Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 15 April 2023

Extreme Censorship of Truth by Fascist Government and Private Partnerships: A Death Warrant to Freedom

 First and foremost, let it be known that even this very essay will be censored and algorithmically hidden from view, by the multitude of government pay-rolled employees and ‘private’ tech companies whose mission in life is to make sure that the plotted State narratives are all that are seen by the lowly proletariat class. I know this from firsthand experience, as over the past three years, finding my articles on a normal internet search has become very difficult. I fully understand that my modest site is not relevant to the big picture by any standard, but if my work is being censored, then most everything of value concerning the actual truth is certainly being heavily censored as well.

The State narrative has replaced the truth at almost every level possible, due to military grade artificial intelligence, algorithmic manipulation, mass. media collusion, and government restriction and regulation control measures. The most recent example of this atrocious silencing of free speech, has been the U.S. Senate’s RESTRICT Act (S-686),  which is ultimately so much more dangerous than will ever be explained by any government agent or bureaucracy,  mainstream media, or any fascist technological entity partnering with the State. It was written under the deceitful guise once again, of protecting the assumed ‘weak and stupid public’ from national security threats due to any release of information that could possibly get into the hands of any so-called foreign enemy. This, as described, by the real enemy of this country, the U.S. government, all its members, all its enforcement arms, its controlled media, and all the corporate and communication companies in bed with this totalitarian governing system.

This total censorship insanity is aimed at all internet publications that are exposing reality and truth, and is using TicToc as the scapegoat in order to censor, heavily restrict speech, and shut down all criticism and dissent, by claiming of course a ‘China’ connection. This is simply the U.S. Patriot Act model, being used as a way to control all speech by controlling all  internet communication and reporting. These efforts have been growing exponentially since the 9/11 false flag hoax, but were expanded beyond reason due to the long-plotted fake ‘covid pandemic’ fraud. This is just the latest attempt by this heinous governing structure to silence all of us. In other words, people openly discussing issues via any form of speech, is considered by the controlling elite and its governing system, as a direct threat to its power structure. Therefore, a censorship war is being waged by this government, its enforcement arms, and its partners, against that segment of the  American population concerned with liberty...<<<Read More>>>....