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Thursday 4 March 2021

The Anti-Human Agenda is the Core of the New World Order

[Humans Are Free]: The Anti-Human Agenda that underpins the NWO (New World Order) is moving sharply into view with the advent of the COVID scamdemic (Operation Coronavirus) and its experimental nano-infused mRNA tools of destruction they are calling “vaccines.”

Underneath all the chaos is a coldly calculated and chilling plan which is an entirely anti-human agenda.

A telling reflection of the anti-human agenda can be seen in the incessant demonization of carbon. Humanity is a carbon-based lifeform. Often, computers are called silicon-based lifeforms.

Carbon is central to our identity yet it is being targeted and maligned. Why?

The article UN’s Anti-Human Push To De-Carbonize The World discusses how those running the climate change cult (and pushing the unscientific idea of AGW) are demonizing all carbon – not just carbon dioxide or CO2 – by targeting all “carbon pollution” and pushing for a world where no such carbon pollution exists.

The article reports of UN head Antonio Guterres and his new phrase:

“The head of the United Nations is calling on countries to end what he calls a war on nature and instead embrace a future without carbon pollution triggering global warming. As an extreme year for hurricanes, wildfires and heat waves comes to an end, the head of the United Nations challenged world leaders to make 2021 the year that humanity ends its “war on nature” and commits to a future free of planet-warming carbon pollution.” editor Patrick Wood made the following astute comment:

“The UN’s irrational war on carbon is a war against humanity itself. However, if depopulation is the ultimate goal, then it makes perfect sense because the human body is 12% carbon. The carbon cycle in food production and human nutrition requires CO2, and abundantly so.”

It is absurd to declare war on an element of the periodic table, especially one such as abundant and essential as carbon, unless seen from the perspective of the anti-human agenda. Carbon dioxide is far from being an enemy; it is essential to all plant life (it is their equivalent of oxygen), and indeed, the more CO2 we have, the greener the planet becomes, which results in more benefits for us.

There are many scientists spreading this information, such as Dr. William Happer, professor of physics at Princeton University. Happer has exposed the arguments of the climate change alarmists – the “carbon cult” as he calls them. We need to INCREASE the CO2 level on the planet not decrease it....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....