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Friday 14 February 2020

UK Occultist and Feminist Professor Calls For Human Extinction To Fight Climate Change

Will she be the first to volunteer I wonder? Probably not ... just another snowflake that's fallen for the human created global warming scam; another brainwashed sheepie asking the farmer the directions to the slaughterhouse. 

No, she's actually asking the farmer to slaughter the human sheep herd there and then! 

Is she not aware that this is the 'reaction' the crazy globalists, behind all the worldwide mayhem, want from us human sheep. 'Something must be done to end this human created climate change', 'ok, we'll slaughter you all', 'yes please, at least it will save the planet.' We don't think so!

[Humans Are Free]: While most climate hysteria hawkers will shout from the rooftops that their goal is to avoid human extinction, others are quite proudly proclaiming that the decimation of the human race is the only way to save the planet.

In late January, Bloomsbury Academic published a book by “death activist” and goth feminist professor Patricia MacCormack titled “The Ahuman Manifesto: Activism for the End of the Anthropocene.”

MacCormack, a professor of continental philosophy at Angelia Ruskin University, offers readers a sure-fire solution to global warming, “phasing out reproduction” and allowing humanity to die off.

This is sickening, but it surely isn’t surprising. This is the ideology at the root of leftism today. The pro-abortion movement, the pro-LGBT movement, the push for population control, all of it. It is a rejection of God’s created order and an embrace of evil and death. This is just the culture of death with its mask off...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...