Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 15 May 2011

"Like Puppets On Dark Strings"

Had we wrote directly it wouldst have been destroyed. Thus we wrote in parables and codes, and the darkness saw their chance to gain control. They rewrote our words. And through the ages they had their way. The House Of Darkness is very much in control.

And the moonlight magnifies their deception. Those sickly rays enter the minds of men. Its power be in deception and illusion. Deny those dreams of power, mankind. For they be a foolish thing. Deny the anvils placed in thy minds by the food chains ye digest. Belial hast ye like a puppet on its strings. It fools ye and makes ye wander along the stepping stones it desires ye to wander along. It manipulates thy freewill.

Then as I recall my external face, I perchance an image in the back of my mind. I see the cataclysms and upheavals to come. This world is in dire peril. Its peoples have little hope. The majority must perish before the time of darkness ends. Already I know it hast begun. There can be no turning back. The events now spiral out of control and mankind be powerless to prevent.

Our mission is thus more important than first conceived. We hast to convince and prepare the many, knowing full well only the few shall survive. The strongest will remain and it shall be judged on their souls not on the material status they hast accrued. Those in power stand little chance for they be possessed by the virus the planet hast to eradicate. They be the virus the cosmic antibody hast to exterminate. Poor, unfortunate souls to perish. [Extract taken from 'The Chronicles of Ezra" written by Matthew James]