by Kathy Fisher,
Unknown News
April 12, 2007
I'm sitting here and sometimes I'm crying, almost pulling out my hair. I'm just trying to understand what type of magic pill people have taken to make them so hollow inside. No worried, irritated looks on their faces -- they seemed to be untouched, unaware, undisturbed, they're just going about their business. It's just another day, that's their attitude as they deal with their own self-absorbed issues.
I don't listen to the regular news, but I always make sure not to miss Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, a very informative daily news show that tells it like is is. I get the rest of my news from the internet news and radio. But the average idiots out there don't care to be informed, because it takes curiosity, a hunger for the truth, and yes, "the rest of the story." This is not something you're born with, it has to be developed.
This morning as all mornings it's always more horrific news from Iraq. So many Iraqi people have been killed and badly wounded that hospitals are overflowing and unable to keep up with the violence. The power is out, the water is filthy, the infrastructure deuterated to all hell, cancer rates in babies and children are skyrocketing due to the 'depleted uranium' poisoning from the first rain of terror that Daddy Bush unleashed. And now it's Baby Bush's freedom bombs that are adding to the never-ending gift that keeps giving, DU. It's everywhere and in everyone!
This is not about freedom. It's blatant, in-your-face genocide. This Orwellian "War is Freedom" campaign straight out off the pages of his novel 1984.
Meanwhile, people back home get their daily doze of the sterilized version of want's going on over there, and when they hear more troops are leaving for second and third tours they don't say a word one way or the other. Every nerve in my body wants to scream, "WTF's wrong with you people?" Get over yourselves and start to care!
Although millions of Americans seemed to have been thoroughly brainwashed and desensitized, they manage to drive like lunatics, get mad because gas goes up 12 cents, and bitch that Don Imus said this or that. They take sides like their favorite team got dissed, but when it comes to anything relating to Iraq or the coming war with Iran, it might as well be Mars, because it's a non-issue to these people.When I find myself in line at the supermarket or coffee shop, and I overhear the silly ass conversations about TV shows like American Idol, I just want to slap people on the side of their empty heads and shout ''Wake Up!'' I find myself at times praying for a draft to be installed. Honestly, I don't know if I will be sympathetic when that time comes, when the war might actually mean something to these people. Maybe I will just sit back and say "Told you so -- now get your lazy ass out on the street and protest this bogus war."
© by the author
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