A general 'present moment' working ... the 9 of Chalices had been chosen as the significator for Madeliene. Unsurprisingly the image (seen left) which depicts a young girl with white blonde hair appeared in the later part of the working. The three images shown on the left are part of the latter stages of the working ... and represent the inspired/indicated/intuitive location of Madeleine at this time, as suggested by the imagery of The Glastonbury Tarot. As per the general rule I have when working with these particular cards, when I consider the meaning of the images as presented by the creator of the cards (Lisa Tenzin-Dolma) ... I will make this working no different:
9 Of Chalices (Generosity) --- significator of MM --- 'your ability to accept others as they are wihout judgement, and with no expectations of them'. Innocence untainted in other words. Bearing the chalice ... a significance perhaps if she represents the chalice in someone's eyes. Alive and unharmed as she is the prize apparently.
The Wheel Of Fortune (The Glastonbury Zodiac) --- 'within green' ... within the boundaries presented by the image? Quoting L.T-D once again 'the wheel of fortune represents the constant cycle of change that has been experienced. Signifying a change to come in life. It represents a breakthrough in the situation.' The circle within the green area perhaps represents that the net is closing in finally of a group (or council) of twelve?
7 Of Chalices (Fantasy) --- 'there is a need to discriminate between what is real, and what is pure illusion' .... time to consider the facts/reality contained within all the deceptions and distractions which have been around the mystery ...
The earlier parts of the working may be published at a later date.