Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

X-ray Body Scanners - a stepping stone to the microchip, perhaps?

X-ray Body Scanners have become a 'fact of life' already, very swiftly in fact, but I suspect they are but a stepping stone across the stream that 'they' wish us to tread. An alleged 'terrorist' attack was all that seemed to be needed to shit scare us all into accepting these inconvenient monsters at major airports in the UK & USA (and soon here in Australia). OK, not all of us ... but we are powerless as the majority it seems to prevent the money making deceivers from getting their way, and having these cumbersome machines installed. It was all set up, I'm sure of that, but it is too late now ... these scanners will become another fact of life at airports. Just like baggage scanners, hand held scanners etc; that we have to endure each time we fly. It is forced upon us with these 'alleged' terrorist threats. We take it like subservient puppets drugged and poisoned by the junk we eat, drink, read and watch ... just like 'they' planned all along. We'll never take action because the majority don't see what is in plain sight before their eyes.

But, it is where this airport security is leading, that I am concerned about. 'They' have made it increasingly more awkward to fly from one country to another. This is deliberate I am sure. Inconvenience is the order of the day ... because they have a simpler alternative up their sleeve like a poisoned ace card. 'They' want us all to feel put out and threatened by the scanners. They want us to worry about the cancer which could spread once we go through the x-ray field. It's working on our fear. It's working on our subconscious. So when their 'alternative method' is introduced (It will be given a 'trial' first) ... we will jump up with relief that all the inconvenience has gone away suddenly. 'They' will be deemed wonderful; their 'newly' developed technology will be deemed a marvel (when in truth it has been ready and waiting in the shadows for years!). We will care not about anything other than the fact we can 'just board a plane' without any security checks ....

And what might this 'alternative' be you ask? Imagine the scene ... people are in a long line awaiting the tedious security checks ... impatient and tired ... and you could just walk straight though the gate as soon as you arrive at the airport because you were security cleared before ever you set off to the airport; because the microchip that is in your arm is linked to the central computer that has all your details ... so big brother knows all about you prior to your flight .... easy peasy eh?

Yes .. I feel this major inconvenience that is now the norm is merely the stepping stone, or 'the problem', that could lead to 'something must be done' (the reaction) that brings in the microchip for travellers (the intended solution?) ....

In future times it may then become compulsory to have the chip to travel on any plane, or any public transport for that matter. It could be the future. The way they intend to force the majority into being robotised by the minority!

You have been warned.