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Wednesday 30 November 2022

New "study" warns COVID-19 virus could evolve into a more pathogenic strain than Omicron

  A study warned that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) samples taken from immunosuppressed individuals could cause more severe illness than the circulating B11529 omicron strain. While omicron is much more infectious than its predecessors, it causes milder symptoms.

According to the Japan Times, the study from South Africa took COVID-19 samples from a person infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The researchers observed the pathogen samples for six months.

Over the course of the observation period, they found that the pathogen samples initially caused the same level of cell fusion and death as the BA1 substrain of omicron. However, those levels eventually became similar to the first version of COVID-19 identified in the city of Wuhan in China’s Hubei province....<<<Read More>>>....

Image of the Day - "Made it Back At Last"


Quote for the Day


Friday 25 November 2022

A Word On " Psychomanteum"

 A psychomanteum is a small, dark chamber used to facilitate communication with a particular departed soul. Its origin stems from an ancient Greek ritual for contacting those in the spirit realm. At that time, individuals were led through an underground maze to a dimly lit place so they would be away from outside stimuli. In that area was a cauldron or bowl filled with water or oil. The person would gaze directly into the cauldron, look at and focus on his own reflection in the hope that the spirit would appear.

This was actually an early form of scrying, which is a type of divination used to predict the future by gazing into a crystal ball (crystallomancy), other shiny object or reflective surface. Reflective surfaces were believed to be a portal to the spirit world. Throughout ancient history, many cultures have used other methods, using herbs, plants, smoke or drumming, to induce an altered state of mind to achieve a higher consciousness in order to contact spirits for guidance, to answer questions, to heal and to connect with ancestors who had passed.

The earliest known term used for these chambers was psuchomanteia. In the 20th century, Raymond Moody, M.D., Ph.D., grief counselor, respected researcher in near-death experiences and author of Life after Life and other works, was inspired by the writings of Herodotus about the Oracle of the Dead and Homer in The Odyssey, in which they described these chambers. Moody believed that such a chamber would help individuals through the grieving process after the death of a loved one or friend. The time spent contacting and connecting with those in the spirit realm would help or create a powerful impact on emotional healing. Moody recreated a modern-day chamber and called it a psychomanteum. Currently, his work in the field continues, and he lectures, consults and researches on this topic, as well as others....<<<Read More>>>...

New Zealand’s Covidians Continue to Lie and Cover up the Very Real Worries About Covid Injections Surfacing in Official Sources

 As the published Covid science narrative evolves overseas, Professor Michael Baker is doing his best to prop it up here in New Zealand with his own special brand of magic beans. At this point in time, the research findings of harm from the Pfizer vaccine have become overwhelming, but Baker is sticking closely to the safe and effective fantasy.

Even the most timid amongst us, fearful of visiting the internet, might have noticed that the vaccine doesn’t actually work, but Baker, in a kid gloves interview with Sean Plunket of The Platform, reassured us all that the mRNA biotech vaccine was still protecting us from serious illness and death. Is this misleading us?

The incredibly pro-vaccine Washington Post varies from Baker. It has now finally stopped holding the line. It headlines with ‘It’s no longer a pandemic of the unvaccinated’. It reports that even the US CDC, with a lack of a centralised health system and with its penchant for figures that exaggerate vaccine effectiveness, are roughly estimating that 58% of Americans who died from Covid in August are vaccinated. So, the vaccinated are dying of Covid contrary to the Baker doctrine. Unbelievably, like Baker, the Post thinks this means we need more vaccines???

The UK ONS, who, unlike the CDC, are considered to compile accurate figures which cover countrywide Covid stats, is painting a much bleaker picture. In 2022 there have been 41,000 excess all-cause deaths since April 1st. No official statement has endorsed any cause, but the figures are telling. Mortality per 100,000 population has been lowest among the unvaccinated for every month in 2022 that ONS figures are currently available (see chart). The implication is obvious....<<<Read More>>>...

New Beginnings

A quick insight on the current situation on 'planet' Earth regarding the state of the human collective awareness and its reaction to the severe attack on manifested humans by the forces of darkness.

The NEW BEGINNINGS offered by the randomly chosen card #18, relates to the human oversoul or godhead, and not to the advancing dark forces. 

We see the great unknowable Ain Soph in the middle of the image. A place of awareness beyond human comprehension ... where the higher forces exist, and are said to influence the human collective in times of need.

Times like now. 

This is the light of the great awakening. Remember the great light that scientists saw out there in the universe earlier in the year? This is that light, which was created by a sound vibrated by the god head. We see the light coming down into the manifest and affecting the ley lines and energy lines of the 'planet' (We see standing stones in the background so we know it is an energy site). 

This sound vibration is very much a cymatic sound pattern. Sounds created and affect the manifest plane. So what we see here is the new beginnings created by a change in the sound frequencies being cast into the manifest by higher forces.

The dark forces are doing their absolute best to prevent these vibrations coming into the manifest, and lifting the human collective away from their influence.

The card is #18 ... 1 + 8 = 9 in numerology. 9 is at the end of the 9 cycle ... the end of the old to bring in the new. This is NOT the new world order the dark forces are fooling us into believing will happen ... to manifest it for them.

The Gematria of the words New Beginnings is 63 ... 6 + 3 = 9 ... the end of the cycle. 

This is a positive force for the human collective as a whole. Yes, there is immense suffering and a genocide of humans going on at this time. It is unavoidable ... every human is part of the collective over soul regardless of them being incarnate or discarnate. Therefore those who have left the earth plane as a result of end of natural life, or through the mRNA death jabs ... have served the human collective incarnate and had to become discarnate.

It is inevitable that the life and death cycle was going to be disrupted by the struggle between the great awakening and the new world order's great reset. It will eventually calm down and rebalance in the favour of the great light awakening,

Memory Lane - "Currawong"



Climate Lockdowns May Be Next: Here’s What That May Look Like

 What would a climate lockdown look like? Well, if such an initiative were to take place, governments would limit or ban the consumption of many foods. They would ban or limit private-vehicle use, or limit the distance one can travel in a gas powered car or perhaps even by plane.

Working from home could eventually become the permanent norm if special carbon taxes are put in place. Such taxes could be imposed on companies, limiting driving or air miles, and extend to individual employees. Children could be impacted by climate lockdowns, too. Schools, especially those heavily influenced by teachers’ unions, could impose permanent online-only days.

Delhi, India is already using a version of this concept to crack down on smog pollution. 

Implementing significant restrictions like this, slowly but surely in the name of the collective common good, would allow the type of government control that would result in the littlest backlash as possible. This is what a collective alarmist level fear of climate change could lead to, especially given the tremendous growth of government control and power, which is fuelled by a significant amount of support for these types of actions.

Climate lockdowns and other restrictions will be framed as saving the people of the world from themselves. Who would ever disagree with such measures when it is framed under the guise of good will? Like we saw with COVID mandates, if climate mandates ever take place they will be promoted as an extremely noble and necessary action. Those who disagree and present evidence that such actions are not useful or impactful, and instead cause more harm, will most likely be silenced, censored and ridiculed...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


It’s the JAB you bloody liars – ‘The deadly toll of Europe’s heatwaves: More than 20,000 excess deaths were recorded in Western Europe this summer – including 3,271 in the UK, report reveals’

 More than 20,000 excess deaths were recorded in France, Germany, Spain and the UK during this summer’s heatwaves, a new report has revealed.

Excess deaths are the number of deaths beyond what would have been expected under ‘normal’ conditions based on historical data, and from all causes.

This summer was Europe’s hottest in recorded history, as heatwaves and a long-running drought meant the previous high was exceeded by 0.7°F (0.4°C).

The UK also felt temperatures of over 104°F (40°C) for the first time, which was a large leap over the previous record of 101.7°F (38.7°C) set in 2019.

In England and Wales alone, 3,271 excess deaths were recorded between June 1 and September 7, according to the Office for National Statistics.

While these weren’t specifically heat-related deaths, this was 6.2 per cent higher than the five-year average, and more tended to be recorded on the hotter days,...<<<Read More>>>...

10,000 Years Ago In India They Talked About Alien Abductions

 The Department of Archeology in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh decided to seek help from the American and Indian aerospace agencies.

Archaeologists turned to them in order to determine the origin of the rather strange rock paintings discovered in the Bastar tribal region. This is reported by the Indian edition of The Times of India, which published photographs of the find.

The researchers were most surprised that the drawings found in various caves in the region have much in common with the appearance attributed to aliens in science fiction or in the stories of eyewitnesses who claim to have seen them.

However, the Department of Archeology of India does not have experts in this field, so they had to turn to foreign experts for help.

Among the local tribes, the legend of the “little people” is passed from mouth to mouth. This story is strongly attracting the attention of researchers because it is very similar to cases of alien abduction.

According to legend, in ancient times there was a tribe that used to come to this region on flying objects, always taking with them one or two inhabitants from the local tribes....<<<Read More>>>...

The Wisdom of the Wild

 For better or worse, much of the world we experience is dominated and controlled by human beings. We spend our days in houses, cars, and buildings, and inside these structures, we are in control. We assert our wills and manipulate our environment. Within the context of the human world, this is natural. However, we often carry this attitude with us into the world of nature. We forget as we enter the forest, or sit on the edge of a pond, that we are moving into another realm, one that asks us to drop our baggage and surrender to a different sense of order and meaning.

When we move from our everyday world into the world of nature, we may not even notice at first. We might continue talking loudly into our cell phone or to a friend that is with us. We might walk quickly as if we are on a busy city street, our eyes downcast, our thoughts hectic and hurried. In the best case, if we are sensitive to our environment, we will soon notice that it has changed. We may hear ducks calling, or wind moving through the leaves on a tree. If we notice the shift, we will naturally shift as well. If we don't, we may get all the way through a beautiful park without having lowered our voices. Next time you find yourself in the presence of wildlife -- even if it's just a duck pond in the midst of urban hustle -- try to move into a receptive state of openness and listening, no matter how much or how little time you have. Allow yourself to be captivated and calmed by the energy of the wildlife that covers this earth. Teaching our children to be respectful of nature and to stop and observe is a gift they can always cherish

We preserve pockets of nature in our urban centers and large expanses of nature in our national parks because of the magic we feel in its presence. It reminds us of our smallness and calls us back to a deeper, quieter part of ourselves. When we honor nature by being respectful in its presence, we honor the mystery and wild beauty of our origin.(Daily OM)

Image of the Day - "It Was A Cold Winter's Day"



FAA warns against 5G rollout as airlines upgrade radio altimeters to avoid interference

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has warned against any distribution of 5G technology due to concerns regarding interference with aircraft equipment. Its warning comes amid airports upgrading their equipment to avoid untoward incidents involving the frequency.

Back in January, the FAA issued notices to airmen (NOTAMs) that warned of disruptions caused by 5G and C-band frequencies on aircraft equipment. These disruptions caused by 5G affect “altimeters, automated landing, heads-up displays/enhanced flight vision systems and helicopter autopilot hover modes. These purportedly arose from the airline regulator’s monitoring of such incidents, with the FAA recording more than 100.

Major U.S. airlines are busy retrofitting radio altimeters because of possible interference from 5G C-band wireless services. However, they are now asking for an extension – which they did through a Nov. 15 letter to the White House. The letter penned by major airline industry players called on the Biden administration for a grace period through the end of 2021.

The aforementioned letter – which included American Airlines, Boeing, Airbus, Embraer and others as signatories – cited worldwide supply chain troubles as the cause of the delay. “Air carriers will likely be unable to fully meet either the December 2022 deadlines for smaller regional aircraft and many large transports or the July 2023 retrofit deadline,” they wrote.

Furthermore, the letter cited that since January, “the FAA has documented over 100 incidents of potential 5G interference.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Thursday 24 November 2022

Died Suddenly: Mix of great information plus 'a lot of garbage'

 People are buzzing about the new documentary "Died Suddenly." I had a chance to listen to it on my commute yesterday. It made me angry. Here's why.

There is some great information in this movie. Information that could — potentially — open people's eyes and minds. In particular, the interviews with the embalmers and morticians are incredible. The long, white fibrous material they have been finding in dead people's arteries and veins after the vaccine rollout is truly horrifying. It isn't new, but it's presented all in one place in a highly compelling way, especially the scene where you see it being removed from a dead body during an embalming session. The movie would have been far more effective if it had just focused on that (and dug deeper to show what they're made of, etc.). But unfortunately it tainted that and other good information (such as presented by Dr. Ryan Cole, Steve Kirsch and Dr. James Thorp) by covering it with a lot of garbage. Here are five examples of the garbage that stuck out and that I remember. There may be more...<<<Read More>>>...

Biosecurity State: Another Right-wing Conspiracy Theory or How the Left Was Won Over

 Why is it that in the UK, which initially implemented the regulations and programmes of biosecurity under the most right-wing Government in living memory — a cabinet of criminals led by the serial liar, Boris Johnson — the accusation made against anyone who questioned the official justifications for our unquestioning obedience was that you are a “Right-wing conspiracy theorist”?

Typically, when a Western government and its media want to dismiss or delegitimise criticism of its actions, it does so by calling those who question their authority “Loony Lefties” (in the UK) or “Commies” (in the USA). This time, however, the “loonies” are officially “Right-wing.”

It’s true, of course, that the governments in power and parties in opposition that enforced or voted for masks, lockdown restrictions and “vaccine” mandates with the greatest zealotry and violence, and are now pushing hardest for the roll-out of Digital Identity and Central Bank Digital Currency, have identified themselves to their electorates as “Left-wing.” These include the governments of Justin Trudeau in Canada, Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand, Pedro Sánchez in Spain, António Costa in Portugal and, in opposition parties, Keir Starmer in the UK, where the always obedient trades unions have also supported the lockdown of businesses and “vaccine” mandates for the workers whose rights they are supposed to be defending. In doing so, the Left hasn’t hesitated to align itself with the Right-wing and anti-working-class governments of first Boris Johnson and now the globalist puppet Rishi Sunak in the UK, the Gilets jaunes-mutilating Emmanuel Macron in France, Giuseppe Conte and the former EU banker Mario Draghi in Italy, Sebastian Kurz and Karl Nehammer in Austria, and Viktor Orbán in Hungary.

All these governments, officially on both the Right and the Left of the almost closed Overton window of Western politics, as well as nominally liberal and conservative governments in Germany, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland and Greece, continue to describe those who oppose the regulations and programmes of biosecurity as “Right-wing conspiracy theorists.” And this accusation isn’t limited to governments and media aligned across the political spectrum of the West but is also made by transnational organisations of global governance, including the United Nations, the European Commission, the World Health Organisation and the World Economic Forum. Why?

One of the consequences of this political hegemony among the at least nominally politically differentiated nation-states implementing the Global Biosecurity State in the West, is that those opposed to its authoritarianism and creeping totalitarianism from a broadly libertarian standpoint describe it as a form of “communism” modelled on, if not actually instigated by, the People’s Republic of China. However, not only does this widespread accusation fail to explain the global financial crisis and the economic forces driving this revolution in Western capitalism, but it also allows its architects and promoters to dismiss such a description of the Global Biosecurity State — with some accuracy — as a “right-wing conspiracy theory.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - "Currawong"



Tribunals Would Introduce Dangers of their Own

Summoning government today to penalize officials who imposed lockdowns is to call for action by the very same political institution, if not the same flesh-and-blood officials, that imposed the lockdowns.

The danger is too great that a government agency or commission empowered to sit in judgment over individuals who were in office during the two years starting in March 2020 will abuse its power. The risk is too high that the pursuit of justice will descend into a hunt for revenge. No such agency or commission will act with the requisite objectivity to make its decisions just. To suppose that any such formal inquiry into personal guilt or liability would be adequately apolitical is as fanciful as supposing that lockdown-happy officials in 2020 were adequately apolitical.

In this imperfect world of ours, officials who were responsible for pursuing even horribly destructive policies yesterday are best left immune to being formally punished or sanctioned by officials who are in power today. The dangers of empaneling tribunals to punish recently dethroned officials for their policy choices include, but go beyond, the above-mentioned risk of today’s officials pursuing revenge rather than justice.

An equally fearful danger springs from the reality that almost every significant change in policy can be portrayed by its opponents as an unwarranted assault on humanity. Because real-world complexities will always enable opponents of the challenged policy to muster some ‘evidence’ of extensive damage that the policy allegedly caused, empaneling tribunals today to punish officials whose policy choices were implemented yesterday will, going forward, discourage not only the active taking of bad policies, but also the active taking of good policies.

And the disproportionate attention that the public (and politicians) pay to the seen at the expense of the unseen makes it likely, in my view, that the discouragement of good policy moves would be much greater than the discouragement of bad policy moves.

Suppose that a precedent is set that encourages those in political power today to persecute, with charges of having pursued harmful policies, individuals who held political power yesterday. Further suppose that when COVID-28 hits, officials then in power wisely follow the advice offered in the Great Barrington Declaration. I have no doubt that choosing this policy course would minimize deaths. But no policy will completely avoid deaths. COVID-28 will indeed kill some, perhaps many, people.

When COVID-28 is finally over and a new political party takes power, there’s nothing to prevent the new party from empaneling a tribunal to hold those officials previously in power personally responsible for the deaths that occurred on their watch when COVID-28 raged – deaths that will be blamed on what will be said to be the reckless following of Great Barrington Declaration guidance....<<<Read More>>>..

A Head's Up ....

Just a head's up about what's happening here on a Light In The Darkness in the coming weeks. From tomorrow night we are taking a bit of a break from routine - so the number of daily posts are going to go in decline until mid December 2022.

We will keep a track of current events, and if something of significance is seen ... then we will add it on here ....

It's been a very full on, and hectic, year for us (As it has for everyone) and we are grabbing an opportunity to recharge our batteries.

There will be posts as and when we can get a moment to post them. So please bear with us ...

As always, we thank you for your continued support, and thank those of you who have introduced new people to A Light In The Darkness (Our daily post visitor numbers have been going up significantly in the past few weeks) ....


Image of the Day - "By The Lake Side"



Vast majority of covid deaths now occurring in the fully jabbed … after Biden and the CDC fraudulently claimed vaccines stop transmission

We thought this day would never come, but the corporate-controlled media – specifically The Washington Post – now admits that the “vast majority of Americans dying from the coronavirus received at least the primary series of the vaccine.”

All this time, we have been told that the unvaccinated are responsible for covid deaths. Fake president Joe Biden infamously called it a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” and yet now we know straight from the horse’s mouth that this was all a lie.

The latest data from August 2022 shows that 58 percent of what they are calling covid deaths occur in people who received at least one injection for the Fauci Flu. The more injections a person gets, the higher his or her likelihood of infection or death.

“Based on past figures and the current trends, we can reasonably estimate that the number of vaccinated / boosted COVID-19 deaths will only rise,” reports “Techno Fog” on The Reactionary Substack. “In September 2021, the vaccinated accounted for 23% of COVID-19 deaths; in January / February 2022, the vaccinated were 42%.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Family Holidays

 As the holidays approach, you may be preparing yourself to gather with family members you don't usually spend time visiting. You may even feel that you are choosing to meet more from a sense of obligation than celebration. But when we trust that the universe always places us exactly where we need to be, we know that we have been placed in our families for some higher purpose. Your spirit may have chosen that particular group of souls to help you learn certain lessons, or to give you the experiences necessary to overcome specific challenges. And when we feel we've moved away from situations that don't resemble us or the life we choose to live, it can seem frustrating to put ourselves back into an old scenario. But even a sense of obligation is a sign that you are still connected to the energy of your family, and for that alone it is worth investing yourself into making the most of any gathering.

Once surrounded by people from your past, you may find that you are feeling challenged by a sort of identity crisis. There is likely to be a gap between the person you know yourself to be now and how you are seen by those who knew you before. But you can call upon your inner strength to stand in your truth and simply be who you are without needing their approval or heeding any criticism. Then, you can offer them the gift you'd like to receive when you also allow them to be themselves.

Being in situations that we might not choose for ourselves allows us to see ourselves in a new light. The contrast helps us to see our own strengths and weaknesses, and to learn to accept others for theirs. Part of the magic of family is the way in which it bonds diverse people together, allowing them to function as a complete unit. Who we are today has been built upon our past. If nothing else, rejoining with the family and friends who knew us in our earlier days allows us to recall where we came from so that we can appreciate all that we've been given.(Daily OM)

Revealed the true meaning of the mummification of bodies in ancient Egypt

 Experts from the Museum of the University of Manchester in the UK told why the ancient Egyptians actually mummified the dead.

It’s long been believed that mummification was meant to preserve the dead. It turns out that notion is dead wrong.

So, how exactly did this misconception flourish for so long? Price said the Western-led idea began with Victorian researchers who wrongly determined that ancient Egyptians were preserving their dead in a similar fashion as one would preserve fish. Their reasoning? Both processes contained a similar ingredient: salt.

“The idea was that you preserve fish to eat at some future time,” Price said. “So, they assumed that what was being done to the human body was the same as the treatment for fish.”

However, the salty substance used by ancient Egyptians differed from salt used to preserve the catch of the day.

As scientists found out, when mummifying bodies, the Egyptians used the mineral natron, which was rich in the silt of a lake near the Nile River. With the same mineral, the priests cleansed the statues of the gods.

In addition, incense was used during mummification, which was used to fumigate temples.

If you put these facts together, it becomes clear that in ancient Egypt, the process of mummification was needed to deify the deceased. And the entrails extracted from the body prepared the body for transformation into a “divine statue”.

So, how exactly did this misconception flourish for so long? Price said the Western-led idea began with Victorian researchers who wrongly determined that ancient Egyptians were preserving their dead in a similar fashion as one would preserve fish. Their reasoning? Both processes contained a similar ingredient: salt.

“The idea was that you preserve fish to eat at some future time,” Price said. “So, they assumed that what was being done to the human body was the same as the treatment for fish.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Wednesday 23 November 2022

The lockdown cancer wave has only just begun

 The under reported story of the entire pandemic is excess deaths — not from Covid, but from other health conditions which were so brutally pushed to one side. There have been huge rises in the number of people dying from causes unrelated to the virus, accelerating throughout the year and showing no signs of slowing down.

To begin with, it was driven by diabetes, cardiac issues and a handful of other concerns — but recently the number of people dying from cancer is starting to increase considerably above what is expected. Will this continue? Nobody can say for sure, but I suspect it will for many years to come.

When I outlined the scale of the cancer crisis previously on Twitter, various voices took great pleasure in pointing out that cancer deaths weren't rising — I don't hear from them anymore. Indeed, many of the more vocal lockdown commentators are actively drawing attention to the problem now.

Cancer is slow, but it's relentless. An undiagnosed tumour won't cause severe complications in days or weeks. But if it's left untreated for a year or two then the odds of survival drop precipitously. I fear that those lockdown delays are now starting to bite.

NHS Digital states that in 2020 there were 288,753 new cancer diagnoses — that is 38,421 fewer than in 2019. Full statistics for 2021 aren't available yet, but it's fair to assume that it would be a similar number again. A recent report estimated that across Europe the number was a gargantuan one million fewer diagnoses — it really is scandalous. Yet no public outcry, no emergency press conferences, no outrageous scaremongering tactics. Why is that?

Proponents of harder and longer lockdowns will go to great lengths to deny the impact that lockdown and associated fear-based messaging had on these numbers. There is a concerted effort to whitewash the health consequences of relentless restrictions, but that stain is not easy to remove.

Those of us with clearer memories will recall the one overriding instruction we were all given — 'stay home'. And that's exactly what millions of seriously ill people did, regardless of the state of their own health. Just look at the excess death figures in private homes right from the start of the pandemic in March 2020 — sky-high every single week. Tens of thousands of people stayed and died at home. That's a sorry fact...<<<Read More>>>...

Recovered Covid Hospital Patients Found to Have Altered Brain Function and Implications for the Vaccinated

 The recent confirmation via biomolecular studies that Covid is very highly likely to have resulted from the lab escape of an engineered pathogen, places both Covid and mRNA vaccination on a similarly sinister footing. This release investigates their effect on individual cognitive ability, social conditions, and the implications for public policy.

Covid-19 almost certainly results not solely from a naturally occurring virus known to exist in wild populations but from a largely secret gain of function experiment designed to radically enhance viral pathogenesis through cutting and pasting of genetic structures and instructions, some natural and some engineered.

Covid vaccines are engineered genetic interventions taking over our human cells and command them to produce the same toxic spike protein as the Covid-19 virus and in large quantities.

We are only just beginning to appreciate the risks shared by both.

A study completed in India “Assessing functional connectivity differences and work-related fatigue in surviving Covid-negative patients” used functional magnetic resonance imaging (“fMRI”) of the brain and detected cerebrovascular abnormalities two weeks after recovery from Covid infection and hospital discharge.

Functional connectivity (“FC”) is a measure of how regions of the brain interact with each other. In the Indian study of university students who had recently been hospitalised with Covid but now tested negative for the virus, subjects showed significant changes in functional connectivity in a number of different sites in the brain when compared to controls who did not have any history of Covid infection. FC changes were noted in areas of the brain associated with...<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - "Currawong"



Ukrainian President Zelensky Lied about the Russian Missile Attack, Tried to Draw US into War

Fake President Zelensky continued to push the narrative that Russia was responsible for the missile strike that landed in Poland, even though evidence indicated that the weapons were Ukrainian. Poland is a NATO country and an attack against a NATO member could trigger Article 5, obligating other NATO countries to defend it. Because Russia is a nuclear power, there was a risk of nuclear war with Russia. A NATO country diplomat responded to Zelensky’s exhortation to war by stating, “This is getting ridiculous. The Ukrainians are destroying [our] confidence in them. Nobody is blaming Ukraine and they are openly lying. This is more destructive than the missile.”...<<<Read More>>>....

Sacred Geography and the Legend of Agartha

 The history of peoples is made by the unwritten history of great travels and world travellers – a history that began long before Herodotus or Marco Polo, in the Neolithic or even earlier, in some fantastical age of mankind. Perhaps even at the dusk of the primordial Golden Age, with glaciation or flood, and with the first in a series of catastrophes faced by the human species.

Then followed eras of the migrations of peoples and races. If we believe Plato, then the Atlanteans were the first colonists in the world, and they came from the West. Others say that their ancestors were the Hyperboreans, who fled snow and ice in the Far North of the continent.

Over the course of subsequent history, peoples would move from North to South and from East to West – and not otherwise. This constitutes their course through history – a path of aging, degeneration and, at times faster, at times slower, of inexorable decline.

This is how great conquests began, those that encompass immense regions, entire continents, and this is how great wars start, like the one that raged under the walls of Ilium – or was this only a shadow of some mythical war waged in the far deeper past, during the mythical age of the Earth? Perhaps at the beginning of time, “in illo tempore.”

They did not rush towards unknown and exotic lands, but towards their lost homelands, towards mythical lands of the beginning, towards the riches of the Golden Age. Towards primordial, Edenic abundance. Towards Paradise Lost, such as the biblical one, which we have not stopped searching for here on Earth even today....<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Noticing Synchronicity

 When events appear to fit together perfectly in our lives it may seem at first that they are random occurrences, things that are the result of coincidence. These synchronous happenings, though, are much more than that, for, if we look at them more closely they can show us that the universe is listening to us and gently communicating with us. Learning to pay attention to and link the things that occur on a daily basis can be a way for us to become more attuned to the fact that most everything happens in our lives for a reason -- even when that reason is not clear right away.

When we realize that things often go more smoothly than we can ever imagine, it allows us to take the time to reflect on the patterns in our lives. Even events that might not at first seem to be related to each other are indicators that the universe is working with, not against, us. This idea of synchronicity, then, means that we have to trust there is more to our lives than what we experience on a physical level. We need to be willing to look more closely at the bigger picture, accepting and having confidence in the fact that there is more to our experiences than immediately meets the eye. Being open to synchronicity also means that we have to understand that our lives are filled with both positive and negative events. Once we can recognize that one event is neither more desirable nor better than the other -- they all have an overall purpose in our lives -- then we are truly ready to listen to the messages the universe gives us.

While we may not be able to see everything in our lives as being synchronous, we can certainly use hindsight to be more aware of how the universe guides us. This sense of wonder at the mysteries of the universe and the interconnectedness present in our lives will help us see our overall ways of being and will in turn make it easier to work more consciously towards our spiritual evolution.(Daily OM)

How Materialism Has Restricted Our Understanding of Death

 One of the most difficult things that every human has to deal with is the loss of a loved one. There is tremendous grief associated with loss, including lingering mental health issues and loss of life meaning, and some people never fully recover.

Because of this universally human pain, it is really important that we invest time and money into studies that help to reduce this suffering while also increasing our understanding of what happens after death. This includes studies of mediumship, communicating with those who have died, as well as treatments for grief itself, such as spiritual practice or psychedelic therapy that can help bring meaning and connection back into the person’s life. Instead, the materialist paradigm closes the door to these experiences and their potential healing.

Under the materialist paradigm, there is no awareness after death. Period. This is because under the materialist paradigm, consciousness requires the brain to exist, since awareness is seen as merely a product of brain activity. Therefore, materialism firmly closes the door to any study of consciousness after death, pinching us off from a greater understanding of death beyond the physical process of dying. So in this limited view, all investigations and evidence for mediumship, visitations from deceased loved ones, near death experiences, and past life memories are void to begin with. As post-materialist scientists, it is our job to open that door....<<<Read More>>>...

Image of the Day - "Sunrise"



Spain turning into a police state: Spanish police to use automated facial recognition technology soon

  Spanish police are treading dangerous ground in their bid to make their jobs easier and faster. They intend to use an automated facial recognition (AFR) technology dubbed the ABIS, or automatic biometric identification system, in their pursuit of criminals.

Never mind that they are threatening to engulf the basic rights of citizens in the process.

Never mind that many quarters have opposed the ABIS, which uses artificial intelligence (AI) to identify suspects from a database that contains millions of images of crime suspects and detainees already on file in Spain.

Never mind that a controversial case in the United States saw the wrongful arrest of a Michigan resident named Robert Williams based on a hit from an AFR software that turned out to be inefficient in identifying people of color....<<<Read More>>>...

Tuesday 22 November 2022

5D Shift: 69% of Wildlife Gone…What now for Humanity and Gaia?

According to an extensive report by the World Wild Life Fund and over 40 worldwide NGOs, 69% of the world’s wildlife has been destroyed, just since 1970, largely due to intensive industrial farming. That’s up a staggering 20% from just a few years ago. The destruction of the natural ecosystems has gone exponential. It’s crucial we hoist this onboard, because whilst we languish under the illusion of “fixing it”, we’ll miss the true trajectory for humanity and the planet.

How on earth could we believe that this problem is somehow endurable on a planet where all the ecosystems are connected?

Furthermore, here is a crucial failing that many commentators, on all sides of the divide, are making in trying to look beyond the current impasse, particularly where the cabal, the shadowstate, and the technocracy are concerned…

Many commentators seem to speak from the perspective that, if we get rid of the cabal and the technocracy, then we can find a harmonious, sustainable solution that serves the whole of life here.


The situation humanity has woken up and found himself/herself in is one where an interdimensional intervention has so exploited the natural ecosystems, through humanity, that the planet has been brought to the point of destruction.

The karmic construct upon which this reality is founded, has reached its conclusion, because of this excessive exploitation and the tremendous suppression of sentient life it has caused. The feeling to me, is that society is actually founded upon systematic suffering, which it sits precariously on top of.

Now that has become intolerable. The tides of compassion and rightness are sweeping in, to wash it all away. We can clearly witness this as I explain below.

The shadow knows we’re past the point of no return in this 3D construct. It has the scientific and technical evidence for it. That’s why it’s hell-bent on going off planet and taking a swathe of humanity with it. That’s what the bogus pandemic has all been about: to make a swathe of humanity acquiescent and pliant enough, so as to believe the bogus narrative put forwards and to willingly go with it. Even with AI, they need their slaves to serve it.

That’s why they don’t care about the real reason for the eco-systems decline. They have no intention of “fixing them”....<<<Read More>>>...

The Science Behind Covid Explained


Today I’m bringing you the very best of Covid Rules and explaining the complicated science behind them, wrote James Macpherson.  “We were treated like idiots for two years. We must never, ever forget.”

Below is Macpherson’s list of Covid Rules and “the science.”

1. Covid Rule

We had to wear masks when entering a restaurant and walking to the table, but were allowed to remove the mask when seated at the table. Mask had to be reapplied in order to leave.

The Science: The Covid doesn’t spread when you’re eating and drinking.

2. Covid Rule

No one was allowed out in public except to riot over the death of George Floyd.

The Science: A pandemic of racism (yes that’s actually what some media called it) was more deadly than an actual pandemic.

3. Covid Rule:


The Science: The Covid can tell time.

4. Covid Rule:

In Ohio, the sport of wrestling was permitted but competitors were not allowed to shake hands at the end of the bout.

The Science: The Covid hated good sports.

5. Covid Rule:

Melbourne residents were told it was “not in the spirit of the lockdown” to watch the sunset.

The Science: The Covid kept a list of people who glanced at the setting sun and eventually infected them.

6. Covid Rule:

People walking alone on secluded beaches were arrested.

The Science: An infected walker could infect grains of sand, or possibly even fish....<<<Read More>>>...


Memory Lane - "Currawong"



Layers Of Feeling

 Many people are taught from a young age to suppress feelings commonly regarded as negative, such as anger, resentment, fear, and sorrow. Those who cannot or will not express these emotions tend to engage in passive-aggressive behaviors that provide them with a means of redirecting their feelings. Passive aggression can take many forms: People who feel guilty saying "no" may continually break their promises because they couldn't say no when they meant it. Others will substitute snide praise for a slur to distance themselves from the intense emotions they feel. More often than not, such behavior is a cry for help uttered by those in need of compassion and gentle guidance.

When we recognize passive-aggressive patterns in the behavior of others, we should never allow ourselves to be drawn into a struggle for power. Passive aggression is most often wielded by those who feel powerless in the face of what they perceive as negative emotions because they hope to avoid confronting their true feelings. They feel they are in control because they do not display overt emotion and often cannot understand how they have alienated their peers. If someone close to us shows signs of frustration or annoyance but claims nothing is amiss, we can point out that their tone of voice or gestures are communicating a different message and invite them to confide in us. When we feel slighted by a backhanded compliment, it is important that we calmly explain how the jibe made us feel and why. And when an individual continually breaks their promises, we can help them understand that they are free to say no if they are unwilling to be of service.

As you learn to detect passive aggression, you may be surprised to see a hint of it in yourself. Coping with the natural human tendency to veil intense emotions can be as simple as reminding yourself that expressing your true feelings is healthy. The emotions typically regarded as negative will frequently be those that inspire you to change yourself and your life for the better, whereas passive-aggressive behavior is a means of avoiding change. When you deal constructively with your feelings, you can put them behind you and move forward unencumbered by unexplored emotion (Daily OM)

Precognitive Dreaming: Can Dreams Predict The Future?

 Dr. Stanley Krippner is a pioneer in the study of consciousness who has been conducting research in the field of psychology and parapsychology for more than 50 years. One specific area of interest for him is what’s known as precognitive dreaming. He believes we are capable of precognitive dreams, and says his research backs that up.

In one of his most significant laboratory studies on the subject, each night, a study participant would go through a night of dreaming with the intention to dream about an experience they would have the following morning. The dreamer was woken up approximately 5 times throughout the night to relay their dream to an experimenter.

The following mornings, experimenters randomly selected an experience from a number of prearranged options, and then the dreamer was subjected to that experience. 

Dr. Krippner said there was no way for the participants to know what experience they would encounter before it was selected and administered.

For example, one participant had several dreams one night about birds flying everywhere. The next morning the dreamer was subjected to one of the randomly-selected experiences. The experience was to have him sit down with earphones on, and listen to bird calls being played. A video with pictures of birds was also played.

If statistically significant results arrived, this example would represent dream precognition....<<<Read More>>>...

Image of the Day - "View From The Pier"



50 Groups Target Bill Gates on Farming and Technology: ‘You Are Part of Creating the Very Problem You Name’

 Fifty organizations dedicated to food sovereignty and food justice issues are calling out Bill Gates over his latest claim that technology is the solution to world hunger and food sovereignty.

In an “open letter” published earlier this month, the groups addressed comments Gates made, during interviews with The New York Times and The Associated Press, about The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 2022 Report.

The letter’s lead authors, Community Alliance for Global Justice/AGRA Watch and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, wrote:

“In both articles, you make a number of claims that are inaccurate and need to be challenged. Both pieces admit that the world currently produces enough food to adequately feed all the earth’s inhabitants, yet you continue to fundamentally misdiagnose the problem as relating to low productivity; we do not need to increase production as much as to assure more equitable access to food.”

The authors also criticized Gates’ claims that we’ve “under invested in agricultural innovation” and that the Green Revolution was “one of the greatest things that ever happened.”

Gates told The New York Times:

“Helping farmers has got to be the very top of the climate adaptation agenda. And within that, you have a lot of things like credit for fertilizer, cheap fertilizer, better seeds that we should be very intent on –– funding those things and setting ambitious goals for.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


How To Test If We’re Living In A Computer Simulation

 Physicists have long struggled to explain why the universe started out with conditions suitable for life to evolve.

Why do the physical laws and constants take the very specific values that allow stars, planets and ultimately life to develop?

The expansive force of the universe, dark energy, for example, is much weaker than theory suggests it should be – allowing matter to clump together rather than being ripped apart.

A common answer is that we live in an infinite multiverse of universes, so we shouldn’t be surprised that at least one universe has turned out as ours. But another is that our universe is a computer simulation, with someone (perhaps an advanced alien species) fine-tuning the conditions.

The latter option is supported by a branch of science called information physics, which suggests that space-time and matter are not fundamental phenomena....<<<Read More>>>...

Big Pharma blames Covid and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, instead of toxic spike protein injections, for exploding cancer epidemic in Europe

 Supposedly, because of the pandemic, people all over the world were developing cancer and refusing to go to the hospitals to be diagnosed, for fear they would catch Fauci Flu. According to the pharma industrial complex, this went on for two years, and an estimated one million cancer cases were missed and over 100 million cancer screenings “lost because of the pandemic.” But that’s not all.

The goons at Big Pharma in Europe are also blaming the Russians for the new cancer epidemic, and say that if the Russians had not invaded Ukraine, then two of the largest contributors to clinical cancer research, diagnosis, and treatment (Russia and Ukraine) would not have been incapacitated. However, there’s a sub-plot here that nobody is talking about, and it could be the MAIN reason the world is experiencing a major uptick in cancer cases. What in the world could that be?

Lockdowns and Fauci Flu fear were definitely responsible for damage to societies, economies, and overall mental health, but the tsunami of cancer cases may be hinged on a more realistic explanation – toxic spike prions in the blood and cleansing organs. Yes, the doctors lied and said the injections would remain at in the muscular tissue at the site of injection. Yes, the pandemic was mostly fear-based, as less than 1% of the population of the planet were at risk of dying from the Wuhan virus....<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 21 November 2022

Sydney and the Lost Map of America

Amazing old photos. I was born in Sydney 75 years ago. One photo there of my grandparents house in Paddington and the shop across the street where we went regularly as children in the 50s. And the laneway to get there from the train station. Extraordinary to see again. My father and grandfather renovated some of those gov buildings in New South Wales. When living there for 22 years, I often wondered how those huge, beautiful buildings in Sydney city were built so soon after colonisation. It didn't seem possible. They even had old, very old lifts that had no sides, just a floor that went up and down, with a cage door on each floor. It was scary as a teenager to go into in those old buildings in the city.

Quote for the Day


New Zealand and Scotland’s Progression into a Life Controlled by Digital IDs

 New Zealand’s Managed Isolation and Quarantine (“MIQ”) program were keeping records of its staff during the “pandemic” using a JNCTN app. Now, JNCTN-produced software tools are seeking to serve as digital ID verification for staff of other organisations.

JNCTN has partnered with a UK digital ID company Yoti and NEC New Zealand. The JNCTN/NEC partnership integrates JNCTN’s cloud-based solutions within NEC’s biometric authentication technology and processes

Yoti has also partnered with the Scottish Government to provide a digital ID system. At the same time as partnering with Yoti, the Scottish Government partnered with cloud solutions provider Brightsolid.

The parallels between the two countries are not a coincidence.

Compulsory managed isolation and quarantine was announced by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on 9 April 2020, with the program coming into effect for people boarding flights to New Zealand from midnight that day.  Anyone entering New Zealand was required to enter MIQ and isolation facilities were opened.

Covid travel restrictions provided the perfect opportunity for the New Zealand government to test a digital ID system within the MIQ program. When JNCTN heard about the government’s plans for MIQ facilities, it knew it had the right tools “to help.”  The JNCTN app had been used by StayLive, an industry body for New Zealand’s electricity sector, since 2016 to record workers’ training and competencies.

“With the JNCTN app, there are no more spreadsheets that need to be maintained and uploaded by course administrators. You just scan the app at your course and the information is automatically available in the cloud, then you can scan in on-site straight away,” Jarrod Bowler, Group Manager of Safety and Wellness, Genesis, said. “The app is a digital wallet that contains all workers’ skills, as well as their academic record and licence details.”

In 2018, Yoti was selected by the States of Jersey as its official ID provider and had also worked with WorldPay, NHS Ipswich Hospital, the NSPCC and CitizenCard. But its partnership with the Scottish Government, the company said, could propel it to become the world’s most trusted identity platform.

In August 2018, Yoti partnered with the Scottish Government to trial a digital identity platform. “Scottish residents could use its biometric app to verify their identities to businesses, to prove they are of age to buy restricted goods, to access government services, to confirm their identities online, and to access websites without the need for a password,” Yoti’s website stated.

“Verified digital identities will help transform local and national services in Scotland as businesses and public bodies have confidence individuals are who they say they are; creating more trust and transparency in the details shared,” Tombs said.

The partnership was made through the Improvement Service, an organisation whose mandate is to improve local government services in Scotland.  The Improvement Service runs the myaccount portal for local councils.  It has added Yoti as a second registration method on the portal allowing users to verify their identity by scanning a QR code with their Yoti Digital ID.

In 2020 the Covid “pandemic” provided the opportunity for Yoti to expand its digital ID services.  It became impossible for Scots to apply in person for a National Entitlement Card (“NEC”) when council offices were forced to close.  So, a new online portal for NEC applications was developed. “To give applicants as much flexibility as possible,” they integrated the Improvement Service’s digital identity app and embedded ID verification technology to give people two ways to prove their identity – by either uploading an ID document to the web portal or sharing verified identity details from a Yoti Digital ID....<<<Read More>>>...