Routine meditation (over time) has the ability to completely transform one’s outlook on life. Meditation, combined with the proper intention, can aid one in a complete spiritual evolution. Meditation will allow a person to become the pure, perfect, being of the universe that he or she was meant to become.
There are several steps one can take to promote a successful meditation. First, one should create a sacred space in which he or she is comfortable. One’s environment can greatly influence his or her success in meditation. “Sacred Space” may mean a different thing to each and every person.
Typically, creating some sort of routine or ritual to perform prior to meditation can help to enhance it. The repetition of ritual will eventually send subtle cues to the brain that can help to prepare it for the meditative process. The brain and the subconscious will begin to learn from the experience that after one has gone through the motions of the ritual, there is an expected thing to follow. In this case, this thing is meditation-a clearing and stilling of the mind ... READ MORE ...