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Anomaly Gallery
Over the many months, since Google Mars & Google Moon was launched on Google Earth, hundreds of 'anomaly expeditions' have been undertaken on the surface of both planetary surfaces (as well as on Mother Earth) .... many of the 'findings' have been featured on A Light In The Darkness ... after a process of 'negative imaging & adaptation' of the original images obtained from the expeditions has been undertaken. A new category has therefore been added to A Light In The Darkness ....called 'Anomaly Gallery' .... there are literally hundreds of 'anomaly' pictures on file ... too many to be all featured on A Light In The Darkness (some others can be found on Lights Down Under) so only a small portion of them have been featured to date.... maybe they deserve a blog in their own right! Another good example of martian anomaly is the image shown right, which is as a result of an expedition to the southern polar region of Mars. In the foreground there appears to be some kind of craft with signs of some type of propulsion indicated by the white flashes seen in the foreground? Click here for ANOMALY GALLERY or find it on the Index list located down the right hand side of the blog page.