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Friday 3 January 2020

Insights into 2020

Day 3

This is ONLY day 3 ... January 3rd 2020 ... and the world is already at risk of a potential Word War 3 with America's strike on Iran, killing Iran's Supreme Leader, General Qassem Soleimani.

If the MSM is to be believed, which we cannot, then it is being portrayed as a good thing. Believe us, it is not. It is the next step in the problem-reaction-solution highway that leads to a one world government.

Australia is still being devastated by fires, and it is heart wrenching; we feel lucky to have left Australia when we did, but are worried about family members and close friends who live in Australia and are being affected by the desperate situation.

Supermarkets are running out of supplies of water and basic survival foods; face masks are in short supply. There is rising temperatures and the real risk of new fire breaking out this weekend, and beyond.

We've been reading on social media how so many people are indicating how deliberate the fires are; how the fires are designed to advance the climate change movement; how DEW was responsible for many of the fires - the dry thunder storms with lightning not appearing to be what they really are; how HAARP towers around the coast of Australia have been redirecting rain clouds away from Australia to deliberately make the drought conditions. Whatever truths there are in these claims ... let's keep an open mind.

In London, there has been the first stabbing of 2020. There has been a terrorist attack in Paris where two have been stabbed and one killed (ETurbo News).

So far the picture for 2020 is rather bleak.

The Labour leader race has heated up with numerous candidates coming out of the woodwork.

'Ethical Veganism' has been legally declared a Philosophical Belief. Whatever next? This means Veganism is now protected under the Equality Act 2010. The ruling means that ethical vegans are entitled to protection from discrimination.

What is the difference between ethical veganism and dietary veganism? Dietary vegans and ethical vegans both eat a plant-based diet, avoiding meat and other foods derived from animals such as dairy products. However ethical vegans also try to exclude all forms of animal exploitation outside what they eat. This includes not wearing clothing made of wool or leather and not using products tested on animals.

Madness ... the world really has gone nuts. Especially when you walk and drive around your local town and see nearly everyone totally dependent on their smart phones and smart devices. Enter 5G and mankind really is in trouble. In a year or two the first humans will be linked to computers with their minds .... and all road vehicles will be electric. How wagons and articulated lorries can be run totally on electric we don't know. With no diesel the food chain, and the supply chain of all goods, will cease to function. Unless ...