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Sunday 19 January 2020

A Description of the Lost Land of Atlantis & The Reason For Its Downfall – According To Plato

 The BIG problem with Atlantis and other lost civilisations - the Hidden Hand DO NOT want us to discover the fact there were far more advanced humanoid civilisations on earth PRIOR to our current civilisation. It would kind of destroy all the lies and myths they've been weaving about our current civilisation!

[Collective Evolution]: Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, provides a description of Atlantis in his dialogue Critias, which was never completed.

Advanced ancient civilizations are a big topic of interest among researchers, historians, archaeologists, and scientists. Every single year we are gifted with a mysterious find that has us questioning the origins of the human race and imagining the cultures which roamed the our planet before us.

We have found much evidence to suggest that there may have been civilizations in existence before us which were intellectually, and even technologically superior.

That being said, this theory is still thought to be quite fantastical; despite all of the evidence which has been brought to light in recent years to support this notion, it is still largely ignored by the mainstream.

If you start talking about the lost, ancient city of Atlantis, most people will probably think that you’re living in ‘la la’ land. Many people are unaware that this city has been seriously studied for hundreds of years...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...