Some individuals draw or suck off the energy of others. Most of the time this happens because the individuals involved do not realize it. In many cases they are using your energies to supplement their own rather than building up their own. All they may realize is that, when they finish talking with you or being with you, they feel better. This does not give them a right to take your energy, however, and you should not allow it.
This does not mean that you should accuse this person of being a vampire or say that you will not speak to him or her again because he or she is sucking off your energy. If you do, this person will think you have gone off the deep end. In that case, your problem will be solved, because he or she will probably not care to see you after that. Most people still are not open to the subtle aspects of energy, and you must keep this in mind when dealing with them.
It is easier just to correct the situation without saying a word about it. You can control whether another shares your energy or not. One of the simplest methods is to close your circuit of energy. There are currents of energy flowing through your body and around it within the auric field. You can close them down so that your energies only circulate around your own auric field and throughout your body. You prevent your energies from being drawn off from the aura, and you prevent your aura from drawing in another's energy.
Here is what it takes to protect your Aura. You cross your feet at the ankles and bring your thumbs and fingers together so they are touching. (If you wish, you can use just your thumbs and index fingers.) This close your circuit. Your energy will not go out from you.
The next time you encounter your friend who drains you, assume this posture. Simply rest your hands casually on your lap, touch your fingers and cross your ankles. It is casual and simple, and no one will suspect you of anything. You can also do this when on the phone with such people.
If you do this, you will get some feedback through other friends as to the effects. You may hear comments such as, "You are just not as nice,' "You are not as open as you has nothing to do with being mad at people. You will still be talking with them as nicely and as often as ever. What you are not doing is allowing them to take your energy! You simply are not allowing them to drain you. Because they are not getting "high" from you, they are assuming something is wrong. No one has the right to take your energy without your permission. (Spiritual.com)