[Collective Evolution]: Dr. Bryam Bridle is a viral immunologist and professor at the University of Guelph. Bridle has been known for developing immunization strategies to prevent infectious diseases and treat cancers. He is very much a “pro-vaccine” scientist and has been for quite some time, and in his own words he teaches “the value of high quality, well-validated vaccines and passionately promotes their use. Vaccines are, by far, the most efficient type of medicine; the cost-effectively save millions of people from sickness and/or death.”
Bridle has made some noise due to a recent podcast appearance raising multiple safety concerns with regards to the new COVID-19 vaccines. Since then, Bridle has experienced what many other renowned scientists in the field have experienced, a vicious smear and character assassination campaign. This is according to an email I received from him:...<<<Read The Full Article Here>>>...
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