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Wednesday 5 February 2020

Will We Eventually Be Interacting With Our Technology Telepathically?

[David Icke]: According to Dr. Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, which was founded by Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, “Quiet research programs examining thee and other exotic technological possibilities have been under way for several years in academic and industrial laboratories.”

He shares this information in one of his books, The Conscious Universe, from which I obtained the quotes and information below. It’s an extremely fascinating read, and this article doesn’t do it any justice, so please check it out if you’re interested in these types of phenomena.

In his book, Radin cites a story that appeared in the December 10, 1995 issue of the South China Morning Post — the same year the U.S. government declassified the Stargate Program, mentioned above:

SONY, the corporation which revolutionized the world of audio and electronics, has acknowledged it is conducting research into alternative medicine, spoon bending, X-ray vision, telepathy and other forms of extra-sensory perception (ESP).

The institute of Wisdom was founded in 1989 at the instigation of Sony’s founder. . . . The company believes it has proved the existence of ESP, and is already developing a diagnostic machine based on the principles of oriental medicine. . . .

A sub-division of the institute, Extra-Sensory Perception Excitation Research, has worked with more than 100 possessors of ESP. In one test, subjects were presented with two black plastic containers, one of them containing platinum, the other empty. Psychic individuals were able to “see” the platinum seven times out of 10
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