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Friday 4 September 2020

Insights Into 2020 - 'More Of The Sick Same. Mad Hancock's Winter Lockdown Looms '

And, the charade keeps rolling on. The sick psychopaths are not focused now on their Red Graph anymore; instead they are getting the yellow graph's 'mountain range' to steepen, claiming that the country's infection rate is rising. They appear to be building to 'the 2nd wave' with Mad Hancock's 'winter lockdown' in their sights.

But how can they?  False positive tests do not equal cases. It is infuriating that they try to pull the wool over the Homo Sheeples eyes that positive tests are indeed evidence that the infection cases are increasing. But it is simply not true. All this dithering is for one thing, and one thing only - to mentally derange the Homo Sheeples so they will literally beg for the RNA vaccine. It was always about the vaccine and never about the alleged virus.

Tonight's meaningless red graph had an extra 10 NON-COVID-19 deaths added to it by the UK's ultra corrupt, and increasingly fascist, government. It's all bollocks!