Day 12
Australian Bush Fires Crisis
It's very good news to hear that there is 'significant' rainfall forecast in many of the areas of Australia still being ravaged by bushfires. However, there could well be a risk of further fires due to lightning strikes from thunderstorms.
So Australia is not out of the woods yet.
We've been hearing from a number of our friends who live in affected states in Australia over the weekend. There is an anticipated rise in mental health issues as a direct consequence of people on the NSW & Victoria coast and their desperate survival & escape from the fires there. The air quality in Canberra has been, and still is, horrendous. It is an upsetting sight, in many of the areas, to have to see all the burnt and charred animal & bird carcasses that are strewn everywhere.
We've also heard from someone who is a resident of the village of Mogo, in NSW, which had been reported in the MSM as being almost totally burnt down. This is not the case. The majority of shops have survived, and are now open for trading again. The devastation was not as bad, as had been portrayed. Thankfully. So, its a lesson to be learnt here, that not everything reported in the world's MSM is totally correct ... it must all be taken with a pinch of salt at times!
This also relates to the 'climate change has caused the bushfires' fake news that is circulating the globe, and spurring human sheepies into buying the climate change scam. That is exactly what the hidden hand wants everyone to do. Any climate change that is occurring is NOT caused by humans and their use of fossil fuels. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) cannot do the things the Pied Piper and the crazies that use her as their figurehead, claim.
The Pied Piper (Greta Thurnberg) is now being reported as slamming world leaders for still pursuing 'fossil fuels' and investing in it. WTF! Take away fossil fuels and mankind's civilisation will basically come to a grinding halt! Does she seriously think that wind turbines can make themselves? And can support the energy grids??? There is no viable public arena alternative, other than living in darkness with no food production or manufacturing industries or any world wide distribution of foods and foods. It would be the end of society as we know it.
The truth about fossil fuels ... that's another story to be told. Fossil fuels are in truth natural minerals that are abundant and not reliant on 'fossils' or 'metamorphism' to be produced. The term 'fossil fuel' was invented to mislead mankind into believing the minerals were in limited supply, when in truth we have an endless supply of the minerals.
We are all being misled by highly dangerous psychopaths, and need to finally realise the big lies they are telling us all.
The Harry & Meghan Crisis
Well, its all kicking off now isn't it! Prince Harry & The Royal Family being manipulated by a narcissistic two bit actress ... an attention seeking woman who has got her claws into Harry, and has been working on his weaknesses and his sensitivity. What concerns us is just who Harry is getting into his circle of influence ... Obama, the Clintons for example. There seems to be some much bigger game being played here. Its very worrying.
Tonight's Daily Mail headline reads 'Deeply Hurt' Queen gathers Royals for Megxit summit: Harry will be warned 'abdication' could take MONTHS in crunch talks - as couple's hopes to 'live in LA after Trump's Presidency ends' are revealed'.... sounds to be very US Democrat orientated ... very disturbing.
The Iran Crisis
Tonight's headline reads: 'Pro-government gunmen 'open fire on protesters in Iran': Activists post videos of bloodshed on the streets of Tehran - hours after President Trump warned Iran 'do NOT kill your protesters' amid fury at downing of airliner' ... this really is a worrying development, and it appears the Iran Crisis is going to form the 'fear backcloth' for a large part of 2020.
Madelaine McCann
Remember this situation? Back in 2007 she went missing and despite millions of pounds apparently spent on the search, she has yet to be found. Tonight's Daily Mail has this headline: 'Ex-detective Mark Williams-Thomas says Madeleine McCann case is 'unsolvable' because a crucial CCTV camera was switched off when she vanished'... the cloud making machine is still evident ...
This Day 11 of 365 ... smokescreens are being put in place ... and things in plain sight are being obscured by deceptions, basically.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.