[Natural News]: Covid vaccines are increasingly recognized as depopulation weapons being deployed against humanity. But the mechanism of how they work is only now becoming clear.
The gain-of-function researchers who built this bioweapon — all criminals against humanity — didn’t want it to kill people too quickly because that would be noticed right away. So they needed a mechanism that would allow the spike protein injections to kill people slowly, in a way that could be blamed on something else.
Their answer? Vaccine-induced immune system suppression. It’s not really a “vaccine,” of course, and we use that term in protest. It’s actually a gene altering mRNA injection that programs human cells to produce non-human proteins which are, themselves, pathogenic bioweapons that cause vascular, neurological and reproductive damage. In addition to causing severe vascular damage throughout the body — as confirmed in a recently published Circulation journal paper — these spike proteins destroy innate immune response, which is exactly why the mRNA vaccines are now failing at an accelerating rate.
From the conclusion of that science paper published in Circulation:
We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.
In other words, the mRNA vaccines cause widespread vascular inflammation, leading to death via heart attacks, blood clots, strokes and so on....<<<Read More>>>...
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