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Saturday 3 April 2021

Boris Johnson – “Covid Jabs aren’t effective and do not stop transmission”

[The Daily Expose]: Boris Johnson has released a Q&A session on his Twitter feed in which he allegedly answers questions sent in by the General Public, but his answer to question 4 confirms what we’ve been saying since the outset.

The question asked is – ‘Can I now meet my friends and family members indoors if they are vaccinated?’

To which the Prime Minister replies – “There I’m afraid the answer is no, we’re not yet at that stage, we’re still very much in a world where you can meet friends and family outdoors under the role of six, or two households. And even though your friends and family members may be vaccinated, the vaccines are NOT giving 100% protection, and that’s why we need to be cautious, they do not (the vaccines) reduce or remove the risk of transmission

There you have it confirmed by the Prime Minister himself. You are being coerced to take an experimental vaccine, in which the manufacturer is not liable for any injury that occurs due to the vaccine, in order to buy back your freedom. Not because it protects you, or stops transmission of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus. ...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...