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Tuesday 21 January 2020

Insights Into 2020

Day 21 of 365

Well ... it's all beginning. We're still only in January 2020, and we're getting a taster of just how bad it's going to get ...

Chinese Coronavirus Outbreak
Right on cue we are now being subjected to a developing story of a 'killer virus' in China, just conveniently at the time millions of Chinese are going to travel world wide. A perfect means to spread another hidden hand created toxin .... and spread fearmongery worldwide.

And now we hear its reached the US. Soon it will be stories of it reaching Europe and the UK. Then we'll get the rising death toll stories.....

It's clearly a worrying development for 2020. But, how real is it? How much of a false flag is this? Only time will tell.

POTUS Trump Impeachment Trial
So, the sham trial has started. We have Adam Schiff calling POTUS Trump a corrupt president, all because the Democrats are bad losers and they are trying to prevent POTUS Trump from getting re-elected. That's our take on the sham ...

From the Daily Mail'The Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump began Tuesday got off to an angry clash as Rep. Adam Schiff accusing the president of engaging in a 'corrupt' effort to get Ukraine to help him 'cheat' in his reelection. 

Schiff, a California Democrat who is heading a team of impeachment managers, made his case before 100 senators seated at their desks – telling them they must provide for a 'fair trial' that lets each side make its case. But his initial argument, put forward over the rules of the trial themselves, didn't keep him from digging into the Ukraine affair that constitutes the first article of impeachment against him. 

President Trump 'seeks the full and complete destruction of a co-equal branch of government,' said Schiff, who played video of Trump saying the Constitution's Article II gives him the power to 'do whatever I want.' 

On Ukraine, Schiff accused Trump of 'soliciting a foreign power to help him cheat in the next election.' He called for a full trial complete with appearances by witnesses – including by acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and forced out national security advisor John Bolton. 'You may never know the full scope of the president's misconduct or those around him, and neither will the American people' without hearing from them, Schiff said. 

Democrats blasted the rules put to a vote by Republicans as a 'cover-up' and Republicans unifying around a common procedure that sets up late night political drama. But in one possible concession to push-back, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put forward a rules package allowing for 24 hours of debate for each side spread over three days – rather than two. The earlier timetable would have ensured debates as late as 2 or 3 am.' 

In the UK, there are now only 10 days until the UK leaves the E.U. At present the Withdrawal Agreement is in the hands of the House Of Lords; who have to agree to the W.A this week in order for it to then go to the E.U for its ratification. The House of Lords is currently putting forward its own amendments which are blocking the progress of the W.A. However, with a majority government in place, UK PM Johnson doesn't have to go with the amendments it seems ... as the W.A cannot be stopped with the exit date of 11pm on 31.01.2020 agreed. We shall see.

 We are not even going to go there ...

Australian Bush Fires Crisis
The crisis is not over. Fires still rage. It seems to be barely reported in world news any more. Sadly. A spate of deliberate fires have been started in South Australia. There have been freak weather systems across Australia. And NONE of it is climate change. It appears to be manufactured weather systems and strategically created fires ...

Which leads us to:

The Pied Piper Of The Climate Change Lie
 Antifa Greta T of course. A speech prepared by her minders and she's slagging off world government's again for not doing anything. For pledging to fossil fuels etc. Her speech was minutes after POTUS Trump had defied her with his 'correct' denial fo the climate change scaremongering.

We have this to say to young Greta:

'Mankind has a very minuscule effect on the climate of this planet. Mankind certainly isn't producing enough Carbon Dixide (CO2) to affect anything appertaining to the climate. So, if mankind WAS to go carbon zero, it would alter NOTHING. 

HOWEVER, if the hidden hand was to stop deliberately interfering with the weather systems via HAARP and chemtrails, then that WOULD change the climate. The climate would avert back to normality. Instead they create the crazy weather around the planet and BLAME mankind for it. THAT is the problem, not mankind's use of fossil fuels. 

It's all a scam to extradite world wide new green deal and carbon tax. AND also to get everyone to drive around in electric cars with TOXIC Cobalt batteries ... Cobalt is abundant in two countries only The Congo and Australia....' - Matthew James