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Wednesday, 29 July 2015
What Is This GWEN Tower Really For?
In the realm of government conspiracies discussed on the Internet, it doesn’t take long to hear about GWEN towers. The topic comes up again and again in forums regarding government mind control programs. Here’s a complete explanation of how this would work.
The potential for attuned frequencies, and extremely low frequency (ELF) waves in particular, to be used to electronically stimulate areas of the brain and alter mood has been documented in scientific research for decades now. Moreover, microwaves have allegedly been put to use in covert warfare since the early days of the Cold War.
Are signals directing the population to remain calm, become aggressive, desire and consume products, to enter a sleep state or to be artificially programmed to be happy, sad, depressed or enraged? Is this a truly plausible scenario? Can this really be happening?’
The potential for attuned frequencies, and extremely low frequency (ELF) waves in particular, to be used to electronically stimulate areas of the brain and alter mood has been documented in scientific research for decades now. Moreover, microwaves have allegedly been put to use in covert warfare since the early days of the Cold War.
Are signals directing the population to remain calm, become aggressive, desire and consume products, to enter a sleep state or to be artificially programmed to be happy, sad, depressed or enraged? Is this a truly plausible scenario? Can this really be happening?’
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Celebrities & the Art of Distraction
Waking Times: When you flip through your daily newspaper, or watch the nightly news, chances are you have noticed a steady increase in celebrity news, fashion, and gossip filling up the column inches, and crowding out the news. This has been going on for centuries. In Latin it’s called panem et circenses. Translated, it means ‘bread and circuses’, a phrase made famous by the Roman poet Juvenal circa CE 100. In Roman terms, this phrase refers to the creation of public approval by the ruling class, not by any altruistic or progressive means, but through the use of wonderful distractions and entertainment. It’s a tried and tested template for keeping the commoners’ point of focus off politics and the economy, and onto the distraction de jour. Mainstream media has become incredibly adept at reporting the mindless, and the worthless, while completely ignoring the real news. Celebrity is now a commodity, which means it has some value as a means of exchange. In this case, what is being exchanged is your point of attention. On mass, it’s a fairly cheap commodity...read more>>>...
Choose Your Words
Daily OM: The word failure puts forward a very simplistic way of thinking that allows for only two possibilities: failure or success. Few things in the universe are black and white, yet much of our language reads as if they are. The word failure signifies a paradigm in which all subtlety is lost. When we regard something we have done, or ourselves, as a failure, we lose our ability to see the truth, which is no doubt considerably more complex. In addition, we hurt ourselves. All you have to do is speak or read the word failure and see how it makes you feel.
At some point, the word may not have been so loaded with the weight of negativity, and it simply referred to something that did not go according to plan. Unfortunately, in our culture it is often used very negatively, such as when a person is labeled a failure, even though it is impossible for something as vast and subtle as a human being to be reduced in such a way...read more>>>...
At some point, the word may not have been so loaded with the weight of negativity, and it simply referred to something that did not go according to plan. Unfortunately, in our culture it is often used very negatively, such as when a person is labeled a failure, even though it is impossible for something as vast and subtle as a human being to be reduced in such a way...read more>>>...
Monday, 27 July 2015
Is there such thing as the beginning and end of time?

In autumn, we travel forward in time by one hour, and in the spring, we travel back in time by one hour. Every four years we gain 24 hours in February, and every three or so years an extra second is added to a minute.
Time appears, and then – *poof* – disappears again. But, wait a minute (whatever a minute is). Time cannot spring in and out of existence, can it? Time loans the universe a second, an hour, or possibly a day until the deadline whereby the universe must pay time back, right? But where has time been all this time?
Time is hard to define. We measure time in years (the time it takes Earth to orbit the sun), days (one rotation of the Earth) and lunar months (the time it takes the moon to wax and wane). Time – hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, nanoseconds – are all manmade constructs. We made them up...read more>>>...
Find Your Soul Purpose through the Akashics
Daily OM: The Akashics is a name derived from the Sanskrit word Akasha and it refers to the base substance of the universe. This is the substance by which the Universe is made and that retains a record of all that has ever occurred to everything that has ever existed. Scientists in various fields are beginning to find evidence that confirms the existence of Akasha and are beginning to see it as a ‘field’ as omni present as gravity and he electro-magnetic field. It is currently discussed in the various scientific communities as the ‘in-formation’ field that underlies everything and is the force that holds all things together.
Long before the scientific method gave us tools to learn about our world, indigenous cultures on every continent knew of its existence. Medicine elders, mystics, shamans, gurus, druids, and all types of holy people spent a great deal of their time and resources attempting to reach it consciously, to channel the information and energy they experience there, and to bring back the wisdom that they have acquired through their travels. Each in their own way have done so, bringing healing, insight and a better life to all who have known them, read or heard about them...read more>>>...
Long before the scientific method gave us tools to learn about our world, indigenous cultures on every continent knew of its existence. Medicine elders, mystics, shamans, gurus, druids, and all types of holy people spent a great deal of their time and resources attempting to reach it consciously, to channel the information and energy they experience there, and to bring back the wisdom that they have acquired through their travels. Each in their own way have done so, bringing healing, insight and a better life to all who have known them, read or heard about them...read more>>>...
The Benefits of Lychee
Lychee fruit contains 66 calories per 100 g, comparable to that in the table-grapes. It has no saturated fats or cholesterol, but composes of good amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Research studies suggest that oligonol, a low molecular weight polyphenol, is found abundantly in lychee fruit. Oligonol is thought to have anti-oxidant and anti-influenza virus actions. In addition, it helps improve blood flow to organs, reduce weight, and protect skin from harmful UV rays. (Takuya Sakurai (Kyorin University, Japan), Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 72(2), 463-476, 2008).
Litchi, like citrus fruits, is an excellent source of vitamin C; 100 g fresh fruits provide 71.5 mg or 119% of daily-recommended value. Studies suggest that consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps human body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.
Further, it is a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, and folates. These vitamins are essential since they function by acting as co-factors to help the body metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats.
Litchi also carries a very good amount of minerals like potassium and copper. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids help control heart rate and blood pressure; thus, it offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells....read more>>>...
Research studies suggest that oligonol, a low molecular weight polyphenol, is found abundantly in lychee fruit. Oligonol is thought to have anti-oxidant and anti-influenza virus actions. In addition, it helps improve blood flow to organs, reduce weight, and protect skin from harmful UV rays. (Takuya Sakurai (Kyorin University, Japan), Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 72(2), 463-476, 2008).
Litchi, like citrus fruits, is an excellent source of vitamin C; 100 g fresh fruits provide 71.5 mg or 119% of daily-recommended value. Studies suggest that consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps human body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.
Further, it is a very good source of B-complex vitamins such as thiamin, niacin, and folates. These vitamins are essential since they function by acting as co-factors to help the body metabolize carbohydrates, protein, and fats.
Litchi also carries a very good amount of minerals like potassium and copper. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids help control heart rate and blood pressure; thus, it offers protection against stroke and coronary heart diseases. Copper is required in the production of red blood cells....read more>>>...
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Were Ancient Gods Actually Extraterrestrial Beings?
Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest that ancient gods mentioned in these sacred texts are in fact extraterrestrial beings with highly advanced technologies who were misinterpreted as “Gods” by ancient mankind. Imagine if we travelled today to ancient Egypt 2000-3000 years ago, arriving in jet planes, helicopters, with our tablets, smart phones and laser weapons.
How would ancient people in Egypt interpret our technology, would they consider us as ordinary humans? It would make us stand out from the rest, giving us a notion of power, simply because, ancient humans back then, would not recognize our technology, they would not understand it, thus, it is very likely that ancient people would categorize us as “Gods” who came in flying birds with wings, producing smoke, fire and extreme noise upon landing… Much like the descriptions of ancient gods in Mesoamerica and Asia, when feathered serpents or Dragons arrived from the stars, creating chaos and havoc upon landing.
Today, as science advances, theology isn’t staying behind. The Catholic church for example, has releases a statement where they suggest that their beliefs do not go against astronomy and the possibility that there is life elsewhere in the universe. So we need to ask ourselves is it possible that some ancient texts that speak of gods and messengers from the heavens are actually misinterpretations that need to be re-analyzed and rethought?
It might just turn out that we have missed, small details in history that could eventually answer many questions that are being raised both by religion, and science alike...read more>>>..
How would ancient people in Egypt interpret our technology, would they consider us as ordinary humans? It would make us stand out from the rest, giving us a notion of power, simply because, ancient humans back then, would not recognize our technology, they would not understand it, thus, it is very likely that ancient people would categorize us as “Gods” who came in flying birds with wings, producing smoke, fire and extreme noise upon landing… Much like the descriptions of ancient gods in Mesoamerica and Asia, when feathered serpents or Dragons arrived from the stars, creating chaos and havoc upon landing.
Today, as science advances, theology isn’t staying behind. The Catholic church for example, has releases a statement where they suggest that their beliefs do not go against astronomy and the possibility that there is life elsewhere in the universe. So we need to ask ourselves is it possible that some ancient texts that speak of gods and messengers from the heavens are actually misinterpretations that need to be re-analyzed and rethought?
It might just turn out that we have missed, small details in history that could eventually answer many questions that are being raised both by religion, and science alike...read more>>>..
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Moving In Real Time
Daily Om: We all go through times when we wish we could press a fast-forward button and propel ourselves into the future and out of our current circumstances. Whether the situation we are facing is minor, or major such as the loss of a loved one, it is human nature to want to move away from pain and find comfort as soon as possible. Yet we all know deep down that we need to work through these experiences in a conscious fashion rather than bury our heads in the sand, because these are the times when we access important information about ourselves and life. The learning process may not be easy, but it is full of lessons that bring us wisdom we cannot find any other way. The desire to press fast-forward can lead to escapism and denial, both of which only prolong our difficulties and in some cases make them worse. The more direct, clear, and courageous we are in the face of whatever we are dealing with, the more quickly we will move through the situation...read more>>>...
Monday, 20 July 2015
Meet the men and women from Canberra region who experience the paranormal
Paranormal experiences have been a part of Matthew James' life since he was a child. He remembers how, as a five-year-old, he would be excited to go to bed because he would be visited by an old man who resembled Gandalf from Lord of the Rings. He now believes that man was a wizard enrolling him for his life.
"I used to talk to him as a child, it was mind-to-mind though, you have to understand it was telepathy," Mr James said.
"I used to close my eyes and he'd take me somewhere, I'd go on a journey, (it was) like an out-of-body experience. I'd go across the stars or I'd go here, or I'd say 'go take me places'."
Mr James now works full-time as a psychic and clairvoyant in Canberra, and uses elements of smell, physical feelings, taste, mental images and voice vibrations to communicate with people who have died...read more>>>...
"I used to talk to him as a child, it was mind-to-mind though, you have to understand it was telepathy," Mr James said.
"I used to close my eyes and he'd take me somewhere, I'd go on a journey, (it was) like an out-of-body experience. I'd go across the stars or I'd go here, or I'd say 'go take me places'."
Mr James now works full-time as a psychic and clairvoyant in Canberra, and uses elements of smell, physical feelings, taste, mental images and voice vibrations to communicate with people who have died...read more>>>...
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Thought for the Day
"Never forget the shoulders you stand on to get to your destination,
because they may become the feet you see when you fall from the
mountain" ANON
Stepping Out From Where We Were
Daily OM: Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” A Nobel Prize winner, Albert Einstein’s scientific theories transformed the world’s understanding of the universe and its workings, so we can believe that these words come from his personal experience and helped him to explore both science and life itself. He offered us an example of what can be learned by looking deeply into nature to reach a deeper understanding of all life and by following our ideas to their logical conclusions in our minds before acting upon them in the world.
When we apply this quote to our lives, we can see that we cannot create abundance by staying in a consciousness of poverty, nor can we gain a sense of power in our lives while identifying ourselves as a victim. Situations begun from anger or fear can have little chance of reaching a state of peace and trust unless someone involved can conceive of that possibility and act upon it...read more>>>...
When we apply this quote to our lives, we can see that we cannot create abundance by staying in a consciousness of poverty, nor can we gain a sense of power in our lives while identifying ourselves as a victim. Situations begun from anger or fear can have little chance of reaching a state of peace and trust unless someone involved can conceive of that possibility and act upon it...read more>>>...
How Wave X Will Affect You
Wave X is the term given by Dr. Simon Atkins to the big wave of electromagnetic frequency that is has been prophesized to arrive on the planet at the end of September this year. There is scientific evidence that proves that electromagnetic frequencies from the sun affect every living thing and its consciousness on the planet. How will Wave X’s electromagnetic and cosmic frequencies affect you?
You are actually the best person to answer this question. Earth and its inhabitants have been receiving bursts of Source light energy in the form of solar flares and gamma rays for thousands of years now. As Earth, the solar system, and the galaxy aligned with the center of the Universe at the end of 2012, all were able to begin to receive rapidly increasing transformational energy waves from the center of the Cosmos, or Source, that are raising the vibrational frequency of everything in its path.
2012 to 2013 seemed like a period of rest and preparation for many people. It seemed like nothing had happened and that we were stuck in a never ending time loop. The party started up again in 2014 as the chaotic world events began to reflect the inner changes in people. The end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 brought wave after wave of transformational energies which have sent the general population into a tailspin that will most assuredly change the world forever...read more>>>...
You are actually the best person to answer this question. Earth and its inhabitants have been receiving bursts of Source light energy in the form of solar flares and gamma rays for thousands of years now. As Earth, the solar system, and the galaxy aligned with the center of the Universe at the end of 2012, all were able to begin to receive rapidly increasing transformational energy waves from the center of the Cosmos, or Source, that are raising the vibrational frequency of everything in its path.
2012 to 2013 seemed like a period of rest and preparation for many people. It seemed like nothing had happened and that we were stuck in a never ending time loop. The party started up again in 2014 as the chaotic world events began to reflect the inner changes in people. The end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 brought wave after wave of transformational energies which have sent the general population into a tailspin that will most assuredly change the world forever...read more>>>...
Quote for the Day
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music."-- Friedrich Nietzsche
How Fear Blocks Creativity
Daily OM: To understand how fear blocks creativity, take a moment to imagine yourself telling a story. First, imagine telling the story to someone you love and who loves you. You probably feel warmth and energy as you fill in the details of your tale to your friend’s delight. Now, imagine telling the same story to someone who, for whatever reason, makes you uncomfortable. The wonderful twists and turns, the fine points and colorful images that unfolded in your mind for your friend probably won’t present themselves. Instead of warmth, energy, and creativity, you will probably feel opposite sensations and a desire to close down. When we feel unsafe, whether we fear being judged, disliked, or misunderstood, our creative flow stops. Alternately, when we feel safe, our creativity unfolds like a beautiful flower, without conscious effort.
Knowing this, we can maximize our creative potential by creating the conditions that inspire our creativity. In order to really be in the flow, we need to feel safe and unrestricted. However, achieving this is not as simple as avoiding people who make us feel uncomfortable...read more>>>...
Knowing this, we can maximize our creative potential by creating the conditions that inspire our creativity. In order to really be in the flow, we need to feel safe and unrestricted. However, achieving this is not as simple as avoiding people who make us feel uncomfortable...read more>>>...
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
Human civilisation is 'unsustainable' unless we begin protecting Earth's plant life, researchers warn
Daily Mail: Researchers have issued a chilling warning that life on Earth is unsustainable for humans unless there are major changes. Unless we slow the destruction of Earth's declining supply of plant life, civilization like it is now may become completely unsustainable, according to a new paper. It claim's that humans have 'depleted the Earth's battery'.
'You can think of the Earth like a battery that has been charged very slowly over billions of years,' said the study's lead author, John Schramski, an associate professor in UGA's College of Engineering. 'The sun's energy is stored in plants and fossil fuels, but humans are draining energy much faster than it can be replenished.'...read more>>>...
'You can think of the Earth like a battery that has been charged very slowly over billions of years,' said the study's lead author, John Schramski, an associate professor in UGA's College of Engineering. 'The sun's energy is stored in plants and fossil fuels, but humans are draining energy much faster than it can be replenished.'...read more>>>...
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
The exoplanets that hint at life billions of years older than Earth: Five new planets raises possibility of super-advanced civilisations
Daily Mail: A solar system including five Earth-sized planets has been discovered which is so ancient it was born not long after the dawn of time - and experts say it could help find life on planets far older than we expected. The system's parent star, named Kepler-444, is 117 light years from Earth and 11.2 billion years old. When the sun-like star was formed out of a primordial cloud of gas and dust, the universe was just a fifth of its current age...read more>>>...
Brain wave warping effect of mobile phones
S.O.T.T: our mobile phone is not only a carcinogenic, radiation emitting device, but may alter the structure and function of the brain, including brain wave activity that is intimately connected to cognition, mood and behavior.
A concerning new clinical study published in PLoS One titled, "EEG Changes Due to Experimentally Induced 3G Mobile Phone Radiation," has revealed that so-called 3rd generation (3G) cell phone technology has widespread brain wave disrupting activity in subjects exposed to real-world like conditions, i.e. 15-minute "talk time" exposure to the ear area.
The study abstract describes the experimental design and results:
The aim of this study was to investigate whether a 15-minute placement of a 3G dialling mobile phone causes direct changes in EEG activity compared to the placement of a sham phone. Furthermore, it was investigated whether placement of the mobile phone on the ear or the heart would result in different outcomes. Thirty-one healthy females participated. All subjects were measured twice: on one of the two days the mobile phone was attached to the ear, the other day to the chest. In this single-blind, cross-over design, assessments in the sham phone condition were conducted directly preceding and following the mobile phone exposure. During each assessment, EEG activity and radio frequency radiation were recorded jointly. Delta, theta, alpha, slow beta, fast beta, and gamma activity was computed. The association between radiation exposure and the EEG was tested using multilevel random regression analyses with radiation as predictor of main interest. Significant radiation effects were found for the alpha, slow beta, fast beta, and gamma bands. When analyzed separately, ear location of the phone was associated with significant results, while chest placement was not. The results support the notion that EEG alterations are associated with mobile phone usage and that the effect is dependent on site of placement. Further studies are required to demonstrate the physiological relevance of these findings."...read more>>>...
A concerning new clinical study published in PLoS One titled, "EEG Changes Due to Experimentally Induced 3G Mobile Phone Radiation," has revealed that so-called 3rd generation (3G) cell phone technology has widespread brain wave disrupting activity in subjects exposed to real-world like conditions, i.e. 15-minute "talk time" exposure to the ear area.
The study abstract describes the experimental design and results:
The aim of this study was to investigate whether a 15-minute placement of a 3G dialling mobile phone causes direct changes in EEG activity compared to the placement of a sham phone. Furthermore, it was investigated whether placement of the mobile phone on the ear or the heart would result in different outcomes. Thirty-one healthy females participated. All subjects were measured twice: on one of the two days the mobile phone was attached to the ear, the other day to the chest. In this single-blind, cross-over design, assessments in the sham phone condition were conducted directly preceding and following the mobile phone exposure. During each assessment, EEG activity and radio frequency radiation were recorded jointly. Delta, theta, alpha, slow beta, fast beta, and gamma activity was computed. The association between radiation exposure and the EEG was tested using multilevel random regression analyses with radiation as predictor of main interest. Significant radiation effects were found for the alpha, slow beta, fast beta, and gamma bands. When analyzed separately, ear location of the phone was associated with significant results, while chest placement was not. The results support the notion that EEG alterations are associated with mobile phone usage and that the effect is dependent on site of placement. Further studies are required to demonstrate the physiological relevance of these findings."...read more>>>...
Emotional Attacks
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copyright Matthew James |
If you have difficulty remaining unaffected by someone’s behaviour, take a moment to breathe deeply and remind yourself that you didn’t do anything wrong, and you aren’t responsible for people’s feelings. If you can see that this person is indirectly expressing a need to you—whether they are reaching out for help or wanting to be heard—you may be able to diffuse the attack by getting them to talk about what is really bothering them...read more>>>...
Sunday, 12 July 2015
How 3,000 trials have already been held in 'secret' under new fast-track money-saving scheme which ends centuries of open justice
Daily Mail: Thousands of criminal court cases are being held behind closed doors under a new fast-track scheme that ends centuries of open justice. For the first time, details of cases are not being read out in an open court, and there is no bench made up of magistrates, no lawyers, no defendant and no access for the press or public.The introduction of the Single Justice Procedure (SJP) by the Ministry of Justice is the result of a little-noticed provision in a law passed earlier this year...read more>>>...
Raising Our Consciousness
Daily Om: Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew.” A Nobel Prize winner, Albert Einstein’s scientific theories transformed the world’s understanding of the universe and its workings, so we can believe that these words come from his personal experience and helped him to explore both science and life itself. He offered us an example of what can be learned by looking deeply into nature to reach a deeper understanding of all life and by following our ideas to their logical conclusions in our minds before acting upon them in the world.
When we apply this quote to our lives, we can see that we cannot create abundance by staying in a consciousness of poverty, nor can we gain a sense of power in our lives while identifying ourselves as a victim. Situations begun from anger or fear can have little chance of reaching a state of peace and trust unless someone involved can conceive of that possibility and act upon it. We need to find ways to step outside of our limited understanding in order to seek a bigger picture...read more>>>...
When we apply this quote to our lives, we can see that we cannot create abundance by staying in a consciousness of poverty, nor can we gain a sense of power in our lives while identifying ourselves as a victim. Situations begun from anger or fear can have little chance of reaching a state of peace and trust unless someone involved can conceive of that possibility and act upon it. We need to find ways to step outside of our limited understanding in order to seek a bigger picture...read more>>>...
Friday, 10 July 2015
The Essence Of True Shamanic Mediumship
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Image copyright Matthew James 2014 |
One key difference between shamanic mediumship and the theology of mediumship, is that as a shamanic medium, you are your own ‘guide’ in the other worlds. You may have ancestors ‘helping’ you to gather the information required to be brought into the world of the manifest, but you are on your own! You therefore make contact with the entities and beings of the otherworlds directly and at your peril.
Your role as shamanic medium is to be the conduit between the worlds of the un-manifest and the world of the manifest. You are the tuning fork and balancer of energetic vibrations. You must recognise the energetic imbalances in the individuals you deal with in your every day, and be the provider of the remedial energetics through speech, touch, action and deed.
Everything you do is important. To get to have this responsibility there will be a guardian spirit who constantly tests you throughout your life.
Taken from 'Introduction To Shamanic Mediumship' by Matthew James. Copyright Matthew James (Sections can be copied in part provided a back link is given to this blog or Matthew James is acknowledged as the author of the document)
"Matthew James has direct DNA connection to shamanic ancestry of Nordic, Celtic and Indigenous Native American lineages. He has been a 'blind shaman' for most of his life. A blind shaman is someone who doesn't realise their shamanic calling until later in the their life. Someone who lives their physical life experiencing a series of life changing spiritual unfoldments from an early age ignorant of the true nature of the unfoldments. Matthew James had is first spiritual unfoldment at the tender age of five, when a Odin-like spiritual entity first appeared before him. His realisation of his full shamanic awakening was revealed to him at the age of 47. Between these two ages, Matthew James has experienced numerous near death and death experiences, which are perfect signatures of a shamanic initiation. His recognition and full realisation of his shamanic inheritance was only made complete in recent months when a family member was able to confirm his ancestry with a series of DNA tests."
Thursday, 9 July 2015
The Partitioned Human Brain
The texts clearly state that the Anunnaki created us for a specific purpose, which was to mine gold. There are many pieces of Sumerian evidence that support that idea. For one, every human being on Earth seems to be very much attracted to gold. The whole idea of holding a bar of gold in your hand, people look at it and they get excited. So, the other thing that’s really interesting is the fact that every other species on this planet has a neurological network in the brain that they fully utilize: All other species use all of their synapses. Human beings are the only ones that have a genetic partition on their brain where we’re only using up to ten percent of the brain. No one can answer that except put into the context of the Anunnaki creating us, just like the Bible says, in their image and after their likeness. We have many of the same attitudes and understandings and anger and feelings the Anunnaki probably possessed.
Another of the implications are, if we look at us as being a warring society, where does this need to constantly have wars come from? I think a lot of these pieces of information when put together into a different light, is more than likely that spiritually as well as technologically advanced beings have imparted wisdom to us. And, unfortunately over the years that knowledge about our past has been misconstrued as mythology rather than events that actually took place. What I have learned from my research is that the Anunnaki were here on Earth at one point, a designated human high priest would work with the Anunnaki. The priest would listen to their decrees and sacred information, or a scribe, sitting with the high priest, would write all of this down. And so the priests would have sacred knowledge that was only passed on by those priests that the Anunnaki taught. We still use that very same [educational] model today.
It was important information that when we were receiving from them, but then all of a sudden, the Anunnaki left earth. The high priests were left in a difficult position of people asking them for the laws and the new information from our gods, but they no longer had access to the gods. So, instead, what they did was they created statues of the various different types of gods and started worshipping these statues in place of the actual beings, because that’s all they could do. And that process also still continues on to today..... READ MORE...
Another of the implications are, if we look at us as being a warring society, where does this need to constantly have wars come from? I think a lot of these pieces of information when put together into a different light, is more than likely that spiritually as well as technologically advanced beings have imparted wisdom to us. And, unfortunately over the years that knowledge about our past has been misconstrued as mythology rather than events that actually took place. What I have learned from my research is that the Anunnaki were here on Earth at one point, a designated human high priest would work with the Anunnaki. The priest would listen to their decrees and sacred information, or a scribe, sitting with the high priest, would write all of this down. And so the priests would have sacred knowledge that was only passed on by those priests that the Anunnaki taught. We still use that very same [educational] model today.
It was important information that when we were receiving from them, but then all of a sudden, the Anunnaki left earth. The high priests were left in a difficult position of people asking them for the laws and the new information from our gods, but they no longer had access to the gods. So, instead, what they did was they created statues of the various different types of gods and started worshipping these statues in place of the actual beings, because that’s all they could do. And that process also still continues on to today..... READ MORE...
The Codex Of Light ... 'Those That Stand Against The Wind, Always Stand Alone'
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The Codex Of Light comes from an inter-dimensional vibration. A platform on which visionaries from the earth plane, and visionaries from other realms and dimensions can meet and share their viewpoints. The communications are more often than not undertaken by way of direct thought transmissions (D.T.T's) and the information shared by way of the universal language of light and downloaded as visions. These visions share a common insight, a common goal and a common understanding. The original spirit of 'man' stretches far outside our galaxy, on many vibrations. We are the fodder and food for a predator race. The Codex Of Light contains the solutions to help overcome the snares of this vile creature. The Codex Of Light teaches of the need to empower ourselves with the universal power of infinite love. This is so necessary at this time as the predator is infiltrating our dimensions with energies of hatred and despite - vibrations which lead to our self destruction and a powerless state that leaves us vulnerable to ensnarement. There are so many misguided aspects of our planet at this time being misled by the predator's enchantments. The Codex Of Light helps us to recognise the signs of these enchantments and can guide us away from those dangers - Matthew James |
Sometimes, often, no matter how hard you try, the world is against you. The wind blows at you from every direction and its constantly like that. In these moments it feels like existence itself stands against you. Next time this happens to you, realise just how important your presence in this world is.
You are standing firm against the resistance of the collective mind. The sluggish and apathetic consciousness opposes you. It means you can make a difference in this world. The collective mind rejects you, because it does not want to step out of its comfort zone.
Know too just how strong you are. How resilient and how powerful you are. Continuation with those neurological pathways is a priority. Continue thinking in that way ... and remember those who stand against the wind, always stand alone - Matthew James
Is this a UFO disguised as a cloud? Film shows it behaving very oddly
A North Philadelphia man has captured absolute, conclusive proof that aliens are all around us, disguised as clouds. Hector Garcia claims that a cloud, filled with flashing lights, hovered in front of his window then flew off like a spacecraft. Naturally, UFO fans now believe that it's either a spaceship - or some kind of living cloud being.
Makes sense.
Garcia wrote, 'Looking out my window this morning there was a cloud coming down from the sky with sparkling lights in it it was moving weird so I pulled my phone out.
Makes sense.
Garcia wrote, 'Looking out my window this morning there was a cloud coming down from the sky with sparkling lights in it it was moving weird so I pulled my phone out.
Nothing Is Solid & Everything Is Energy – Scientists Explain The World of Quantum Physics
It has been written about before, over and over again, but cannot be emphasized enough. The world of quantum physics is an eerie one, one that sheds light on the truth about our world in ways that challenge the existing framework of accepted knowledge.
What we perceive as our physical material world, is really not physical or material at all, in fact, it is far from it. This has been proven time and time again by multiple Nobel Prize (among many other scientists around the world) winning physicists, one of them being Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist who made significant contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory...read more>>>...
What we perceive as our physical material world, is really not physical or material at all, in fact, it is far from it. This has been proven time and time again by multiple Nobel Prize (among many other scientists around the world) winning physicists, one of them being Niels Bohr, a Danish Physicist who made significant contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory...read more>>>...
Serving The Higher Self
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Light Of Truth Oracle By Matthew James |
Perhaps the problem is that the ego sometimes gets out of control. This happens when the higher self loses control of the psyche. The psyche then falls under the leadership of the ego, an entity that was never meant to lead. The ego is meant to be definitively in the service of the higher self...read more>>>...
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
Awakening Our True Potential
New Dawn Magazine: Man is born an unfinished creature. He cannot walk or talk or feed himself. Long years of care are required to bring him to even the most minimal levels of self-sufficiency.
And yet even after the typical person has reached the stage of functioning that we call adulthood, something still seems to be missing. In a sense, of course, something will always be missing; there are always new horizons to discover and new skills to attain. But the lack may go further. There is a sense in which even the mature human being is incomplete. The Freemasons allude to this when they speak of the candidate for initiation as a “rough ashlar.” An ashlar is a block of stone; in its rough state it fits only approximately into its intended setting. Some kind of process is needed to adjust and polish it so that it is perfectly suited to its function.
Some may balk at this description – are we, after all, nothing more than raw materials to be sent down some assembly line to be made into identical pieces of manufactured goods? That is the kind of transformation society as a whole seems to envisage. And we would do well to mistrust it. The process to which the Masonic initiations allude has something more than mere conformity as its goal; it is not a matter of circus horses trying to break themselves in. It is the opposite: it is a matter of having access to our own potential, developing it, and offering to the service of higher aims...read more>>>...
And yet even after the typical person has reached the stage of functioning that we call adulthood, something still seems to be missing. In a sense, of course, something will always be missing; there are always new horizons to discover and new skills to attain. But the lack may go further. There is a sense in which even the mature human being is incomplete. The Freemasons allude to this when they speak of the candidate for initiation as a “rough ashlar.” An ashlar is a block of stone; in its rough state it fits only approximately into its intended setting. Some kind of process is needed to adjust and polish it so that it is perfectly suited to its function.
Some may balk at this description – are we, after all, nothing more than raw materials to be sent down some assembly line to be made into identical pieces of manufactured goods? That is the kind of transformation society as a whole seems to envisage. And we would do well to mistrust it. The process to which the Masonic initiations allude has something more than mere conformity as its goal; it is not a matter of circus horses trying to break themselves in. It is the opposite: it is a matter of having access to our own potential, developing it, and offering to the service of higher aims...read more>>>...
Intentionally Shifting the Mystic Morphic Field
Researchers found within the computer informational field w
hat appears to be proof of foreknowledge of 9/11. The huge spike in chatter regarding the events immediately prior to the strikes is completely anomalous. In other words, it goes on to say, for it to be just a coincidence is next to impossible.
No big surprise. But what about this informational field?
They call this computer information world a type of “morphic field” or “information field” and it seems to be a virtual manifestation of the global mind. Not all of it of course, but the informational global mind, which at this point in history is a massive amount of generated information that’s accelerating by the hour. Something the globalists are tracking closely, trying to predict as well as direct human responses.
Research in this field is also being investigated by other visionaries. By tracing trends in language using webbots that crawl the internet reading data with assigned values to various words, they’ve been able to often predict not only major events, trends and changes, but the specific nature and sometimes locations of future phenomena.
It’s not an exact science by any means, but this whole field starts to show the power of the literal electromagnetic, vibrational informational mind as evidence of, or a reflection of, human consciousness, and we should pay close attention...read more>>>...
hat appears to be proof of foreknowledge of 9/11. The huge spike in chatter regarding the events immediately prior to the strikes is completely anomalous. In other words, it goes on to say, for it to be just a coincidence is next to impossible.
No big surprise. But what about this informational field?
They call this computer information world a type of “morphic field” or “information field” and it seems to be a virtual manifestation of the global mind. Not all of it of course, but the informational global mind, which at this point in history is a massive amount of generated information that’s accelerating by the hour. Something the globalists are tracking closely, trying to predict as well as direct human responses.
Research in this field is also being investigated by other visionaries. By tracing trends in language using webbots that crawl the internet reading data with assigned values to various words, they’ve been able to often predict not only major events, trends and changes, but the specific nature and sometimes locations of future phenomena.
It’s not an exact science by any means, but this whole field starts to show the power of the literal electromagnetic, vibrational informational mind as evidence of, or a reflection of, human consciousness, and we should pay close attention...read more>>>...
Editing Your Life
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Original artwork copyright Matthew James |
Granted, editing your real life isn’t always as easy as erasing a line of text. If you’ve carried emotional baggage or held on to an unhealthy relationship for a long time, these may be difficult to edit out. But when you do cut out what isn’t working from your life, you’ll feel lighter and more alive...read more>>>...
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
The Toxic Attraction Between A Narcissist And An Empath
I am an empath. I discovered I was an empath after I got involved in a very deep and highly destructive relationship with a narcissist.
I am writing this article from the perspective of an empath, however, would love to read the view from the opposite side if there are any narcissists that would like to offer their perception on this.
Through writing about the empath personality type I have connected with many other people who class themselves as an empath and time and again I have heard people tell me how they have also attracted relationships with narcissists. There is a link. So, I decided to explore it further.
For a detailed explanation of both the narcissist and empathy personality types, please click here and here.
This is my theory…
From my own experience and studies on the narcissist personality type, there is always one core trait: A narcissist is wounded.
Something, somewhere along the line, usually stemming from childhood causes a person to feel worthless and unvalued and, due to this, they will constantly and very desperately seek validation.
Here comes the empath, the healer. An empath has the ability to sense and absorb other people’s pain and often takes it on as though it were their own. If an empath is not consciously aware of boundaries and does not understand how to protect themselves, they will very easily and very quickly bond with the narcissist in order to try to fix and repair any damage and attempt to eradicate all their pain.
What the empath fails to realise is that the narcissist is a taker. An energy sucker, a vampire so to speak. They will draw the life and soul out of anyone they come into contact with, given the chance. This is so that they can build up their own reserves and, in doing so, they can use the imbalance to their advantage.
This dynamic will confuse and debilitate an empath, as if they do not have a full understanding of their own or other people’s capabilities, they will fail to see that not everyone is like them. An empath will always put themselves into other people’s shoes and experience the feelings, thoughts and emotions of others, while forgetting that other people may have an agenda very different to their own and that not everyone is sincere.
The narcissist’s agenda is one of manipulation, it is imperative they are in a position whereby they can rise above others and be in control. The empath’s agenda is to love, heal and care. There is no balance and it is extremely unlikely there ever will be one. The more love and care an empath offers, the more powerful and in control a narcissist will become.
The more powerful the narcissist becomes, the more likely the empath will retreat into a victim status. Then, there is a very big change—the empath will take on narcissistic traits as they too become wounded and are constantly triggered by the damage being in the company with a narcissist creates. Before long, an extremely vicious circle has begun to swirl...read more>>>...
I am writing this article from the perspective of an empath, however, would love to read the view from the opposite side if there are any narcissists that would like to offer their perception on this.
Through writing about the empath personality type I have connected with many other people who class themselves as an empath and time and again I have heard people tell me how they have also attracted relationships with narcissists. There is a link. So, I decided to explore it further.
For a detailed explanation of both the narcissist and empathy personality types, please click here and here.
This is my theory…
From my own experience and studies on the narcissist personality type, there is always one core trait: A narcissist is wounded.
Something, somewhere along the line, usually stemming from childhood causes a person to feel worthless and unvalued and, due to this, they will constantly and very desperately seek validation.
Here comes the empath, the healer. An empath has the ability to sense and absorb other people’s pain and often takes it on as though it were their own. If an empath is not consciously aware of boundaries and does not understand how to protect themselves, they will very easily and very quickly bond with the narcissist in order to try to fix and repair any damage and attempt to eradicate all their pain.
What the empath fails to realise is that the narcissist is a taker. An energy sucker, a vampire so to speak. They will draw the life and soul out of anyone they come into contact with, given the chance. This is so that they can build up their own reserves and, in doing so, they can use the imbalance to their advantage.
This dynamic will confuse and debilitate an empath, as if they do not have a full understanding of their own or other people’s capabilities, they will fail to see that not everyone is like them. An empath will always put themselves into other people’s shoes and experience the feelings, thoughts and emotions of others, while forgetting that other people may have an agenda very different to their own and that not everyone is sincere.
The narcissist’s agenda is one of manipulation, it is imperative they are in a position whereby they can rise above others and be in control. The empath’s agenda is to love, heal and care. There is no balance and it is extremely unlikely there ever will be one. The more love and care an empath offers, the more powerful and in control a narcissist will become.
The more powerful the narcissist becomes, the more likely the empath will retreat into a victim status. Then, there is a very big change—the empath will take on narcissistic traits as they too become wounded and are constantly triggered by the damage being in the company with a narcissist creates. Before long, an extremely vicious circle has begun to swirl...read more>>>...
Taxi driver films 'mad' UFO in the sky over Liverpool, UK
This video shows a UFO hurtling through the sky over Liverpool? The mysterious footage was taken by taxi driver Paul Douglas. He spotted the object while driving down Upper Parliament Street in the
city towards the waterfront when he saw something unusual in the sky
above Mariners Wharf on Monday night.
Paul, from Aigburth, said: "It was about 10.20 and I was driving when I saw something strange in the sky. It was over the marina and it was just a mad object in the sky. It sort of looked like a drone but it also had three green lights on it." (S.O.T.T)
Paul, from Aigburth, said: "It was about 10.20 and I was driving when I saw something strange in the sky. It was over the marina and it was just a mad object in the sky. It sort of looked like a drone but it also had three green lights on it." (S.O.T.T)
Is life as we know it going to end? The scientific case for Nibiru/Planet X that will not go away
The most controversial "undiscovered" planet operating within our solar system dubbed Nibiru or Planet X was made (in)famous in 1976 by noted researcher-author Zecharia Sitchin in his bestselling book The 12th Planet. As one of few scholars able to read and interpret Sumerian clay tablets, Sitchin utilized those ancient texts to make a highly plausible case for the existence of Planet X (also known as planet Nibiru the Destroyer in ancient scripts) coming closest to planet earth every 3600 years. The Sumerians lived over 6000 years ago in what is today Iraq. They are credited as the first known civilization on earth, inventing mathematics, writing, agriculture, law, schools, astronomy and astrology. Zecharia Sitchin wrote that an advanced extraterrestrial civilization from Nibiru known as the Annunakis migrated to earth and interbred with the earthly humanoids, allegedly changing the DNA to what it is today. If the Sumerian account of its history is true as postulated by Sitchin, it easily explains why the Sumerian civilization was so advanced, aided by alien space travelers from another planet. And according to Sitchen's interpretation of the ancient texts of Samaria, we are now due for another Planet X earthly fly-by, literally shaking the earth off its polar axis while accompanied by a flurry of powerful earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and the most extreme weather events.
The sun in our solar system is similar to 90% of the solar systems in the Milky Way Galaxy, all part of a binary star system containing two or more suns. The Planet X system can be considered a mini-constellation consisting of our sun's twin, classified a brown dwarf star called Nemesis. This dark star is largely invisible even with infrared due to its surrounding red iron oxide dust clouds. Nemesis possesses at least three planets that revolve around it, Nibiru and Helion both with moons, and Arboda. Though Nibiru travels along an elliptical shaped orbit and enters our solar system approximately every 3600 years, one by one crossing the orbits of our solar system planets, it does not revolve around our sun...read more>>>...
The sun in our solar system is similar to 90% of the solar systems in the Milky Way Galaxy, all part of a binary star system containing two or more suns. The Planet X system can be considered a mini-constellation consisting of our sun's twin, classified a brown dwarf star called Nemesis. This dark star is largely invisible even with infrared due to its surrounding red iron oxide dust clouds. Nemesis possesses at least three planets that revolve around it, Nibiru and Helion both with moons, and Arboda. Though Nibiru travels along an elliptical shaped orbit and enters our solar system approximately every 3600 years, one by one crossing the orbits of our solar system planets, it does not revolve around our sun...read more>>>...
Seeing The Bigger Picture
Daily OM: Seeing an image of the planet Earth taken from space inspires awe in many of us, since we can clearly see the connectedness of all of us who live upon this planet. We have created imaginary boundaries, sectioning ourselves into countries and states, forgetting that in reality we are all living together, breathing the same air, drinking from the same water, eating food grown from the same earth. We share everything on this planet, whether we are conscious of it or not, with other people, and those people are our brothers and sisters. Keeping a photograph or painting of the planet Earth in a prominent place in our homes can be a positive way to remember our interconnectedness.
Meditating on the fact that any sense of separation we have from one another is truly an illusion, we will naturally begin to make more conscious choices in our daily lives...read more>>>...
Meditating on the fact that any sense of separation we have from one another is truly an illusion, we will naturally begin to make more conscious choices in our daily lives...read more>>>...
Monday, 6 July 2015
About The Codex Of Light
The Codex Of Light comes from an inter-dimensional vibration. A platform
on which visionaries from the earth plane, and visionaries from other
realms and dimensions can meet and share their viewpoints. The
communications are more often than not undertaken by way of direct
thought transmissions (D.T.T's) and the information shared by way of the
universal language of light and downloaded as visions.
These visions share a common insight, a common goal and a common understanding. The original spirit of 'man' stretches far outside our galaxy, on many vibrations. We are the fodder and food for a predator race. The Codex Of Light contains the solutions to help overcome the snares of this vile creature. The Codex Of Light teaches of the need to empower ourselves with the universal power of infinite love.
This is so necessary at this time as the predator is infiltrating our dimensions with energies of hatred and despite - vibrations which lead to our self destruction and a powerless state that leaves us vulnerable to ensnarement. There are so many misguided aspects of our planet at this time being misled by the predator's enchantments. The Codex Of Light helps us to recognise the signs of these enchantments and can guide us away from those dangers.
The Codex Of Light embraces and acknowledges the need to serve the earthbound community, the stellar communities and also the communities of the unseen worlds. It is a perfect embodiment of all aspects of existence merging and flowing together in perfect harmony. Vital energies, missing from one realm, can be transformed between dimensions by way of the direct thought transmissions - Matthew James
These visions share a common insight, a common goal and a common understanding. The original spirit of 'man' stretches far outside our galaxy, on many vibrations. We are the fodder and food for a predator race. The Codex Of Light contains the solutions to help overcome the snares of this vile creature. The Codex Of Light teaches of the need to empower ourselves with the universal power of infinite love.
This is so necessary at this time as the predator is infiltrating our dimensions with energies of hatred and despite - vibrations which lead to our self destruction and a powerless state that leaves us vulnerable to ensnarement. There are so many misguided aspects of our planet at this time being misled by the predator's enchantments. The Codex Of Light helps us to recognise the signs of these enchantments and can guide us away from those dangers.
The Codex Of Light embraces and acknowledges the need to serve the earthbound community, the stellar communities and also the communities of the unseen worlds. It is a perfect embodiment of all aspects of existence merging and flowing together in perfect harmony. Vital energies, missing from one realm, can be transformed between dimensions by way of the direct thought transmissions - Matthew James
Gillan- Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
I remember this!!! Top Of The Pops (UK) ... Ian Gillan on vocals, Bernie Torme on Guitar ...
Collectively Realized Creation vs. Mutually Assured Destruction
This title speaks to the opposing ambitions of two forces at large on our planet. Those which work towards the realisation of a great vision – and those which work towards the annihilation of all vision.
Although they stand at diametrically opposite extremes in the process we call ‘life’, their presence is increasingly felt within the everyday workings of our planet.
The concept of ‘collectively realized creation’ is rooted in the collective unconscious of humanity. In all of us. It is that which informs our desire to live – and to outwardly express that desire. To express it through actions that reflect the depth and wealth of the divine sparks within each one of us.
Whereas ‘mutually assured destruction’ (MAD) – a term used to describe the East-West ‘Cold War’ nuclear missile build-up of the 1980’s – has no part in the human script; but is nevertheless a state towards which our planet is being pushed by forces that appear blind to their own madness. But then perhaps madness cannot ever recognise itself.
As it is, it has turned-out not to be that hard to set humanity rushing off in the opposite direction from that which informs the flowering of collectively realised creation. All it took was the devising of a confidence trick to make we humans feel guilty about that which fulfils our simple heart-felt joys...read more>>>...
Although they stand at diametrically opposite extremes in the process we call ‘life’, their presence is increasingly felt within the everyday workings of our planet.
The concept of ‘collectively realized creation’ is rooted in the collective unconscious of humanity. In all of us. It is that which informs our desire to live – and to outwardly express that desire. To express it through actions that reflect the depth and wealth of the divine sparks within each one of us.
Whereas ‘mutually assured destruction’ (MAD) – a term used to describe the East-West ‘Cold War’ nuclear missile build-up of the 1980’s – has no part in the human script; but is nevertheless a state towards which our planet is being pushed by forces that appear blind to their own madness. But then perhaps madness cannot ever recognise itself.
As it is, it has turned-out not to be that hard to set humanity rushing off in the opposite direction from that which informs the flowering of collectively realised creation. All it took was the devising of a confidence trick to make we humans feel guilty about that which fulfils our simple heart-felt joys...read more>>>...
Life Is An Illusion
Daily OM: As children, most of us sang that mesmerizing, wistful lullaby that ends with the words, “Life is but a dream.” This is a classic example of a deep, sophisticated truth hiding, like an underground stream, in an unlikely place. It winds its way through our minds like a riddle or a Zen koan, coming up when we least expect it and asking that we consider its meaning. Many gurus and philosophers agree with this mysterious observation, saying that this world we perceive as real is actually an illusion, not unlike a film being projected on a screen. Most of us are so involved in the projection that we don’t understand it for what it is. We are completely caught up in the illusion, imagining that we are in a life and death struggle and taking it very seriously.
The enlightened few, on the other hand, live their lives in the light of the awareness that what most of us perceive as reality is a passing fancy...read more>>>...
The enlightened few, on the other hand, live their lives in the light of the awareness that what most of us perceive as reality is a passing fancy...read more>>>...
Sunday, 5 July 2015
The Codex Of Light - Dreaming In The Dream
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The Codex Of Light comes from an inter-dimensional vibration. A platform on which visionaries from the earth plane, and visionaries from other realms and dimensions can meet and share their viewpoints. The communications are more often than not undertaken by way of direct thought transmissions (D.T.T's) and the information shared by way of the universal language of light and downloaded as visions. These visions share a common insight, a common goal and a common understanding. The original spirit of 'man' stretches far outside our galaxy, on many vibrations. We are the fodder and food for a predator race. The Codex Of Light contains the solutions to help overcome the snares of this vile creature. The Codex Of Light teaches of the need to empower ourselves with the universal power of infinite love. This is so necessary at this time as the predator is infiltrating our dimensions with energies of hatred and despite - vibrations which lead to our self destruction and a powerless state that leaves us vulnerable to ensnarement. There are so many misguided aspects of our planet at this time being misled by the predator's enchantments. The Codex Of Light helps us to recognise the signs of these enchantments and can guide us away from those dangers - Matthew James |
Please respect the dream that your long forgotten ancestors first dreamt. Your dreams will create the dreamland that your future selves will dream. Think carefully about what you dream in this dream ... COPYRIGHT MATTHEW JAMES
Image of the Day - Planet X & Moon
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Planet X & Moon - copyright Matthew James 2003 |
Planet X or Nibiru is also at the '1 o'clock' position but higher in the photo. It is the large light source surrounded by the apparent red lens flare. Is it a lens flare or something else? This large light source is clearly an astronomical body, something in the sky. Other photos confirm it's existence. Interestingly photos of the sun, taken in the Northern hemisphere have the same light object around the sun but at the "7 o'clock" position!!!
Share and circulate far and wide, it is time everyone learned of the return of Nibiru/Wormwood/The Crossing! This is one instance in modern times where fable has been turned to fact!
The Magic of Synchronicity
You know the feeling. You’re sitting in a café or standing in line at the supermarket, and suddenly you meet a complete stranger who, for some inexplicable reason, seems like an old friend. You are on the same “wavelength.” Your energies mesh, and afterward, you walk away feeling invigorated and optimistic – perhaps even younger! That’s the power of similar vibrations.
Or consider another common experience: the uplifting effect of being part of a group focused on an exciting endeavour – a community project, a thrilling sporting event or concert, or perhaps praying or meditating together. Entering into a collective experience with others often seems to magnify its effects, because everybody is literally “vibrating” in the same way. Just as two violins playing the same note create a resonance that reinforces and amplifies the sound, the effect of two or more people getting onto the “same wavelength” can create an enhanced experience that exceeds the sum of its parts... read more>>>...
Or consider another common experience: the uplifting effect of being part of a group focused on an exciting endeavour – a community project, a thrilling sporting event or concert, or perhaps praying or meditating together. Entering into a collective experience with others often seems to magnify its effects, because everybody is literally “vibrating” in the same way. Just as two violins playing the same note create a resonance that reinforces and amplifies the sound, the effect of two or more people getting onto the “same wavelength” can create an enhanced experience that exceeds the sum of its parts... read more>>>...
"Changing Times"
This song is off the latest Axel Rudi Pell album .... and is a very powerful song IMO
Solar system-wide 'climate change': Rosetta spacecraft sees sinkholes on comet
The European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft first began orbiting comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko in August 2014. Almost immediately, scientists began to wonder about several surprisingly deep, almost perfectly circular pits on the comet's surface. Now, a new study based on close-up imagery taken by Rosetta suggests that these pits are sinkholes, formed when ices beneath the comet's surface sublimate, or turn directly to gas.
The study, which appears in the July 2, 2015 issue of the journal Nature, reveals that the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is variable and dynamic, undergoing rapid structural changes as it approaches the sun. Far from simple balls of ice and dust, comets have their own life cycles. The latest findings are among the first to show, in detail, how comets change over time.
"These strange, circular pits are just as deep as they are wide. Rosetta can peer right into them," said Dennis Bodewits, an assistant research scientist in astronomy at the University of Maryland who is a co-author on the study. The pits are large, ranging from tens of meters in diameter up to several hundred meters across.
"We propose that they are sinkholes, formed by a surface collapse process very similar to the way sinkholes form here on Earth," ... read more>>>...
The study, which appears in the July 2, 2015 issue of the journal Nature, reveals that the surface of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is variable and dynamic, undergoing rapid structural changes as it approaches the sun. Far from simple balls of ice and dust, comets have their own life cycles. The latest findings are among the first to show, in detail, how comets change over time.
"These strange, circular pits are just as deep as they are wide. Rosetta can peer right into them," said Dennis Bodewits, an assistant research scientist in astronomy at the University of Maryland who is a co-author on the study. The pits are large, ranging from tens of meters in diameter up to several hundred meters across.
"We propose that they are sinkholes, formed by a surface collapse process very similar to the way sinkholes form here on Earth," ... read more>>>...
10 Steps to Making Change Easier
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Image copyright Matthew James 2012 |
2. Mentally link changes to established daily rituals. This can make changes like taking on a new habit, starting a new job, or adapting to a new home happen much more smoothly. For example, if you want to begin meditating at home, try weaving it into your morning routine.
3. Going with the flow can help you accept change instead of resisting it. If you stay flexible, you will be able to ride out change without too much turbulence.
4. When a change feels most stressful, relief can often be found in finding the good that it brings. An illness, a financial loss, or a broken relationship can seem like the end of the world, yet they also can be blessings in disguise... read more >>> ...
Saturday, 4 July 2015
Mysterious ‘Planet X’ Uncensored By Google Sky For First Time
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Photo of Planet X taken by MJ in 2003 |
Now, in a bizarre move, Google Sky have decided to reveal what lies behind the blacked out piece of sky.... read more>>>...
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