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Wednesday, 17 November 2010

The transition to the New Energy of 2012

We look forward to that marvelous event, the transition to the new world & energies... on December 21, 2012...
Let us let the Sabian Symbols to guide us through then ... up to that moment - this is our transformation, the transformation of our bodies, minds and souls, until the moment when the Transformation will come.
Look forward to the Symbols of Pluto - the natural ruler of Transformation by any means. The transformation (brought) by Pluto has no patterns. We set its patterns everytime according to the spiritual laws of the Universe we are boud to - such as karma, duality and so on.
The target is the Symbol for Pluto on December 2012 - the end of the Process. Pluto will be at 8.56 Capricorn - reading the Symbol for Capricorn 9: AN ANGEL CARRYING A HARP. What does this mean - the Harp is a symbol of different vibrations (in the spiritual world), different levels associated with each string of the Harp. Expect for a step to another level of overall spiritual vibration - a higher angelic one. Different for everyone of us, though.
The astrological chart for that Day is helping the understanding. There is this very special configuration called Yod, the Finger of God, formed of Pluto in Capricorn supported by Saturn by applying sextile from Scorpio (mutual reception), while both in applying quincunx/inconjunction with Jupiter in Gemini on Aldebaran (=new cycle start). The Finger of God is pointing to the New Energy (Jupiter on Aldebaran) to which we should adjust (quincunxes) by more...