Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 8 June 2011

The Adventure Has Begun ...

After a lull over the last couple of months, energies seem to be shifting again. Progress is able to be made. The spiritual traveller can wander along passageways within the maze which had not be previously available. Unbelievable doorways are now open as a new type of energy reaches the earth plane. Energies which had been suppressed for countless centuries ... those portals have now swung open wide and the sensitives around the world aware now of that impetus in their lives. The battle against the shadow appears to have been won ... as the shadow retreats to lick its wounds. For now its forward motion for the spiritual traveller. Wary steps at first into a zone of consciousness long forgotten ... but distinctly remembered from somewhere. Connections with the ethereal planes is so much easier now. Spiritual telepathy is now a distinct reality ... no longer a contrived or imagined experience; no more the wayward science; it is a constant series of voices now. So easy is it to speak out to other mortals of those who connect from beyond the veils. True mediumship - actual two way communication using the mortal mind as the forum - is now a powerful and accurate force. In its current form it ceases to be the entertainment contrived in the early 20th century. It is now the ancient art of mediation ... as a force connects with the earth plane through the mortal mind. And it is so stimulating to know this is what all the preparation through life has been for. All the turmoil and the tussles. All the forages into madness. All the scratches and bruises experienced when the shadow lets its venom surface. But know the shadow seems to be no more ... the lurker subdued and the journey now into the higher spheres a reality. A disconnection from this reality and a hook up into the truer realms ... that adventure has most surely begun (MJ)