Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 20 January 2020

Big Pharma giants meet in San Francisco and are stunned at the total collapse of society they’ve helped create

[Natural News]: There comes a point when greedily amassing all the monetary wealth you possibly can through any means possible leaves you with nothing in the end because you destroyed everything of value that was actually worth buying.

This is what the pharmaceutical kingpins are discovering on the streets of San Francisco, one of America’s most iconic cities, which has become a vanquished wasteland of addiction, homelessness and filth.

During the recent JP Morgan Health Care Conference that took place there, pharmaceutical drug lords and banking moguls alike were reportedly shocked at how this once gorgeous enclave has descended into third-world “slum” status, on par with a place like Mumbai, India, or Manila, Philippines.

According to Steve Ubl, the head of an association that represents the pharmaceutical cartels, visitors to this annual conference are increasingly disgusted by what they witness in San Francisco with each passing year, as the city descends further and further into a hellish abyss.

“It comes up with our members every year,” Ubl is quoted as saying. “It gets worse and worse in terms of concentration and cost. It’s outrageous.”

Part of the problem is that pharmaceutical fat cats have made themselves obscenely wealthy by peddling synthetic poisons as “medicine.” And while they’re in San Francisco hobnobbing with other gaudy greed-bags, they have to walk around junkies giving themselves injections on the streets, or pooping on the sidewalk.

Big Pharma, as our readers well know, is the epitome of everything that’s wrong in this country, including the growing wealth disparity between the haves and the have-nots.

And this chasm is amplified in a place like San Francisco, which is why some companies such as Oracle are considering holding their conferences elsewhere...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...