The Garden of the Soul designed in tunnels under the ground is still in the Hades/mortal stage, but if the Garden is witnessed as dirt only, it represents a spiritual-soul, who has completed the Hades/mortal Stage and is now a candidate for Transfiguration that is, of their own free will, can enter into the Immortal Divine Spiritual State of Being. After Divine Studies and understanding the meaning of becoming a Divine Spirit, he is guided into Divine Visualization, where he Ascends into the Divine Realm for the Transfiguration or Christing of appointed material memory into the Christ Son and Chryse is Daughter's Nature. The now young Divine Spiritual-Soul's Garden of the Soul begins to show sprigs of grass that represents the Spirit's material aspects of memory Transfigured into Divine Psycho-Aspects, now active in his spirit. The newly Transfigured first-degree knight is then ceremoniously graduated into Second-Degree Knighthood, the Order of the Peacock. (templechryses.com)