In Ancient Greece, Plato and Socrates (c. 470-399 BCE) suggested ways of breeding to promote the superior traits of the elite, as sickly infants were deliberately left to die of exposure.
Today, there is a
sensible and ethical side of what is often called eugenics. Examples
include disabled children having operations to save their lives and
individuals with learning difficulties asking for sterilisation because
they can’t manage contraception and don’t want children. But
institutions like the state, prisons, and medical facilities, as well as
privileged elites, use eugenics as a way of trying to exterminate the
elements of society whom they consider to be a burden. What started out
as selective breeding and infanticide has today developed into forced
sterilisation and genetic editing to produce “designer babies.” This
thinking also informs certain depopulation agendas....<<<Read More>>>...