Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Insights Into 2020

Day 71 of 365

We will keep this short and sweet. On the day that the WHO declared that the Coronavirus (Wuhan CoVid-19) is a worldwide pandemic, we report that there clearly is a well planned script being played out here.

Coronavirus = death. That is what the hidden hand are playing here. A new deadly, killer virus with no cure and no vaccine is breaking out all over the world. Be scared sheep, be scared. Be grateful when merciful us declare we have a vaccine. Then you, the gullible sheep, will literally flock at our door to be injected with our wonder cure!!

And along with that, you, the gullible sheep, will agree to mandatory vaccinations, mandatory control of daily life ... because it is what we declare will save you from our new killer toy. Another virus that was 'accidentally' released. But you, the gullible sheep, will believe it came from bats. How brainwashed you all are ... human sheep bow before your farmer ... and let him cull you ... 

Wake up people! We are not helping the cause on here, helping to spread the fear by posting reports about Wuhan CoVid-19. We apologise here and now. Because it is all about spreading fear about this latest man made virus. There is already a vaccine and the hidden hand are merely awaiting the right time, when there are perhaps millions infected and tens of thousands dead ... to announce the vaccine.

This is all a script. It is all part of the NWO plan .... and we did warn back in 2018 how bad it would get. It's getting there ... by November 2020 it will be much worse ... sadly.