Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 12 September 2021

The Mystery Walk: Seeking A Metaparadigm for the Evolving Truth Quest

[Waking Times]: We are born into a story not of our making. The story of the unfolding universe begets the story of the earth begets the story of evolution begets the story of our species which begets the story of the culture we were born into.

The mystery walk is our proactive contribution to the overall story of the unfolding mystery. It’s a spiritual journey into our own personal story. A story that includes what has been told already, what we decide to write into it, and how we adapt to the story that fate writes us into. It goes beyond good and evil, beyond right and wrong, beyond alpha and beta. It launches us into Meta, where the metaparadigm puts things into perspective.

The mystery walk is an anamnesis that synthesizes thesis and antithesis. This synthesis creates a metathesis in which we are encouraged to engage in an exploration of our awareness. What’s revealed is our own evolving truth quest in relation to how we should live as a young species on an ever-changing planet.

As individuals on our own mystery walk, it’s about questioning with persistence, being open to experience and ecstatic revelation, and the ability to reflect on the amplitude of our human experience through a coalescence of mind, body, and soul. It’s the ability to measure our own drama against the overarching drama of the greater cosmos. It’s a delicate balance, a highwire act, with the pressure of fate and culture pressing on us from all sides....<<<Read More>>>...