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Tuesday 8 October 2024

Those who push for a transhuman AI future are part of a clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult

 The transhuman artificial intelligence (“AI”) future is a “clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult” that aims to enslave humanity through technology, Julia Rose writes.

To resist this enslavement, people must adopt a lifestyle that is the opposite of one dependent on digital technology, starting by recognising their reliance on it and taking steps to release themselves from its control.

A key aspect of this resistance is “re-earthing,” a process that involves tapping into common sense and freeing oneself from blind acceptance of the digital control system.

The proponents of a transhuman AI future are a clinically insane, anti-life demonic cult. With this at the forefront of your mind, ask yourself: do I still want to do business with them?

If the answer is “No,” then take immediate steps to adopt a lifestyle as diametrically opposite as possible from the one that makes one dependent on both the tools and mindset of their trade.

I stress “mindset” because the state of mind behind the push to turn human beings into biocomputers is not sufficiently rejected by the majority of those using the cult’s technology.

There is almost no concentrated thought being applied to this already advanced enslavement process, therefore those not questioning their attachment to the EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency) digital technology, lack the ability to resist the insidious capture of their best energies.

One can only put an end to something by first recognising its existence and one’s reliance on it.

This is the first phase of release from slavery and in taking control of one’s destiny.

So, what could such a diametrically opposite lifestyle to one of toxic IT dependency be?

Firstly, a re-earthing. A rational process that taps into common sense and frees one from blind acceptance of an ever more dominant digital control system.

This could, in practice, take many different forms and go in many different directions, but all would be about getting out of jail while one still can.

Electricity is being pushed centre stage as the key tool for both “convenience” and 24/7 invasive surveillance and control.

Consider the fact that all commercial alternative energy sources are about generating electricity. Electricity for public transportation, private cars, cooking, heat pumps (home heating), metering systems, telephone chargers, just about all communication tools, a plethora of household items, street lights, air conditioning, ventilation systems … the list goes on and on.

So, why is the Net Zero by 2045 scam so determined to replace carbon fuel sources with non-carbon-based electric energy? Anything to do with climate amelioration issues?

No, of course not....<<<Read More>>>...