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Sunday 19 January 2020

WikiHow propaganda article claims vaccine injuries are a “conspiracy theory” peddled by violent, abusive parents

[Natural News]: If you’re under the age of 18 and your parents won’t let you get vaccinated, then they must hate you and want you to die. This is what WikiHow is telling children, anyway, in a new “learn how to do anything” information page that teaches young ones how to secretly get vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

Entitled, “How to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Consent,” the entry, dated January 9, 2020, contends that all opposition to vaccination stems from “misinformation about vaccines online” and “rabbit holes of conspiracy theories and made-up ‘facts.'” And the only way around this, it presents as the solution, is for unvaccinated children to quietly scheme out how to get jabbed without their parents knowing about it.

Not even attempting to veil their true intent, the authors of this WikiHow entry openly suggest that children should basically lie to their parents in the event that opposition to vaccination is present within the family. When begging, pleading, and otherwise manipulating their vaccine-opposed parents doesn’t work, these same children are told to seek out “another responsible adult” who will give them their shots without concern or question.

“Petition the court for emancipation if your parents are really bad,” the “Look at your options” section of the entry further reads. “Wait until you’re 18 if you think that your parents would severely punish or abuse you if they learned that you disobeyed them,” it goes on to state, planting in children’s minds the idea that parents who oppose vaccination are inherent child abusers...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...