Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.
Search A Light In The Darkness
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Buddhist Inspiration ..
If you want to understand suffering you must look into the situation at hand. The teachings say that wherever a problem arises it must be settled right there. Where suffering lies is right where non-suffering will arise, it ceases at the place where it arises. If suffering arises you must contemplate right there, you don't have to run away. You should settle the issue right there. One who runs away from suffering out of fear is the most foolish person of all. He will simply increases his stupidity endlessly.
The Law of Higher Will
From the viewpoint of our separate self and smaller will, it's normal to act on the basis of our own desires and preferences. When we surrender our smaller self and will to the guidance of a higher will and dedicate our actions for the highest good of ALL concerned, we feel an inspired glow at the center of our life.
The Alien DNA Paradigm

A Sydney, Australia abduction experience from 1992, with biological evidence, became the subject of the world's first DNA PCR "alien abduction" related investigation, yielding intriguing results that have suggested fascinating new lines of investigation and speculation.Born in 1964, in Lebanon, Peter Khoury migrated to Australia in 1973. He met his future wife, Vivian in 1981, marrying in 1990. They have 2 children. What might be Peter's first encounter with a UFO occurred in Lebanon in the summer of 1971 at age 7. He and seven other children had gone up onto the flat rooftop of his neighbour's house to play. Peter was the last to walked through a heavy door that leads onto the roof. He then saw all his friends "frozen" like statues in front of him, while a silent egg-shaped craft hovered above. All eight children later found themselves on the ground floor after some time had elapsed, with no memory of the intervening period.In Sydney, during February 1988, Peter and Vivian saw a strange light doing extraordinary movements in conjunction with a beam of light effect....read more...
The World's first DNA PCR investigation of Biological Evidence from an Alien Abduction

Seen an alien? Call Mary

A Tryst With The Ancient Ones
A lightning bolt and the ritual is complete
The lone figure stands with arms held high ... aloft
The mark of infinity carved in the rock ... the anvil of power
The role play heralding the result ... a tryst with the ancient ones ... the elders
... now a certainty
Ambassadors wait to unite on a physical world
Now that the vibrations match and a door swings open wide.
Extract taken from 'A Victorious Dawn' written by Matthew James September 2003
The lone figure stands with arms held high ... aloft
The mark of infinity carved in the rock ... the anvil of power
The role play heralding the result ... a tryst with the ancient ones ... the elders
... now a certainty
Ambassadors wait to unite on a physical world
Now that the vibrations match and a door swings open wide.
Extract taken from 'A Victorious Dawn' written by Matthew James September 2003
TSA Agent Speaks Out About Uselessness of New Pat Downs

Anomaly Gallery
The Law of Unity
We are all connected, all bearing the seed of Divinity. This is the way we start, and the way we develop into eternity. It is only while in third dimension physical form, and because of the greater separation of our higher self from the personality, we experience the illusion that we stand alone. Fear enters our emotional body because of this illusion and begins to close more profoundly our connection to the Source. Also, when we experience great soul growth, in some small but profound manner, all benefit. All substance in this Universe flows to us and through us. We are All.
Feds Illegally Raid New Mexico Farm School Without Warrant and Find Nothing but Fresh Produce
'The government terror campaign against innocent civilians continues with a recent report in the Santa Fe New Mexican about a September raid on a small farming school that left children and administrators in shock. According to the report, officials paid a surprise and unwarranted visit to the Camino de Paz Montessori School and Farm in Cuarteles, New Mexico, on September 21 to search for marijuana -- but they ended up needlessly terrorizing small children and finding only tomato plants in the process....Read more:
Bringing Inspiration into Form

Quotes For The Day
"The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced." -- Aart Van Der Leeuw
"I believe there is no source of deception in the investigation of nature which can compare with a fixed belief that certain kinds of phenomena are impossible." -- William James
"Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true." -- Niels Bohr
"To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge." -- Copernicus
"Curiouser and curiouser!" -- Lewis Carroll
"I believe there is no source of deception in the investigation of nature which can compare with a fixed belief that certain kinds of phenomena are impossible." -- William James
"Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true." -- Niels Bohr
"To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge." -- Copernicus
"Curiouser and curiouser!" -- Lewis Carroll
Aliens DO exist (or so half the British public believes)
If you are a down-to-earth sort, this might sound slightly alien – but almost half of Britons believe in little green men. A poll of more than 2,000 adults found that 44 per cent are of the opinion extra-terrestrial life exists. Men have the most faith in alien beings, with 46 per cent of those surveyed for the Royal Society, the country’s most prestigious scientific body, claiming that we are not alone in the universe. And interest in ‘life but not as we know it’ does not end there, with more than a third of those questioned saying we should be actively trying to make contact with ET. But that mission is made all the more difficult because opinion is divided on exactly what we’re looking for....READ MORE...
Is Wi-Fi frying our brains? Fears that cloud of 'electrosmog' could be harming humans

Monday, 29 November 2010
The Law of No Judgements
The Universal Spirit does not judge us; judgements are human inventions, a means to compare, contrast and control as we judge ourselves against artificial, and often idealistic standards of perfection, morality or truth. Under the law of equalities, our judgements attract judgement to us in equal measure. The life/karmic review conducted by yourself after death is a condition of living in duality/third dimension.
"What's The Score?" -- Seasiders Vs The Red Devils
The Complete idiots Guide to Wikileak's Document Dump

Many observers think this is a propaganda set up and that neither Julian Assange or WikiLeaks should be taken at face value. After all, Julian Assange keeps insisting there was no 9-11 conspiracy and the 9-11 truth movement a "distraction."
Apparently Julian Assange has patented conspiracy and nobody else may expose one except himself!...Read more...
Anomaly Gallery

A Realm Of Thought
Programmed into evolution
Fooled into thinking slowly
Made to accept the contrived
Lies made over the centuries
To hide and to lose the path
A realm of thought
Which is not how it is
Merely a world of construction
Into which infinite consciousness
Has been fooled into
Venturing to ...
Extract taken from 'Within A Contrived World' written by Matthew James March 2009
Fooled into thinking slowly
Made to accept the contrived
Lies made over the centuries
To hide and to lose the path
A realm of thought
Which is not how it is
Merely a world of construction
Into which infinite consciousness
Has been fooled into
Venturing to ...
Extract taken from 'Within A Contrived World' written by Matthew James March 2009

The Law of Intuition
We can only get in touch with our own source of intuition and wisdom when we no longer depend upon others' opinions for our sense of identity or worth. Do we value and trust our own intuition, or do we value and transfer authority to the opinions of others over our own inner feelings? Our intuition becomes more profound when we claim our own sacred identity.
Some Buddhist Inspiration ... "Tantra"
A single word or expression in tantra can have four different meanings. Corresponding to the four levels of interpretation. These levels are known as the four modes of understanding. They are:
1 the literal meaning;
2 the general meaning;
3 the hidden meaning;
and 4 the ultimate meaning.
1 the literal meaning;
2 the general meaning;
3 the hidden meaning;
and 4 the ultimate meaning.
Anomaly Gallery - Mars Once More

Welcome to the Food Wars: Patriot Act for Food

Quotes ... for today
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss (via Elena)
“What you must dare is to be yourself.” -- Dag Hammarskjold
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss (via Elena)
“What you must dare is to be yourself.” -- Dag Hammarskjold
Living for Ourselves

GOP Rep. Asks Clinton to Declare WikiLeaks a ‘Foreign Terrorist Organization’
'A Republican Congressman from New York has invented a new definition for the word "terrorism" that doesn't require guns, bombs, vast underground networks of sleeper cells, a criminal conspiracy or even violence. All that's needed to be a terrorist, according to Rep. Peter King, is a website and some inconvenient information.
That's why King sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder on Sunday, demanding that whistleblower website WikiLeaks be deemed a "foreign terrorist organization" and it's founder declared a terror ringleader....Read more:
That's why King sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder on Sunday, demanding that whistleblower website WikiLeaks be deemed a "foreign terrorist organization" and it's founder declared a terror ringleader....Read more:
Have they found the elixir of eternal youth? Scientists reverse the ageing process in landmark trial
The secret of eternal youth has been unlocked by scientists in remarkable research that paves the way for a ‘forever young’ drug. Lives could be longer and healthier, free from illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and heart disease, with skin and hair retaining its youthful lustre. Such a drug might allow men and women to have children naturally until they are a ripe old age....read more...
Sunday, 28 November 2010
How Terahertz Waves Tear Apart DNA

A Sign of Things to Come?: Millions of Australians Cashless in Bank Glitch

They stood in a unreachable clearing within a dense patch of woodland;
a human town nestled in the valley close by
Their craft stood behind them hidden by a technology beyond human comprehension;
their latest experiment had heralded a pleasing result
They had successfully made contact with one of their sleeping operatives in the field
A ‘changeling’ who had been switched at birth with a human child...
Unbeknown to either the child or its parents it was of non-human origin
a result of a hybrid cloning project which involved several star systems in the universe.
The child had reached the age where the next stage in the development was necessary;
the human consciousness had to be merged with the alien;
and the merging monitored perfectly;
there had been a number of failures; humans developing ahead of their time ...
Extract taken from 'Thief Of Time' written by Matthew James Jan 2003
a human town nestled in the valley close by
Their craft stood behind them hidden by a technology beyond human comprehension;
their latest experiment had heralded a pleasing result
They had successfully made contact with one of their sleeping operatives in the field
A ‘changeling’ who had been switched at birth with a human child...
Unbeknown to either the child or its parents it was of non-human origin
a result of a hybrid cloning project which involved several star systems in the universe.
The child had reached the age where the next stage in the development was necessary;
the human consciousness had to be merged with the alien;
and the merging monitored perfectly;
there had been a number of failures; humans developing ahead of their time ...
Extract taken from 'Thief Of Time' written by Matthew James Jan 2003
Some Buddhist Inspiration ...
If the first true fact is that life in general is not easy, we should certainly not expect that seeing the nature of our mind will be simple. The actual nature of mind, on any level, is not very obvious. Even to identify and recognize correctly what is mind is extremely difficult. Just to start to try to see it, we need strong motivation. We need to be clear about why we would like to see the nature of our mind---The Gelug/Kagyu tradition of Mahamudra
The Power Of Disengagement

The Law of Magnetic Impulse
Also known as the first step towards marriage, or the law of the polar union. It results in an eventual union between the man or atom and the group which produces harmonious group relations. It is also known as the law of the polar union, and the symbol is two fiery balls united by a triangle of fire, thus picturing the triple interplay between all atomic structures. The ray energy is radiatory energy of the 2nd ray. Manifesting factor.
Fourth powerful blast rocks Pike River mine

Anomaly Gallery
EU Bans BPA-Containing Baby Bottles
'The European Commission has banned the use of baby bottles containing the chemical Bisphenol-A (BPA) from the early next year, fearing it may pose harm to children.
The compound may affect the development of the immune system and its response in young children, the commission said. Parents "can be sure that as of mid-2011 plastic infant feeding bottles will not include BPA," said John Dalli, commissioner in charge of health and consumer policy...Read more:
The compound may affect the development of the immune system and its response in young children, the commission said. Parents "can be sure that as of mid-2011 plastic infant feeding bottles will not include BPA," said John Dalli, commissioner in charge of health and consumer policy...Read more:
US Government Seizure of the Internet has Begun; DHS Takes Over 76 Websites

Quotes ... for today
“Our deepest need is for the joy that comes with …knowing we are of genuine use to others.” -- Eknath Easwaran "
… there is no such thing as just existing. Everything is in service to everything else. Existence is giving and receiving. A stone gives and receives no less than a saint." -- Jacob Needleman
… there is no such thing as just existing. Everything is in service to everything else. Existence is giving and receiving. A stone gives and receives no less than a saint." -- Jacob Needleman
Saturday, 27 November 2010

In some representations the serpent is shown as half light and half dark, echoing symbols such as the Yin Yang, which illustrates the dual nature of all things, but more importantly, that these opposites are not in conflict. The serpent or dragon eating its own tail has survived from antiquity and can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, circa 1600 B.C.E. From there it passed to Phoenicia and then to the Greek philosophers, who gave it the name Ouroboros ("the tail-devourer"). The ouroboros has several meanings interwoven into it. Foremost is the symbolism of the serpent biting, devouring, eating its own tail. This symbolizes the cyclic Nature of the Universe: creation out of destruction, Life out of Death. The ouroboros eats its own tail to sustain its life, in an eternal cycle of renewal. In the above drawing, from a book by an early Alchemist, Cleopatra, the black half symbolizes the Night, Earth, and the destructive force of nature, yin. the light half represents Day, Heaven, the generative, creative force, yang.....read more...
The Law of Mentalism
THE ALL is MIND" The All is substantial reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know as empirical. The material universe, phenomena, matter, energy and all that is apparent to our material senses. It is spirit undefinable, unknowable, and thought of as a universal, infinite, living mind. This Law explains the true nature of energy, power and matter. The Universe is mental in nature, and mental transmutation is the art of changing the conditions of the universe, along the lines of matter, force, and mind. The atom of matter, the unit of force, the mind of man, and the being of the arch-angel are all but degrees in one scale, and all fundamentally the same. The difference is solely a matter of degree and rate of vibration. All are creations of the All, and have their existence solely within the Infinite Mind of the All.
Quotes ... for today
“Family life! The United Nations is child's play compared to the tugs and splits and need to understand and forgive in any family.” -- May Sarton
“Those who have children can become masters of patience, endurance, and steadfastness, because children will test you at every turn. …The way to make our children patient and loving is to be that way ourselves.” -- Eknath Easwaran
“Those who have children can become masters of patience, endurance, and steadfastness, because children will test you at every turn. …The way to make our children patient and loving is to be that way ourselves.” -- Eknath Easwaran
Spain, Portugal and Belgium Set to Follow Ireland into Abyss as Debt Crisis Threatens to Destroy the Euro

The rising cost of Belgium’s debt is now 100 per cent of annual national income. That is raising concerns the country could join Portugal, Spain and Italy on the growing list of countries that could be heading for a financial crisis along with stricken Ireland....Read more:
The 'War on Terror' is a Fraud

Central to this nation-building process was the key emphasis on cultivating and creating knowledge of nature, and of the high-level of integrity and commitment of the average American. However, the evolution of the US Public State, as a genuine democracy with the ability to unify mankind on a broad basis, has been derailed consistently, and perhaps irreversibly, by corporate cliques that have taken the US on the path of global conquest and exploitation of the poor but resource-rich countries.
This path will eventually lead to USA’s defeat, beginning in Central Asia, and its rapid and bloody decline in a decade or two, unless, of course, the Americans can bring to book those criminal cabals which currently control, chain and exploit this great nation....Read more:
Anomaly Gallery

Interesting 'plumes' of an unknown origin within a crater in a central area of Mars. But what is the cause of these plumes .....?

U.S. warns Britain over new WikiLeaks revelations that will 'expose corruption between allies'
David Cameron was warned last night by America that damaging secrets of the ‘special relationship’ are about to be laid bare. The U.S. ambassador to London made an unprecedented personal visit to Downing Street to warn that whistleblower website WikiLeaks is about to publish secret assessments of what Washington really thinks of Britain. The website is on the verge of revealing almost 3million documents, including thousands of sensitive diplomatic cables sent to Washington from the American embassy in London. The bombshell leak is thought to include U.S. assessments of Gordon Brown’s personality and his prospects of winning the General Election, and secret discussions on the return of the Lockerbie bomber to Libya.
Assessments of David Cameron’s election chances and his private assurances to U.S. officials may also be included, Government sources believe. They fear they will emerge on Sunday in co-ordinated releases in newspapers in Britain, Germany and America. The British government is so worried that last night it issued a D-Notice, warning that publishing the secrets could compromise national security. The website has previously released secret details of allied military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.(Daily Mail)
Assessments of David Cameron’s election chances and his private assurances to U.S. officials may also be included, Government sources believe. They fear they will emerge on Sunday in co-ordinated releases in newspapers in Britain, Germany and America. The British government is so worried that last night it issued a D-Notice, warning that publishing the secrets could compromise national security. The website has previously released secret details of allied military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.(Daily Mail)
Friday, 26 November 2010
"What's The Score?" -- Seasiders Vs Bolton
Update 29th November 2010
Indeed ... it ended up a 2 v 2 draw at full time. Bolton scored 'several goals' (Several implies more than one) ... two different goal scorers.
Global warming has slowed down over the past 10 years, say scientists

Oxygen found on Saturn moon: Nasa spacecraft discovers Rhea has thin atmosphere rich in O2

Some Buddhist Inspiration ...
With the realization of ones own potential and self-confidence in ones ability, one can build a better world. According to my own experience, self-confidence is very important. That sort of confidence is not a blind one; it is an awareness of ones own potential. On that basis, human beings can transform themselves by increasing the good qualities and reducing the negative qualities.
99% of British Public Say 'Get us Out of EU'
'A massive wave of public support was last night surging behind the Daily Express’s crusade to liberate Britain from the stranglehold of Brussels. An exclusive poll conducted on the first day of our crusade showed an astonishing 99 per cent of people agree we should quit the European Union.
In an indication of the strength of public feeling on the issue, the poll saw the biggest ever response to a Daily Express phone survey, with tens of thousands of people swamping our switchboards....Read more:
In an indication of the strength of public feeling on the issue, the poll saw the biggest ever response to a Daily Express phone survey, with tens of thousands of people swamping our switchboards....Read more:
Anomaly Gallery

Kangaroo Totem Animal
The red kangaroo comes into your life as the desert warrior, bringing in very strong warrior energy for both genders. This warrior energy is sometimes considered exclusively masculine, but everyone needs strength, leadership and decisiveness in their lives and red kangaroo demonstrates this. He comes into your life to tell you that even though situations look grim, or support may be sparse, you possess all the qualities to be a warrior and fight for what is necessary in order to nourish you.
- Red kangaroo brings issues of movement into our lives. Generally, he tells us that we are not being swift enough, and that we should stop thinking about where we're going, and start moving instinctively.
- Red kangaroo tells us that we must take responsibility for our actions. Only in doing so are we able to take pride in them, and recognise not only our mistakes, but also our successes.
- Red kangaroo teaches us desert wisdom, and suggests that at this time, you might need to avoid excess (food, lifestyle etc.) and make your lifestyle more 'sparse.' Make your environment, even if only temporarily, reflect the desert - if it doesn't already - and this will become a strength and source of peace.
- Red kangaroo comes into your life to lend you the energy of endurance, and support you through a tough time. He helps you 'fight it out,' and will stay for as long as he is needed. - All kangaroos teach us about family and hierarchy. It is important to recognise that our role in family is important, and where we sit on the hierarchy is crucial. If we are battling too strongly against it, or resist 'fitting in', kangaroo comes along to tell you that you are a part of your family - whether they are blood or not - and that you must accept your place in the hierarchy, no matter what it is.
- All kangaroos come into our life and tell us how to assess obstacles instinctively. Instead of staring at our problems and never dealing with them, kangaroo gives us the power to notice them and then immediately clear them with a big bounding leap of thought, realisation, or literal movement. It is time for you to give away thought, it is not benefiting you at this time....read more...
Quotes For The Day
“Our deepest need is for the joy that comes with …knowing we are of genuine use to others.” -- Eknath Easwaran
"… there is no such thing as just existing. Everything is in service to everything else. Existence is giving and receiving. A stone gives and receives no less than a saint." -- Jacob Needleman
"… there is no such thing as just existing. Everything is in service to everything else. Existence is giving and receiving. A stone gives and receives no less than a saint." -- Jacob Needleman
The Law of Intention.
When a person's intention is held in the mind and action of the physical effort does not follow, people create false impressions of self. He or she thinks self is good or better than actions prove. Energy must follow intention for that which is perceived as good to happen. When an act of kindness is performed and intention is such that one wishes to be recognized for goodness, or has underlying motivation which is not of the higher order, higher rewards will not be forthcoming. Intention and effort must be of the higher vibration to gain or create spiritual accomplishment and reward. If a person gives a promise to another to do something and has an intention to do so, but does not follow through with action, this becomes a lie, a breaking of one's word, and creates karma.
Desperate Fight to Save the Euro
'The euro plunged further into crisis yesterday as investors sold off Spanish, Portuguese and Belgian government bonds in record numbers on renewed fears that those nations would follow Greece and Ireland into the financial emergency ward, undermining confidence in the single currency.
The spreading contagion suggests that the markets now view the break-up of the euro as a realistic possibility, and that "shock and awe" efforts to shore up individual economies with huge bailouts have not succeeded in insulating their neighbours from infection. Spain, in particular, is regarded as being "too big to save". Should Spain eventually need assistance it would also imply a much larger UK bilateral loan than the £8bn offered to Ireland – perhaps £20bn or £30bn...Read more:
The spreading contagion suggests that the markets now view the break-up of the euro as a realistic possibility, and that "shock and awe" efforts to shore up individual economies with huge bailouts have not succeeded in insulating their neighbours from infection. Spain, in particular, is regarded as being "too big to save". Should Spain eventually need assistance it would also imply a much larger UK bilateral loan than the £8bn offered to Ireland – perhaps £20bn or £30bn...Read more:
Your Wellspring of Energy

Thursday, 25 November 2010
Some More Buddhist Inspiration ...
Many people think of excitement as happiness. They are thinking of something, or expecting something that they consider to be happiness, and for them, that is already happiness. But when you are excited you are not peaceful. True happiness is based on peace---The Art of Power"
What is 'Spirit'?
Everyone has a Spirit within, everyone is dealing with different life situations that contribute to their outlook on life. They may not seem like Spiritual beings at times but it is there and if you can recognize that small spark in all things you will be the better for it. When you honor Spirit in others and in the world around you, you honor your Spirit as well. We are all one with the universal energy that is the one Divine Spirit that created our world and everything in it.Open your mind and heart, learn and listen to the voice of the Spirit within. You come from Spirit and you are connected to the Divine Spirit that created this Universe and all that is in it. Because you are from this one true Spirit you share in its power and abundance if you recognize it and nurture that part of yourself. Be kind to yourself and trust that inner voice, always think and act from a place of love and kindness. Every act of kindness will open your heart more and more. With an open heart you will hear the voice of Spirit, you will change your life for the better. Whether you realize it or not every positive thought and act stems from your Spiritual center (that inner voice) and you are planting the seeds of positive change in the consciousness of the entire world. So ask yourself what is Spirit? And live your best life now....read more...
Why faces appear male or female... it depends on which part of our brain is analysing them

But the relatively small grouping of neurons in the brain which analyse different parts of a scene can mislead us into classifying a face as a male or female without these extra indicators. And experiments using computer-generated faces stripped of all other gender-identifying features showed how hard the brain finds it to tell sexes apart. (Daily Mail)
Astronauts to be sent to the dark side of the moon for first time in 40 years in pre-Mars mission

Engineers with aerospace giant Lockheed Martin want to send up astronauts into stationary orbit above Earth's best-known natural satellite to study it further. The firm hopes to use remote controlled robots dispatched from their spacecraft to collect samples and explore the South Pole-Aitken basin on the Moon, one of the oldest craters in the solar system. Crucially they also hope it will serve as a test for a future possible mission to Mars - the six month trip would see if the equipment and the astronauts - most likely from the US - were capable of enduring long-term space travel. NASA has in the past estimated that it could take around a year to complete a round-trip to the Red Planet and back, allowing a few months to collect samples. Lockheed’s plan involves using the combined gravity of the Earth and the Moon to ensure that its craft hovers on the same spot, within sight of both planets. It has pitched what it is calling the L-2 Farside Mission Orion spacecraft to do the job, which would house both astronauts and probes. So long as NASA approves, it will give both organisations the chance to see how humans respond to lengthy doses of deep space radiation, a key problem on a longer Martian trip. (Daily Mail)
TSA Turns Off Naked Body Scanners to Avoid Opt-out Day Protests
'Anticipating a nationwide grassroots surge of protests against naked body scanners and aggressive pat-downs, the TSA simply turned off its naked body scanners on Wednesday and let air travelers walk right through security checkpoints without being X-rayed or molested.
All across the country, air travelers are reporting that the TSA simply deactivated the naked body scanners and let people go right through without a scan. "Backscatter scanners are off. No scan. No patdown." reported a traveler from the Seattle airport. "Backscatter machines aren't being used at LAX," reported another traveler. "They're all roped off." Much the same story is being reported all across the country....Read more:
All across the country, air travelers are reporting that the TSA simply deactivated the naked body scanners and let people go right through without a scan. "Backscatter scanners are off. No scan. No patdown." reported a traveler from the Seattle airport. "Backscatter machines aren't being used at LAX," reported another traveler. "They're all roped off." Much the same story is being reported all across the country....Read more:
Dispersants Cause Cell Death, DNA Damage

The Law of Identity
This law pertains to the individual right of all to create one's own beingness. It applies to the time spent between incarnations as well as third dimension incarnational experiences. When an entity merges with the Great Central Sun/God, the entity still may separate to accomplish something, and will possess his/her individual identity.
Quotes ... for today
"Energy is equal to desire and purpose." -- Sheryl Adams
"Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you." -- Wayne Dyer
"Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you." -- Wayne Dyer
Being Truly Thankful

Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Buddhist Inspiration ... for the day
Lifetimes of ignorance have brought us to identify the whole of our being with ego. Its greatest triumph is to inveigle us into believing its best interests are our best interests, and even into identifying our very survival with its own. This is a savage irony, considering that ego and its grasping are at the root of all our suffering.Yet, ego is so terribly convincing, and we have been its dupe for so long, that the thought that we might ever become egoless terrifies us. To be egoless, ego whispers to us, is to lose all the rich romance of being human, to be reduced to a colourless robot or a brain-dead vegetable.
The Law of Grace.
This can waive the Law of Karma. When applied, this law allows a person to receive more than one deserves or works for if it is in the highest good for all. When called upon, this law allows the person to send another a healing, to do soul talk, use divine decree, etc. and not suffer the consequences of karma incurrence, or interfere with the receiver's soul plan. The wording to insert in the request is "Under the Law of Grace." Another aspect of this law is to be of higher vibration to consistently live in grace. i.e. A loving person who works diligently sending world healing to Mother Earth and all on her body, and focusing so much on this activity, while shopping she forgets her car meter has expired. In all probability her car will not receive a ticket for this expiration. This condition can not be abused or it will leave.
Analysis of the Occult Symbols Found on the Bank of America Murals

Massive European Pyramids Discovered
'The Bosnian Pyramid, Visocica Hill, is the first European pyramid to be discovered and is located in the heart of Bosnia, in the town of Visoko.
Because of its similarities to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, it has been named the "Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun". There are also a four more ancient structures on the site, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon, Bosnian Pyramid of the Love and Temple of the Earth, with a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels.'
Because of its similarities to the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan, Mexico, it has been named the "Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun". There are also a four more ancient structures on the site, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, Bosnian Pyramid of the Dragon, Bosnian Pyramid of the Love and Temple of the Earth, with a paved entrance plateau and discovered underground tunnels.'
Naked Body Scanner Companies Heavily Lobbied Politicians to Push Use in Airports

Read more:
Is Wi-Fi Killing Trees? Dutch Study Shows Leaves Dying After Exposure

The Law of Free Will, or the Law of Choice
We in third dimension have the right to expand or contract, to bring our creative and expressive energies out into the world in positive or negative ways. This is our ultimate decision. Not all of existence lives with this law as it carries with it both the possibility of great soul growth and the ability to loose soul growth and create evil or negativity. No matter what our circumstances, we have the power to choose our direction. We also choose to be under the influence of others or choose to be an example for others. We do it with a hundred actions which lead to the circumstances we find ourselves in today. Thoughts are things and the mind is the builder. The free will we use to create mixes with our ability to love profoundly, and therefore this path reflects the duration of the time spent in attempt to merge with the Great Soul of all Creation. The Christ warned of that which could destroy the soul (not Spirit) so there is always a possibility that a soul entity on its journey could become a God-hater with diminished light and be absorbed back into the Spirit of God to become just spirit and no longer a soul with separate awareness. A goal of our higher selves is to voluntarily and willingly surrender our egos to be a perfected spirit, hanging up the Soul-Overcoat of manifestation regardless of how many lifetimes it takes.
Being a Strong Container

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