Wednesday 28th October 2009

We live in an area of Canberra close to the Brindabella Mountains which is a reputed area of Yowie sightings (I didn't know that until a few days later). I was in the garage busily packing in readiness for our house move at the weekend. I had the distinct feeling of 'being watched' so I turned round to look in the direction of the front of the garage. There gazing back at me was a creature with long arms almost touching the ground. It was ape-like and noticeably lacking a neck. The creature was linking with me telepathically. It telepathically spoke a name (which I will not repeat) that resonated within me ... I knew the name and realised in that instance the creature was a juvenile and there was some kind of recognition between us.
It was later, at the weekend, that I met a 'Yowie Expert' by chance (Yes .. that's you "Tim The Yowie Man") ... and I related my experience to him when he was describing the creature he'd seen in the Brindabella Mountains. His appeared to be more in-the-flesh than mine which was a 'metaphysical' experience. However, from my conversation with 'Tim The Yowie Man', the Yowie are deemed to be metaphysical being. They are also deemed to be 'interdimensional door keepers' - Matthew James