Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday, 12 April 2007

'Logging off'

'We can know we are Oneness and see this illusion for what it is, a silly game created by our own fear'

If you live your life knowing you are the One, your entire perspective is transformed. What seemed important or fearful becomes the focus for hysterical laughter. When you look at the world from the perspective of being the One, all those things that annoy you or make you frustrated, depressed and in fear are seen to be the irrelevance that they are. It is worth asking when these situations arise: How would the One view this?

Would the One care less if someone said the word 'fuck'?
Would the One condemn sexual preference?
Would the One get angry when a sports team didn't win?
Would the One go to a voting booth or support a political party?
Would the One follow a religion or contemplate the potential perils of Danish Cheese?
Would the One have to protect itself from an illusory 'darkness'?
Would the One worry about astrology or karma or what it was in a previous life?
Would the One feel the need to succeed or be someone?
Would the One go to war or fight for peace?
Would the One worry about anything, regret the 'past' or fear the 'future'?
Would the One be frightened of death when it doesnt exist?

NO, to all of them because they are illusions. So why do we do these things when we are the One?

The only difference is between Oneness in awareness of itself and Oneness that has forgotten what it is.

We act small because we believe we are small, and we believe we are programmed to believe. It doesn't have to be like this. We can let our consciousness sing and know we are ALL THAT IS. We have been living a false identity; an alias that isn't who we are. But we can look in the illusory mirror and re-evaluate what we think we see. We are not name, body, family, race, nation or religion. We are not possessions, job, status, fame, success or failure. We are not even personality, thoughts or emotions.

So what are we?

We are infinite love

How Do I know?

There is nothing else....

This 'brilliance' is taken from 'Infinite Love is the only truth Everything Else is illusion' by David Icke.