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Friday 19 March 2021

CGI-Biden announces that American families are NOT PERMITTED to gather together in their own yard, not now or for July 4th, unless everyone is Covid vaccinated

[Natural News]: That’s right folks, our digital avatar fake president, resident Biden, who’s gone senile and can’t even appear in public without a green screen and holograms to pretend like he’s functional, is telling all Americans right now that it’s illegal to gather with your family, in your own yard, and have a barbecue.

That warning extends out through July 4th weekend, 2021, unless every adult American gets stabbed multiple times with the dirty mRNA vaccines.

CGI-Biden is fake. He’s computer generated, just like his fake 80 million votes for president. He may already be dead for all we know. Maybe he died before the election and he’s now just a hologram president who rules us from the grave (and from Communist China). Anyway, expect the SS police to arrest you and your family should you gather on your own lawn for any reason before the entire country is force vaccinated with the most deadly inoculation ever created.

The whole pandemic is based on a deadly disease that could have supposedly wiped out civilization as we know it, yet the ONLY people dying from it are those who are already severely immune-compromised by cancer, diabetes, or prescription medications....<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....