Part 2
Using Glastonbury Tarot
The Hermit (St.Collen)
10 Of Swords (Rebirth)
Ace Of Swords (Excalibur)
3 of Swords (Grief)
These four images represent the initial cards chosen during the working on the evening of Tuesday 17th November 2009. The first card chosen was 'the grief' card ... which immediately sprung to mind the images of the claims that Madeleine McCann was dead and that she'd sustained some kind of trauma etc etc (we won't go in that misleading direction here. Needless to say that was the first imagery unearthed). Something significant portrayed by the reversed yellow triangle. Symbolic of everything having an opposite meaning. Classic occultic secrecy ... something portrayed is in actual fact saying the opposite. Hence then the image of 'rebirth' being unearthed not long after. The 'death to life' aspect of the mystery ... the photograph in Morocco of the little girl on the back of a Moroccan woman. The mismatched 'little girl' that was found in a nearby village to dismiss the claims the girl in the photo was Madeleine. The video footage in Belgium which was quickly dismissed as not being Madeleine. Another part of the symbolic meaning of this mystery. The Ace Of Swords (Excalibur - the fabled magic sword) ... interest here as it is a parallel to 'the flaming sword' which Madeleine has been signified as in other insights ... too much like coincidence. Madeleine is Excalibur in some ways. The fabled sword used by a young king to gain thralldom over a nation. Symbolic of Madeleine's cause and what she represents perhaps? The Hermit (St.Collen) ... a brief history here of this card, quoting L.T-D 'St Collen was a Welsh saint thought to be an abbot at Glastonbury Abbey. He retired to a cave on the Tor. He was said to be visited by a mysterious messenger to meet with Gwyn Ap Nudd (Lord Of The Underworld). Finally he agreed, and on climbing the tor for the meeting came upon a magnificent castle on the summit. He refused all the visions around him and scattered holy water on the tor. The castle disappeared ... and because of this St Collen is attributed with banishing Gwyn Ap Nudd and abling Christianity to take over from the old religions which had the tor as sacred ground.' Thus The Hermit represents some kind of 'changing of the guard' or 'hijacking' perhaps of Madeleine due to a religious belief system ... ?? The images do not reveal new information but they confirm that the 'trail' has been recovered with a fresh set of keys --- Matthew James