Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 19 January 2020

Insights Into 2020

Day 19 of 365

A Personal Perspective
Well, I managed the trip to Castlerigg as planned. I was up and ready by 6.25am and away by 6.35am (After having to de-ice the windows of my car). Weather conditions were typical UK winter with -5C; frost, ice and snow (Frost on the ground, ice on some of the Lakeland roads and snow on the Lakeland hills).

The sunrise was stunning. There was an abundance of strangely beautiful 'synthetic clouds' and also abundant evidence of HAARP created clouds. The sun made an appearance but it wasn't long before thick white synthetic clouds filled the sky and the sun became obscured.

HAARP clouds this morning
However, I didn't let 'the hidden hand agenda' spoil my fun ... I viewed the clouds and the strange sky colours as a thing of beauty. A sinister creation of deadly arts, with their un-natural existence, was witnessed as very photogenic this morning. There were a number of people lined up with their cameras on tripods photographing the spectacle. One said to another 'how do you describe these clouds?' and the reply was 'magical'. Quite. But not in the way they were thinking. Sadly, they were ignorant of what they were really looking it. Human sheep looking at death and thinking it is a wonder!

On the way down the motorway to The Lakes, I had been taking sips from a can of sugar free energy drink which I'd had in my car for a few days, unopened. I had brought myself out of my 'mindful observant mind mode' (Where I'd been on auto pilot with not a single thought in my mind) and remarked mentally 'that drink is cold' and an immediate response from an external thought was 'define cold' ...

Defining Cold
It was a strange notion to try to explain something which I'd taken for granted ever since I was a small child. I failed to explain the sensation of something which is cold. Explaining mentally that it is the opposite of hot didn't cut it!

I could find no way of explaining how to feel something cold. There was no dialogue I could think to define cold. We human beings take for granted feeling something and knowing what it is because we just know instinctively what something feels like. What must it be like to not be able to feel anything? Or not know what cold feels like?

If the sense of touch - which enables us to feel something cold - is taken from us, plus the other four senses, when we exit our connection with this human A.I carbon based bio-form, then how are our true selves able to explain and comprehend what we experienced during our connection with this matrix world??

Clearly the originator of the external thought hasn't the sense of touch or can comprehend feeling cold? Or was it merely an subjective comment to inspire me to think in a certain way? Was I being manipulated to think in a certain way?

I will muse on that possibility over the coming weeks ... Matthew James