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Tuesday 2 March 2021

The vaccine IS the pandemic: 80% of nuns vaccinated at Kentucky convent tested positive for coronavirus two days later

[Natural News]: Thirty-five nuns from the Benedictine Sisters of St. Walburg in Kentucky were vaccinated earlier this month for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and just two days later two of them died and 26 others tested positive.

According to Sister Aileen Bankemper, the convent’s prioress, the monastery was completely locked down during this entire time, and there was no movement of people in or out of the premises.

“We [the Benedictine community] were shocked to have so many [Covid-19] cases since we were being extremely careful, not going out, and not having visitors since the beginning of the pandemic,” Bankemper is quoted as saying.

Sisters at the facility were so careful, she added, that they “redoubled” their efforts “after the [Christmas] holiday surge,” only to still see a surge in new cases and a few deaths.

“Twenty-eight sisters tested positive for COVID-19,” Bankemper wrote in a Facebook post about what happened after the women were vaccinated with messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines from Big Pharma....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...