Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 11 July 2011

Introducing 'The Crystal Oracle'

Matthew James
I have been associated with crystals, precious stones, minerals etc since I was a youngster at primary school. There has always been a strong affinity between me and crystals. For many years I would literally hold crystals for hours without realising why. Now, in the twilight years of my own spiritual development I know why ... hence the reason crystals play such an important role in the work that I do. For those of you who've been at my reading table, either at home or at psychic Expos in the Uk, New Zealand and Australia, you will have noticed the crystal adornments which are always present around me. Anyway, I've digressed slightly, I must mention the crystal oracle ... a gathering of like minded crystal fragments which congregate in my black bag! The crystal oracle is an experiment which began back in 2001 when I first gathered my crystals together and had a client pick some of them before casting them onto the floor of our house. From that pattern of crystals I was able to intuit some very deep rooted information. From that moment I knew a contract had been drawn up and The Crystal Oracle became a part of my professional repertoire; that was a good 10 years ago; crystals have come and crystals have gone in that time as the crystal community is refreshed with new blood ... and crystal tenants leave; usually gifted to clients who's need for a particular crystal is greater than mine.

So how do they work? Simple really ... the are usually used in collaboration with my rune cards ... and the rune cards are the backcloth onto which the crystals are cast. My clients are asked to delve into the black bag in which the crystals live ... the black bag represents their subconscious. Out of the bag they choose a number of crystals which represent parts of their subconscious which needs to come to light. They then cast the crystals onto the runes ... and I study the colours, the pattern of the crystals, the crystals themselves ... then intuit the situation around them on a much deeper ... soul level. The results of the insights gleaned by The Crystal Oracle are somewhat staggering at times!