In truth, AIDS primarily affects homosexuals with multiple sex partners and street drug users who share needles. But the psychological terror campaign pushed by the CDC earned them a windfall of new funding from Congress, positioning the CDC as the “authority” to control all aspects of human behavior under the cover of preventing a pandemic.
After AIDS, the CDC ran more terror campaigns against America and the world, spreading mass hysteria over the H5N1 bird flu, then the Zika virus, and now covid. It’s always the same playbook: Wildly exaggerate the risk, assert authority over all human behavior — the CDC now controls private rent contracts across the USA — and demand billions in new funding from the government.
It’s all a criminal racket, because the other purpose in all this is to create demand for vaccines that enrich Big Pharma. The vaccines, then, are designed to spread more infectious disease, resulting in more “outbreaks” that the media leverages to whip up yet more mass hysteria, which sells more vaccines. The entire time, the CDC demands more power, more funding and more “authority” to control every human behavior....<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>....
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Wednesday, 7 April 2021
Situation Update, April 7th: ALERT – The CDC will release biowarfare PATHOGENS in Texas and Florida to punish states that refuse vaccine passports
[Natural News]: The CDC is a criminal “gangster” organization that has repeatedly turned to bio-terrorism and media propaganda to gain money and power. All the way back in the 1980s, the CDC ran a nationwide AIDS terrorism campaign, claiming AIDS would affect straight, heterosexual men, sweeping across America and threatening the very existence of humanity.