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Wednesday 3 July 2024

What is Unconditional Love and Why Do We Desperately Need It?

 Unconditional love is so vastly different from the love we are used to receiving that most of us don’t really know what it is.

In fact, most “love” these days isn’t actually true love, but instead differing forms of infatuation, lust, affinity, affection, codependency or egotistical neediness.

The reality is that true love is rare and immensely precious. The moment you experience true unconditional love is the moment you feel completely seen, understood, forgiven, accepted, and loved just as you are.

his feeling is the most embracing and liberating sensation you will ever experience.

Indeed, unconditional love is the most healing force in the universe. Yet unfortunately, we are so starved from experiencing it regularly in our daily lives that we become emotionally and spiritually ill. One of the saddest sights you will ever see is a being who has been completely deprived of unconditional love – and we have all experienced it at some point.

But you don’t need to stay malnourished any longer. As we’ll explore, unconditional love is open for you to access in any moment, no matter where you are, or what you’re doing...<<<Read More>>>...

Memory Lane - "Raven and The Moon"



The Hollow Earth Theory: From Fiction to Science

For centuries, Hollow Earth conspiracy theorists have tried to prove that there’s a whole other world beneath our own. But first, they need to find the way in.

From time immemorial, people have believed that there is another world lying just beneath the surface of our planet. To a number of cultures—the ancient Greeks for one—it is a dark place filled with the souls of the dead. But most of these early beliefs were metaphorical or mythological in origin.

Modern science holds that the Earth is an unbroken series of layers, crusts, and liquid magma surrounding a dense, hot core made primarily of iron and nickel. But not everyone is convinced. In the 17th century, some of the leading scientific minds of the time came up with a new theory—that the planet is actually hollow. This idea has proved incredibly durable.

Even today, there is a small cadre of Hollow Earth believers who are fighting valiantly to validate their ideas through books, websites, meetings and some extremely ambitious travel plans....<<<Read More>>>...

Moody Blues - Forever Autumn

Net Zero will Destroy You, Your Family and Everything You Love

 The drive towards Net Zero is fuelled by the climate change myth and is based on a delicately balanced raft of pseudoscientific evidence and fake news material which are used by professional propagandists and skilled conspirators to sustain the notion that fossil fuels are threatening our world and our very existence.

The myth they have created has been propagated with absurd enthusiasm by small but vocal teams of compliant and easily led enthusiasts, most of whom almost certainly believe that the lies they have been told are the truth and that if we do not make substantive changes to our way of life then we have no future. They’ve been taught that the seas will boil and rise up to engulf the land, life as we have known it will become impossible and the human race will be doomed.

As a result of this nonsensical belief (which is no better established in science than the equally absurd but far less dangerous and damaging theories that the Earth is flat, there are no germs and that gravity does not exist) governments around the world now argue that they have no choice but to take drastic action to save us from doom. Aided and abetted by gullible, easily led, virtue-signalling leaders of charities, lobby groups, bankers and investment groups, action is, therefore, being taken to halt the use of all fossil fuels and to change every aspect of the way we live.

The Supreme Court in the UK has ruled that a local council should have considered the climate impact of burning oil before allowing new wells. This will put all future oil and gas projects in doubt both in the UK and in the EU. A Swiss woman won a victory at the European Court of Human Rights to force Switzerland to do more to deal with the myth of climate change. This is all insanity.

The best joke of the century so far is that China is selling solar panels and electric vehicles to the West and burning coal to create the electricity to make them.

And as we in the West are encouraged by the lunatics to condemn fossil fuels no one is allowed to mention that 84% of global energy comes from fossil fuels. (That is just 2% less than in 1973, by the way.) Without oil and gas, we would have to survive on 16% of the energy we use now. Oh, and you can’t make fertiliser or fly planes with solar power or ugly, bird-crunching windmills.

It is absurd that it should be suggested that we abandon fossil fuels. To do so would mean being prepared to alter every aspect of our lives. Without fossil fuels, we will have very little food, no schools, no hospitals, very little transport (except what is provided by horses and bicycles), no computers, no television, no magazines or newspapers, no air conditioning, no mobile phones, little or no lighting, little or no heating and little or no cooking. Like it or not we will be dragged back (by 2030, if the fanatics have their way) to the 19th century. Solar panels and windmills will not stop this happening. I wonder how many of those who support the idea of Net Zero know what will happen....<<<Read More>>>...

UN declares war on FREE SPEECH to censor the TRUTH, subvert accountability, control populations

 Antonio Guterres, the Secretary General of the United Nations, (UN) just released the globalist’s latest game-plan for population control, surveillance and censorship. The game-plan, titled Global Principles for Information Integrity, seeks to put an end to “harmful misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech” online, all while “upholding human rights such as the freedom of speech.”

Guterres presented the game-plan with a sense of urgency, commanding governments, technology companies, the media and advertisers to take control and establish official narratives, while quashing opposition voices. The UN supports Big Tech’s algorithmic control over the information stream online and seeks to control online speech further. A global body of elites seek to delete what they believe is the disinformation, and they seek to discredit and demonetize the voices of dissent. All the censorship coming from global power systems is war on free speech, but it’s also a war on truth, so that these power systems cannot be held to account for their abuses...<<<Read More>>>...

Tuesday 2 July 2024

It was meant to be, mate. Aren’t you getting it yet? Senior Tory criticises ‘worst campaign in my lifetime’ as frustration grows

 Recriminations have begun to fly around the Conservatives as a senior figure called the last few weeks the “worst campaign in my lifetime” and criticised the party for failing to tackle the threat from Reform.

Rishi Sunak started the week with warnings against handing Labour a “supermajority” and a “blank cheque” and claimed a vote for Reform would hand more power to Keir Starmer.

However, a number of Tory candidates, advisers and officials are deeply frustrated with how he has run the campaign after calling a July election against the advice of his key strategist Isaac Levido.

One senior Tory party figure said on Monday it had been the “worst campaign in my lifetime”, saying that while Sunak was wholly to blame for the early election, there was a feeling that Levido could have pushed back more against the July date and that Conservative HQ should have “taken the fight to Reform” earlier.

They said Levido had made it clear from the start that 2019 Tory switchers from Labour were “gone and never coming back”, telling candidates that all their efforts should be made to target potential Reform voters instead.

However, the source said some people around the cabinet table had argued that the Tories should just ignore Nigel Farage’s party, and the campaign had been too frightened to tackle Reform’s arguments head-on for fear of offending voters who sympathised with them.

The senior figure said the mood among many Tory candidates was that it was “tough out there”, while those whose seats were less difficult were “focusing on what’s left and what’s next” – a new Conservative leadership battle.

They also said candidates in tight marginal seats were getting zero financial or practical support, even on social media, and there was frustration that Conservative HQ had either overspent in the run-up to the election or wrongly thought it would get a last-minute deluge of funding.

There is also suspicion among some Tory candidates that CCHQ could be holding back some funding to rebuild the party after an election defeat rather than going all-out on defending candidates.

Many Conservative candidates are upset that they do not feel as supported by CCHQ as they were in 2019, with top party figures and cabinet ministers having to spend time defending or winning their own seats rather than on national strategy.

One Tory candidate defending a majority of more than 10,000 in the south-east said they had had to raise all their own funding for their local campaign and felt it would be “very tight” against the Liberal Democrats.

Another contrasted their local campaign with the national one. “The local party has been really efficient at identifying the messages that resonate and getting leaflets out to the right people,” they said. “As for the national campaign, well, I know all campaigns have mistakes but I’ve never seen anything like this.”

One senior Tory claimed the only message that was resonating with the party’s voters was the line that failing to vote Conservative would hand Labour a supermajority on Thursday. They pointed out that the warning had been made largely off-the-cuff during a broadcast interview with Grant Shapps, the defence secretary, rather than as part of the prime minister’s strategy.

In an interview with the Times, Starmer said such a majority would allow Labour to “roll up our sleeves and get on with the change we need”, saying the party needs a strong mandate to make changes the “whole country” wants.

At a rally in Oxfordshire on Tuesday, Sunak will appeal to wavering voters to lend him their support to stop Labour winning by a huge margin, saying the result is “not a foregone conclusion”.

“If just 130,000 people switch their vote and lend us their support, we can deny Starmer that supermajority,” he will say. “Just think about that: you have the power to use your vote to prevent an unchecked Labour government.”...<<<Read More>>>...

Quote for the Day


Promoting the Positive

 Sometimes we start out with the best intentions to think and speak only positive thoughts, but the people around us throw us off course. Not everyone fully understands the power our thoughts and words have, or even if they do, they may be stuck in old patterns of negativity. Much of our habitual communication takes the form of complaining and criticizing, and it can be hard to find a way into certain conversations without lapsing into those old habits. However, we always have the option not to participate in negativity or to find a way to influence the situation in a positive direction. In the right company, you may even be able to directly acknowledge the fact that things have taken a negative turn, thus freeing yourself and others from the negative pull.

Not everyone will respond to your cues. There’s no need to become overly attached to the idea of changing other people, because people have to choose for themselves how they will be in the world. Many people stay with negativity because it is familiar to them and feels safe. It is important to give people the space to find their own way, but you can always set an example, subtly representing the power of being positive. At times, you may interject an affirmative statement into the conversation, or you may simply change the subject. You also may withdraw your energy and presence, which makes a subtle statement. If you feel comfortable enough with somebody that is always negative, perhaps, you can have an honest conversation with them; after all, awareness is the first step to change.

A powerful way to free yourself from the negative pull is to enlist allies who are of similar mind. You and a friend, coworker, or family member may agree to work together to continually shift the energy in a situation in a positive direction. The power of two people working to promote the positive is exponentially greater than one person working on their own. As you and your allies work together to lift the energy around you, you will be amazed to see how quickly the positive pull begins to draw people into its orbit, freeing one mind after another from negativity into light....<<<Read More>>>...

Bird Flu Summit: The pandemic-vaccine industry is gathering for a second time to push for bird flu vaccinations

The second international Bird Flu Summit is taking place in a few months. It is proclaimed to be a global event that brings together experts, innovators and stakeholders to address the pressing concerns surrounding avian influenza. 

The summit aims to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange to combat the spread of bird flu and its impact on human and animal health, as well as the global economy.

In line with the World Health Organisation’s vision, the conference is taking a One Health approach. The outcome of the first Bird Flu Summit was that vaccination is a critical tool to mitigate the spread of bird flu. We can expect the outcome of the second to be the same...<<<Read More>>>...


COVID and climate change mutate into single authoritarian VIRUS for swift globalist takeover of the planet

Another pantomime post in the world has gone mad series. They HOPE so much this will work. But rely on the power of our thoughts to succeed. Too many are now turning against them and the tide is turning against their success.


The American Medical Association (AMA) is facilitating the merger of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and climate change, which are morphing together to become a single authoritarian virus, or contagion, that will allow the globalists to seal the deal of their long-planned world takeover.

The AMA published a paper earlier this year called "How curbing climate change can help stop the next viral pandemic," authored by Tanya Albert Henry, that blames the emergence of diseases like COVID on global warming and an allegedly changing climate.

"Nearly 75% of emerging infectious diseases are now zoonotic – think Ebola, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and most recently SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19," Henry wrote in the article, dated Feb. 14, 2024.

"Continued climate change is expected to exacerbate transmission in environments shared among plants, humans and animals."...<<<Read More>>>...

Monday 1 July 2024

Being Aware of Your Thoughts

Few people enjoy the company of individuals whose attitudes are persistently negative. Yet, many of us tolerate the critical chatter that originates in our own minds. Since we are so used to the stream of self-limiting, critical consciousness that winds its way through our thoughts, we are often unaware of the impact these musings have on our lives. It is only when we become aware of the power of such thoughts that we can divest ourselves of them and fill the emptiness they leave with loving, peaceful affirmations.

Many people, upon paying careful attention to their thought patterns, are surprised at the negativity they find there. But when we take notice of involuntary thoughts in a nonjudgmental way, we initiate a healing process that will eventually allow us to replace intimidating and upsetting self-talk with positive, empowering thoughts.

While the occasional downbeat or judgmental thought may have little impact on your contentment, the ongoing negativity that passes unnoticed can have a dampening effect on your mood and your outlook. When you are aware of the tone of your thoughts, you can challenge them. Try to be conscious of your feelings, opinions, and judgments for a single day. From sunup to sundown, scrutinize the messages you are feeding into your subconscious mind. Consider your thoughts from the perspective of a detached observer and try not to judge yourself based on the notions that come unbidden into your mind. Simply watch the flow of your consciousness and make a note of the number of times you find yourself focusing on gloomy notions or indulging in self-directed criticism.

As you become increasingly aware of your patterns of thought, whether positive and negative, you will gradually learn to control the character of your stream of consciousness. Always endeavor to remember that the images and ideas that pass through your mind are transient and not a true representation of who you are. In training yourself to be cognizant of your thoughts, you gain the ability to actively modulate your mood. The awareness you cultivate within yourself will eventually enable you to create a foundation of positivity from which you can build a more authentic existence. (Daily OM)

UK mandates masks at some hospitals amidst claims of 'highest Covid spike since December 2023'

 More BBC 'balony, bullshit and crap' .... treating the already vaccinated who are suffering from the mRNA vaccine generating the rogue spike proteins .... and producing the covid fake immune response.


Face mask rules have been reintroduced at acute hospitals in Worcestershire after a rise in the number of patients developing Covid-19.

The policy applies to staff, patients and visitors, and covers all clinical areas at Redditch's Alexandra, Kidderminster, and the Worcestershire Royal hospitals.

In a statement, Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust (WAH) said the measure was "necessary to protect patients, their loved ones, and our hospital staff from the risk of infection".

The trust said it was currently treating 65 patients with Covid-19, the "highest number" since December 2023.

"This is the highest number of Covid positive inpatients seen since December 2023, the amount of time our Covid positive patients need to be in hospital is increasing suggesting that they are also more seriously ill," a spokesperson said.

The trust said the measures would be applied with immediate effect, and would stay in place until further notice.

Masks are being made available at all sites...<<<Read More>>>...

***FEATURE*** - Totem Bird of the Month


Unvaccinated Police in Australia Fired Two Years After Covid Mandates Dropped

 Two years after the Covid mandates ended, the West Australian Police Force has fired nearly 20 unvaccinated police officers and public servants for refusing to get the jabs.

A legal challenge against the mandates, brought by WA Police officer Ben Falconer and staff member Les Finlay, had previously secured an injunction preventing the force from firing unvaccinated staff until the matter had been settled in the courts.

However, a Supreme Court ruling that then-WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson’s Covid vaccination directive was “valid and lawful” brought an end to the injunction in April. WA Police announced the resumption of disciplinary action against 17 affected employees immediately after the hearing, with all 12 police officers and five staff having now been sacked.

Falconer was the last to be formally notified of his dismissal on Friday, for disobeying the Commissioner’s vaccination directive. Despite no prior history of disobedience, Falconer refused the jabs due to his concerns over the safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines and the way in which mandates violated the bodily integrity of officers and staff....<<<Read More>>>...

***FEATURE*** - Quote for the Month


Iron Maiden – The Writing On The Wall

Gullible, and possibly insane, people and other passing observations

In his latest passing observations, ‘Passing Observations 252’, Dr. Vernon Coleman notes that there are about ten million gullible and possibly insane people in Britain who now take a statin every day.

But they are not the only gullible people in the UK. There are also those who believe in climate change and vaccination and the Great Reset and Net Zero – including most of our local councillors.

Speaking of politics, the worst-case scenario after the UK’s general elect is a coalition of Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

“You can easily tell just how many brazen, out-and-out fascists there are in the UK today. They’re the ones with orange posters for the Liberal Democrats displayed in their windows or in their gardens,” Dr. Coleman says.

1. There have been a few modestly warm days recently, but in the middle of June 2024 the official temperature for the warmest part of England was a shivery four degrees C at night and a brisk eight degrees C during the daytime. (When we started to shiver we put our central heating back on.) And yet we were being told that the temperature was above normal for the time of the year. If you don’t know what is going on please watch my video entitled `The Covid Genocide Unravels’. You’ll find the scary explanation for the changes in our weather at the end of the video. And, of course, the explanation has absolutely nothing to do with cars, cows, aeroplanes or volcanoes. Click HERE to watch the video.

2. Best case scenario in the UK’s election would be a Parliament full of independent (non-party) MPs. That’s not going to happen. Second best scenario: a coalition between Tories and Reform. There is no other acceptable result. Worst case scenario: a coalition between Labour and Liberal Democrats.

3. It is now almost impossible to go for a walk anywhere in England without coming across out of control off the lead dogs. No one gives a damn about people who are nervous of dogs or who dislike being bitten. And the police don’t seem aware of the law which makes it an offence if anyone reports that they were alarmed, upset or nervous because of a dog in any public place. Anyone bitten by a dog should make a formal complaint to the police and sue the owner for vast sums in damages.

4. About ten million gullible and possibly insane people in Britain now take a statin every day. I look forward to seeing the research which confirms that it is safe to take one of these drugs together with a covid-19 vaccine. I wrote about the risks with statins in the 1990s and I haven’t changed my mind about them.

5. A nurse has been suspended for six months for taking two headache tablets without permission. On the other hand, not one nurse has been suspended for injecting patients with the covid-19 vaccine – a product known to be useless and dangerous.

8. Net immigration figure for Britain show that the country has 1.9 million more people than it had three years ago – most of them in England which has for years been the most overcrowded country in the world (excluding a few oddities such as Monaco). That’s nearly two million people wanting health care, space on the roads and fresh drinking water. It’s nearly two million more people using the country’s Victorian sewers. And the 1.9 million figure is the net immigration figure. Actually, around three million people came into the country (most of them attracted by free money and free housing) and one million (hard-working taxpayers left) left to go somewhere less crowded. Britain is doomed.

13. Artificial intelligence (“AI”) is a getting sillier by the day. Apparently, Apple smartphones can now send automatic replies to emails. And then, presumably, the recipient’s phone replies to the automatic email. And so on ad infinitum. The people who own the phones communicate with one another without having to read or write what is being said in their name. How long will it be before a phone asks another phone to marry it? Or the boss’s phone fires everyone because they’re no longer needed. Oh, what fun.

14. A growing number of councillors are either permanently unemployed or are school teachers. The real problem, of course, is that most councillors are part of the establishment. They are so ignorant that they believe in climate change and vaccination and the Great Reset and Net Zero....<<<Read More>>>...

***FEATURE*** - Light of Truth Oracle Card of the Month


COVID injections cause neurological disease followed by DEATH, study finds

Young adults between the ages of 15 and 44 are experiencing more neurological disease than ever before in our nation's history. And data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) points to Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" as the culprit.

Phinance Technologies put together a study using this CDC data showing a sharp rise in neurological disease-induced death within this age group that started in 2020. Conditions like Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis that are commonly associated with vaccination suddenly started afflicting the 15-44 age group, many from which were forced to get injected for COVID in order to work or attend school.

The pre-print study paints what Great Game India described as "a troubling picture of the neurological health landscape in the U.S." It shows a clear uptick in mortality from neurological illness right around the time that Operation Warp Speed was launched by the Trump regime.

Ed Dowd, a former Wall Street guru who is now a principal at Phinance, said "the results show a clear break from the prior historical trend in death rates from neurological diseases." ...<<<Read More>>>...

****FEATURE*** - Image of the Month