As George Edwards peered into the thick mist that covered Loch Ness in eery silence, he glimpsed a dark hump slinking in and out of the grey waters. Was this the bashful beast he had hunted every day for 26 years and has outfoxed scores of investigators before him? He steered his boat, Nessie Hunter, towards the mysterious form - without a thought for his own safety - to take a photograph before it vanished back into the deep. He now claims the picture is the best ever taken of the Loch Ness Monster and - most importantly - proves once and for all that the elusive leviathan is definitely NOT a sturgeon. He says he has even had it independently verified by a team of US military monster experts as well as a Nessie sighting specialist. George spends his life on the loch - around 60 hours a week - taking tourists out on his boat Nessie Hunter IV, and has led numerous Nessie hunts over the more>>>...
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