The FIRST vital question has to be 'Is Madeleine STILL alive'. Emphatically the response is YES. Nothing has changed in this quarter. The sense of wellbeing still emanates from her name. Still the shroud of mystery (as if some undeterminable 'magician' has sprinkled enchantment over the entire mystery to make us all not know or see anything. The veil to be pierced). The SECOND vital question has to be 'who or WHAT has Madeleine'. Again, emphatically, the paradigm that Madeleine is with vicious Pedo's does not compute. The energies around her are gentle at the core. Feminine even. No furious or devious mind ... which is what I associate with a pedo or others of that ilk. Outside of this protective central core are more vicious energies, but that is part of the hidden veil I feel. Outwardly those who hold Madeleine do not represent those who have her. It is a disguise and a cover. Again what has been said before. The THIRD vital question to be considered has to be 'where IS Madeleine. What part of the world?' Again, emphatically ... the response was close to home for the family. In similar neck of the woods where there is private woodland and a property set back away from prying eyes. Much is at stake for the entire project so they are kept in a place which can be well maintained. An established safe house in part of the UK not readily accessible. A place where the mainstream press can be kept at bay even though their hands are tied as their main payroll bosses have instructions from even higher places to stay out of it, and accept the trickle feed nonsense which is given down the line from time to time.
Question three represents the starting point for The Hawk. Images of the apparent location filter through. Clear signs of woodland and narrow country roads. Green is the colour. Predominant security around the village/town where they are held. The operative word is THEY. So who are they .....?? (MJ)