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Monday 23 March 2020

FCC Approves Elon Musk SpaceX to Launch Up to 1 Million Small Antennas to Blast 5G at Earth Despite Dire Warnings

[David Icke]: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will use any excuse to accelerate the insane and insidious “Race to 5G” – never mind that many cities, countries, and organizations have taken action against installation for a variety of valid reasons in addition to health risk. that include reduced immunity to illnesses. Since 2018 people and animals have been getting sick where it has been turned on.

Regardless, the FCC is using the coronavirus pandemic as a reason to accelerate the rollout which has always included launching satellites to blast it at us from space. Argh. Now they have approved the launching of A LOT more even though they were already accused of breaking environmental law when they approved SpaceX’s Starlink Mega Constellation (approximately 42,000 spacecraft!)....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...