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Monday 16 December 2019

Eco-fascist Greta Thunberg appears to call for the execution of national leaders who resist climate change agenda, then apologizes after huge backlash

[Natural News]: Eco-fascist Greta Thunberg recently apologized after issuing what appears to be a blatant call for the executions of national leaders who oppose her demented climate change agenda.

She specifically called for world leaders to be put “against the wall,” a thinly-veiled reference to lining up political opponents to execute them en masse, Third Reich style.

During her speech in Turin, Italy, she stated: "Unfortunately, we probably already know the outcome. World leaders are still trying to run away from their responsibilities but we have to make sure they cannot do that. We will make sure that we put them against the wall and they will have to do their job to protect our futures."

“The term to put someone ‘against the wall’ has been used by Communists and other authoritarians throughout history to denote assassinating political enemies,” writes Paul Joseph Watson of “If anyone prominent on the right had used such rhetoric, there’d be a huge outcry with immediate demands for censorship.”

The apparent call for the execution of world leaders who defy the eco-fascist rantings of this 16-year-old child is entirely consistent with the violent rhetoric of the radical Left which sooner or later always ends up pushing genocide...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...