It is written in the replica of the hologram therefore it will be so ...