The study of colour psychology and colour symbolism also reveals an in-depth perspective on both society and the beliefs of individuals. Accordingly, color symbolism has always played a major role in religious symbolism and religious rituals.
Yellow, blue and red are the primary colours and are mixed to create secondary colours: green, orange and purple. The basic colours of the spectrum are the most fundamental colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These colors combine with each other and with white and black to create all of the other colours that we see.
Each of these colours have different meanings in various spiritual philosophies. In Islam, green is the most prominent color and is symbolic of springtime renewal, joy, success and happiness. In China, yellow has always been associated with the imperial household and red is the most auspicious colour. According to the Hebrew tradition, the name of the first man is Adam, meaning red or alive. In Catholicism, blue is the colour most closely associated with Mother Mary and the heavenly realm.
The rainbow is a prominent spiritual symbol. One of the most notable symbolic uses of the rainbow is in the Biblical story of Noah. God tells Noah that the rainbow is the sign of his promise that the earth will never again be destroyed by flood. The symbolism of the rainbow has been expanded to include diversity, inclusiveness and hope. Color symbolism is most often used in Christianity in banners, vestments, and other liturgical items and in art. The rainbow is a prominent spiritual symbol. One of the most notable symbolic uses of the rainbow is in the Biblical story of Noah. God tells Noah that the rainbow is the sign of his promise that the earth will never again be destroyed by flood. The symbolism of the rainbow has been expanded to include diversity, inclusiveness and hope.
Gems have also been worn throughout history as spiritual tools and valuable symbols of love, power and healing. Gems carry a vibration that can affect our own electromagnetic fields. The molecular structure of gems filter out certain wavelengths as light passes through them, giving them their characteristic colours. Both precious and semi-precious stones can be used to affect character, mood and physical health.
In esoteric traditions, colours are also associated with particular days of the week. Sunday is the day of yellow and illumination. Monday is the day of divine love, represented by the color pink. Tuesday is the day for the color blue, symbolic of faith and the will of God. Wednesday is green for healing and truth. Thursday has tow colors: purple and gold. Both of these colors are symbolic of service to others. Friday is white, denoting purity. Saturday is violet, symbolic of freedom and transmutation.
Your own colour preferences may reveal the spiritual path you have chosen for this life. Colours can also be worn to amplify positive characteristics and soul qualities that you wish to develop. Wearing the colour for each day of the week is also a practice aimed at cultivated each of the qualities of the seven spiritual colors or rays.(New Age Articles)