Turns out, anyone who doesn’t believe that two airplanes that crash into two skyscrapers could bring down three skyscrapers the same day demolition style is basically using common sense and logical assumptions to deny a fictional story is real. This is not a conspiracy theory.
When Covid-19 broke out and was labeled a “pandemic,” natural health advocates around the globe said it was planned and part of a depopulation scheme, and that the coinciding “vaccines” would be used as biological weapons to wipe out millions of humans.
The official narrative was that some Chinese men were eating some bat soup in Wuhan and the bat meat was infected with some weird bat virus that magically had the ability suddenly to not only infect the soup eaters, but spread around the world, killing all the old people and people with pre-existing health conditions, like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and dementia.
Anyone who opposed these wacked out theories was considered “anti-science,” “anti-vaccine,” and a domestic terrorist who was trying to kill people by spreading the most lethal virus ever known to mankind – the Fauci Flu. All of fake news MASS MEDIA furthered the propaganda and fearmongering daily, across national, regional and local news, including television, radio, internet and newspapers. If you denied any of this or did not follow every single mandate to the letter, you were labeled a conspiracy theorist....<<<Read More>>>...